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Posts posted by itsy

  1. 2 minutes ago, vloors said:

    Yea how great were both the sydney gigs in person. Periscope does it no justice.

    My friend was amazed at how good they were. He came in thinking they would be so so and now he tells me the second syd show is his fav gig ever.

    To me the first syd gig holds a piece of my heart being the first time seeing guns n roses

    agreed.  the sound where we were was just perfect.  it was my first time seeing Axl and Slash together so it will always be special.

  2. 1 hour ago, Tadsy said:

    All I hear on here is oh why didn't they play coma??? Well coma gets played every other night anyway, so what! Oh they never change the set list, oh it's the same show every night. Oh they play too many covers, oh they didn't play out ta get me,whinge whinge fucking whinge! All of this from people who are periscoping show after show after show! Here's a tip, if you go to the actual show and don't like it', then fair enough.

    Everyone seems to hate The Seeker, but all you have to do is see how much fun they have playing it.  Everyone is smiling.  Slash was right up front of the runway with a smile on his face.  I honestly feel like when that song started there was a kind of lift of energy.  I am not a fan of the song itself and yeah I would like if they played more original stuff but damn if they love the song and have a great time playing it, fucken let em?

  3. booked my hotel room just now.  prices are half what they were 2 months ago for friday for some reason.  will be about 32C on friday, and i dont like the idea of humping it like sweaty cattle all the way back into town on the train.  check in at 2pm, relax, stroll over at doors open, hit up the merch, haul it back to my room, venture back out unburdened to enjoy the show, then a nice slow leisurely stroll back to my room where i will take full advantage of the 24 hour room service.

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  4. i bought a bluray drive for my pc a couple of years ago and finally installed it a few months ago because im lazy.  started buying blurays a few weeks ago and here is what i have so far.  blurays are so damn cheap these days i anticipate matching my dvd collection which presently sits at about 650 discs.  i am using cyberlink powerdvd for the pc, the only software that i have found works consistently.



  5. Excalibur (1981) - The John Boorman classic

    Predator (1987) - The manliest moment in cinematic history.  I have seen Predator at the cinema twice in recent times and in both sold out screenings the entire audience were dead silent out of respect for the moment.


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  6. resurrection is WAY WAY worse than 3.  they are just taking the piss.  and the directors cut? omfg...  a fucking alien/human hybrid?  fucking interspecies cross bred alien calling for his mamma..  fuck me dead..  better than alien 3? i dont think so.  

  7. my only real comment about this teaser, when that whiny vocalist started singing...  this is so typical of nu-ridley scott..  it just breaks my heart, its like he tries too hard.  first he says the xenomorph is done and thats why he didnt use it in prometheus and thats why he will never revisit it again.  then he cans the prometheus sequel, then decides to make it, then changes its name from paradise lost to alien covenant.  he is desperately trying to reclaim moral ownership of something he started in 1979 he will do anything to achieve that end.  i liked prometheus, its entirely watchable imo.  i think this film completely smacks of fan-service which is NOT a bad thing if done right, and of course it remains to be seen if it has been done right.  i am hopeful.  all i know is last month i saw a digital print at the cinema of Aliens: Special Edition and there were 900 other people there and it was an incredible experience to be able to see it on the big screen for the second time in my life, and it will take something pretty special from ridley to make that kind of a mark.

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