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Posts posted by tr420

  1. 3 hours ago, Fashionista said:

    Frank in my opinion is the only bad drummer GN'R have had. Studio wise, Adler is the best, whereas I feel live Sorum was the best. The songs were performed a little too fast and punky in the Adler days; WTTJ actually seemed MORE groovy with Matt on drums (whereas he stunk on Brownstone usually). Thing is, Frank's basis seems to be coming at things from a very funk sort of perspective, and while that element is present in GN'R to an extent, it's not the whole thing - but with Frank, he just doesn't have a feel for the songs.

    Actually Brain was the best(studio and live)and you are way off when describing Frank. 

    • GNFNR 3
  2. 1 minute ago, comboguns said:

    chris pittman was fired because he spents a lot of time cleaning his huge dildo collection

    he used to go to the shows, with a butt plug in the ass


    It's people like you that make the Internet a great place and I am being 100% sincere. 

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  3. 25 minutes ago, gnr5 said:

    Walk/Drive by The Troubadour and see if there is any movement. I'd assume they should be doing some loading in today or tomorrow.

    Ha this is LA.  I'm 15 miles away but i would need 3 to 4 hours to make that trip on a week day.  I'm working til 3 which pretty much starts rush hour here.  And unfortunately I'm getting up there in the years and have a kid now so can't make a random trip like that the way I used to.  I once took a greyhound from ny to Vegas to see the first nu GnR show.  I wish I still had that life.  

  4. Who gives a shit about the cartoon... what a fuckin awesome band. I haven't seen that since before Bucket was out. I was at HOB before this show and this brought me back to how much energy Axl, the band and the crowd had. Axl must have thought he was about to win in a big way. I was a young guy that took a bus 3000 miles to see that show. Now I'd think twice about driving a half hour here in LA. Im so much older now and tired. I cant imagine how Axl feels being a hell of a lot older than me. Do the things in life while you still want to do them. If you're like me and probably Axl, by the time you get around to it you may have lost your passion for it or the energy. .. not sure which it is. Probably both. This is my last post. I'll be lurking like I used to waiting for possible leaks. I hope everyone on here finds happiness in the world of GnR and beyond.

  5. I don't think interscope takes GnR seriously. I dont think anyone of importance there would pick up the phone for anyone GnR has managing them. If I am wrong about that, then yes I think they take them seriously. They are managing a major band. Do you think GnR is the only band or musician or celebrity that hired someone a bit on the unconventional side to manage them? Lots of people do it for trust reasons. Lots of people also get fucked by these same people though.

  6. The band members, crew etc have been harassed since they played the first nugnr show. From fans yelling Slash at Bucket and Robin to Nonstop questions at smaller gigs in Hollywood with Dizzy... the media never gave them a fair review... most of the media reviewed CD without even listening to it. Every asshole with a blog felt the need to talk shit. The label even fucked up the release. The ridiculous amount of cupcake gnr "fans" must be overwhelming and disheartening. The attacks on TB and Beta is uncalled for... Hmm I wonder why they have an attitude. I wonder why they dont give a shit about a fuckin letter of questions sent to them. The board members here are not the majority of their fanbase. They would probably prefer most of us never go to a show or follow the band again. So yeah I guess a lot of us should get the hint and move on.

  7. Has the fanbase yet gotten the hint that GN'R, it's members and management, at best do not care at all about the fans or what the fans want, and at worst view the fanbase with contempt, as the enemy?

    Let's consider a few things we've gotten in just the last month alone:

    Beta's alleged texting stating: "I'm glad everyone is happy with stolen material. Well, I guess that's it. We don't need to put anything out now. Everyone took the fun of everything. MSL and co will pay for what they did"

    The band essentially dismissing 5 simple questions the fanbase had put together about the future of the band?

    Beta dismissing Manets' (who is a big fan and supporter of Axl and New GNR, the farthest from a hater) hope GN'R would go to the studio soon by saying: "complaints, complaints, complaints."

    Chris Pitman's recent interview where he said: "Just like Guns. We don't care, you know? We'll go out and play songs that people know, but we're not knocking ourselves out to release new music. There's no need to, now. It's not the time or place."

    Let's also consider:

    The consistent excuses that "life [got] in the way" of the band even recording a single song together since 2009--FOUR years ago?

    Axl saying a new record at some point was a "definite maybe"?

    Del coming out the other day in an interview and saying that Axl will put out material when he wants to and feels it's ready?

    Have we not gotten the message? It's two fold, from the band and it's camp to us, basically they're saying:

    1) Fuck you (or as Del James put it, "suck my dick")

    2) Don't expect new material for a good long time.

    Del in his interview blasted those who leaked the recent leaks as thieves, crooks.....But in the same interview, he talked about how he didn't pay taxes to the IRS because he never thought he'd live long enough to have to pay taxes, and so he partied it up and spent every penny he had without paying taxes until he was locked up. Isn't that just as crooked? And in the mind of a leaker, and in the mind of someone who listens to leaks, might they not be leaking/listening because maybe in their mind they feel they'll never live to see GN'R officially release another song/album, so they might as well just hear it any way they can?

    How many ways do the band and members of it's inner circle have to say they're not on our side?

    If this band doesn't give a fuck about us, or even about putting out a new song, why should we give a fuck about them?

    so do you have a backup plan? If they hate you and you've come to terms with this what's next for you? And everyone that agrees with what you said? Are you going to continue following the band and being an active member in the online community or do you plan on giving up and devoting that energy towards a new band?
  8. How old are you people? You all must be pretty young. Things change when you get older. He doesnt want the things you want him to want. He doesnt want to be the biggest rock singer in the world. So he doesnt need a manager telling him what hes doing wrong. He doesnt need another manager trying to set up a huge pay day. He needs a manager that respects his wishes and makes it happen. He has that. Im happy for him.

  9. How many drinks did you have today?

    A few lol.but thats off topic :P

    Seriously just add dj's guitar to the ron track

    how about we dont add DJ's guitar to anything. After hearing that horrible Better solo I'd prefer not to hear more.
  10. CD is awesome. I love every song. If I have any complaints it would be that it sounds a little like a greatest hits compilation of a band with a a bunch of albums. It sounds like 3 or 4 songs from each album and recorded in different studios. I think the mastering is great but I thiink it was mastered more for individual songs as opposed to the entire album. I also think that the leaks killed it along with band members leaving. Then there was the lack of promotion. CD was supposed to be the biggest release ever and it was like fucking the hottest girl you've ever seen but blowing your load as you put the condom on.

  11. When I like to play make believe with GnR, I prefer more fun things like what if gnr were like Voltron and each member could come together to form a robot and battle the giant cupcake. Or, wouldn't it be cool if VR got back together without Slash and had Bumblefoot rerecord all of Slash's parts? Or, what if Slash quit his current band and DJ Ashba took over... would people think Slash lost weight? Make believe GnR is fun.

  12. I love Goin Down and I love Tommy and I cant believe im gonna say this but imagine it was the original line up performing it with Izzy on lead vocals? Axl and Duff singing in the chorus and back up on the rest... I can hear Slash and Izzy adding some heavier more rockin guitars like on the UYIs. Except lets not imagine Steven on drums. Matt or Frank.

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