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Posts posted by shaunmira

  1. these shows need less of the old songs we have heard so much, if they are gana do old songs they need to mix it up and whip out Civil war, estranged or coma or something different

    Having heard them play last night, I'm of the absolute conviction that this band will never play anything apart from the stuff they're well familiar with, which means everything on that setlist, and nothing more. Most likely, the band has spent no time rehearsing anything other, for in fact they have no need to. All these concerts are is paid work for the performers, work that's hard and deserving.

  2. Well, I went to the show last night, and here's my bit. Though the music was an almost continual cacophony, a soaring maelstrom of electric guitair and vocal wailing, I enjoyed it immensely. The same cannot be said for my wife, however, who'd never heard of Guns n' Roses before and left with a most unfavourable impression. It's music for the fans, and for them alone. Highlight: Rocket Queen. Low point: Anything from Chinese Democracy. The band just does not seem tight enough a group of musicians to play live such intricate music as was published. And the pyrotechnics were a real distraction, booming so loudly when fired at any moment in a song. Axl, however, gave it his all. Just like the Wrestler. Highly recommended.

  3. I'm in South Korea (been here a few years) and have long been a fan of the band. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to the show. Haven't bought any tickets, never felt compelled to earlier, unsure whether the shows would actually go ahead or not. My thoughts all along had been just to wait and see if the Taiwanese show went ahead before buying. Now that it has I'm still undecided. Might just turn up at the venue tomorrow with the cash in hand and see if I can get a ticket. If not, not.

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