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Posts posted by achsas_darnoc

  1. So you waited 15 years for a single statement to the fans and now that even the guitar players who recorded CD are gone you are going to pay 295,- for parking and getting in early to drink beer from a paper cup and buy merchandise? And if you're lucky you get backstage for 3 minutes to see some roadies at work and meet...who? DJ Ashba? Whatever drugs you guys are on, I want some of that too...

  2. Thanks for listening, I appreciate it. I'm so looking for a band but it seems like no one wants to do that kind of music...

    I'm using EH and Digitech stomp boxes and some computer plugins, I'm always after actual tone than just recreating famous sounds of other players.

    These dry vintage sounds like on Suzanne's are actually the hardest to create, the flashy stuff is much easier.

    Everyone else check out the recording too!

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