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Posts posted by PaTricky

  1. Nice to read some (more detailed) statement.

    For CD: 7 Tuesdays left. After that I hope we can discuss the released CD, or they should at least write some thing like for the cancellation of the show, giving a new timeframe and some information on why it wasn't released.

  2. Isn't there an anti spam law in the US? Because I received those emails, too. And I'm pretty sure I only signed up for "commercial emails from gunsnroses.com". But I got a lot of mails from "lists.mlb.com".

    Anyway there is this part at the end of the emails "You received this message because you registered to receive commercial e-mail messages from MLB.com. If you no longer wish to receive commercial e-mail messages from MLB.com, please click here to unsubscribe."

    So I unregistered. Not that I registered in the first place. Please tell me when there is a GNR related email. I hope to receive it. Because I subscribed to that list and never unsubscribed from it.

    If there are GNR email please tell me what's the address of the sender. If that is different from "lists.mlb.com", but you can only get mails from both lists "lists.mlb.com" will simply go to my spam folder".

    Has somebody read the complete "Terms of use" and "privacy policy". I only had a short look but I couldn't find anywhere taht subscribing to "gunsnroses.com" email lists included subscribtions to other lists like "lists.mlb.com" or any other third party lists. If this isn't mentioned somewhere they might get sued for sending spam mails or using private data otherwise than authorised (at least in Germany, that would work). I won't do that, but anyway here we have another time GNR might end up at court thus giving them another reason to delay CD ;-)

  3. One guy just said something like "There will be more SURPRICE PERFORMANCES" and "feeling like in a NOVEMBER RAIN video" within 30 sec.

    If there is nothing special, they are playing tricks on us.

    sorry I don't know the guy's name, I don't watch MTV usually

  4. Long lasting? Ok a lot of today's bands don't last for a long time, but is that much different then in former times, or with GNR? The "new" Guns N Roses is great I've seen them in concert and I loved what they were doing, but it's not the same band as when I saw them in 1993. We all know it's only Axl left (and Dizzy, but I can't remember having seen him back then). For Izzy he's not in the Band, haven't seen him in 2006 nor 1993. But after all (now the "new" guys are GNR) it's not GNR 1993 anymore. It's just a singer with more or less the same songs and a different band. I think a lot of singers from bands that break up today will still be on stage in 10 years. The difference is they don't own the band name and will play more "new" music then.

    For solo artists (as Enimem was mentioned) , they for sure own the name, but it's not like GNR has done much in the last years (before the current tour). To there is still a lot of time for Enimem to come back from retirement so his retirement might be a lot shorter than Axl's "Studio time".

    So I think GNR is very special (as it's a completly different GNR).

    So now for all those how might want to attack me about not really loving GNR: I've seen some 10.000 peaple waiting for Axl in the middle of the night. Most of them expecting the promoter comming out like: "Sorry but GNR will not be on the stage tonight". I cannot honestly see that for a lot of "new" bands/acts. Even when they are really successfull a lot of them are not able to get that many people waiting for them (now, not in 10 years)

  5. For all those who want to see AXL on time, go to Rock Am Ring. As you can see in the schedule (http://rockamring.de/schedule.html) GNR are the only band with no start time. They are introduced as "Late Night Special" (somwhere, not on the schedule.

    For those who have problems getting a Plane after a concert. Once again what are you expecting. This is a rock concert. It's not like "They start at 10:00, so they will end at 12:00 and I get the plane at 1:00".

  6. So at least one thing stayed the same. Different band but same old Axl.

    What are you expecting. This is Guns 'N' Roses. Rock and Roll. What do you want him to do. It seams to me some of you would be happy if he had a show in Las Vegas where you could see him like 16:00 and 21:00 each day.

    Someone said "I want what I paid for". But thats what you got. Ok maybe there was 9:00 GNR will be on stage on your ticket. But it said Guns and Roses and not "Some Philahonic Orchestra". When there is "GNR will be on stage at 9:00" this translates to: "GNR will be on stage some time after 9:00".

    Remember you're going to a concert of "The most dangerous band in the world" (Never liked that, especially as I think they were more dangerous to themselfs than anything else).

    Keep rocking.

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