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Posts posted by Christabel

  1. Just watched Avatar.

    Predictable and stupid. I hate these fucking type of movies.

    "white man lands on new planet/country/land to steal its resources. white man becomes fascinated by the natives, that he feel are stupid and below him. white man falls in love with the natives queen and the natives make the white man king/or leader of the tribe."

    where have i seen this stupid,stereotypical, racists type of movie before.

    Avatar was great I thought! No disrespect but what did you really expect of it? You say you hate "these type of fucking movies" and yet you went to see it anyway.

    It's obvious the kind of movie that it is and no worse for it in my opinion. It seems some people have watched it purely to slag it off as far as I can see.

    The story has been done over and over, and all Cameron's movies (excluding the first Terminator) contain a fair amount of cheese, but their strengths always outweigh his tin ear and predilection for Speilbergian sentimentality in places where it's unnecessary. I still think Avatar is a fine film, although, as I did with Titanic, I've had to re-consider my post first screening enthusiasm a bit on reflection.

  2. Moon = damn fine.

    The Blind Side = *pukes in mouth*

    The Time Traveller's Wife = FFS...

    Veronika Decides to Die = Suprisingly, not a *complete* disaster.

    Whatever Works = Suprisingly, not a disaster at all.

  3. Here's an article I put together regarding films from 2009 that I enjoyed a lot:


    I haven't been keeping up as much, though. Probably watched fewer movies in 2009 than I have any other year since I was a kid.

    I love you so much for loving Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans so much that I find I am able to gloss over the inclusion of (500) Days of Summer and The Hangover. You're welcome. :heart:

    Anyone seen Precious yet?

    Yeah. It's not great or even particularly good, but it's sheer emotional brutality gives it a certain undeniable forcefulness.

  4. Band that Time Forgot is absolute bullshit. Ineptly cobbled together, factually innacurate bullshit. The 'best' GNR related book not written by Slash (and by 'best', I mean funniest) is Danny Sugarman's seminal opus Appetite for Destruction: The Days of Guns N' Roses.

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