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Posts posted by Bonehill

  1. Renee, Thanks for sharing this with the forum, the true fans find this very helpful and interesting!

    Don't worry about some of the pathetic comments that are going to be sent your way in regards to this post, when i posted my long letter about the goings on in regards to facebook, i was quickly mocked and told to go outside amoungst other things. Basically this infomation is far too 'intelectual' for some people's minds. Also we have a mix here of Fans and apprent haters.



  2. Sorry is my top 3 from the CD album after TWAT and SR.

    I've listened to Slash's By the Sword and I really like it but I've noticed the similarities of some riffs and solo. I mean the new song has suddenly changed the tune when reaches the solo.

    Guitar riff from Sorry started at 1:58 and solo at 3:00.





    They're now communicating.... :thumbsup:

    Sounds nothin' like 'By the sword'.

    Sorry is a completly original tune, It may have various aspects of 'Inspiration' from other leading artists like Floyd for instance. But i can quite assure you those are not the same Guitar Riffs. And to compare the two..i've just spent a few hours comparing both tracks with my Mac software (Yes Mac is shit, but i happen to have a Mac Computer as well). And i'm pleased to say that they are MOST defintly not the same in terms of Guitar played throughout the track.


  3. Hey guys, just wondering if any of you have met Axl and if so what is he like? Also, do you think Axl or GN'R would ever do any in store autographs at a record store? There is a cool record store on Sunset called Amoeba Music in LA that I know would love to have them.


    OH SHIT.....................



    I'm gonna miss a week at work and a week of classes. If needed, I'll do the semester again. :tongue2:

    On topic: Coooooooool for Central America. \o/ Have they ever played there before? I don't remember them doing so.

    Dedicated fan, Good on ya!


  5. DJ Asba is completly amazing, by far he is better than slash or any 'modern-era' Guitarists, (that's not refering to previous guitarists like Jimmy page, or Jimi Hendrix etc), But Ashba has a unique identity he seems to be himself, then rather trying to fill somebody elses shoes.

    I've been a fan of Ashba since about 2007 when he released The Heroin Diaries Soundtrack with Sixx:A.M. what an amazing album!

    His playing live in concert is amazing, and people like Ashba are the people who are keeping alive the rock bands that we all have grown to love.


  6. If I see the term "GNR-Educators™" on here again I am going to scream. It is seriously getting old putting that in every goddamn post you make man. It just reeks of a smug condescending attitude that you are a fuckin expert on everything GNR and that anyone with a different opinion is wrong.

    Lul "GNR-Educators™"

    I'm new here, what the fuck is a "GNR-Educator™"???

    If it's what i think it is..Why not just 'Dedicated fans'?


  7. And those idiots, who seem to keep spreading this whole 'Anti-Axl' movement should really stop cuz' it ain't cool it's just fucking with things that shouldn't be fucked with..Dave.


    Sound like "You're either with us or against us." as used by George W. Bush. If you live up to that, sooner or later you will be alone out there. It's FRIENDS that criticise you. Your enemy just waits watching you go down until criticism has no more value for you.

    Just because I question Axl's perception of the "internet-fans" doesn't give you the right to call me an idiot or "Anti-Axl".

    I'm anti bullshit and if that bullshit comes from Axl himself I'm still anti-bullshit. And it is indeed bullshit to throw fans the same garbage can with people who spread lies and bullshit about the band. There are no "internet-fans" there are only fans, regardless the medium they are using.

    I'm not calling you an Anti, i was actually refering about Dave.

  8. Ya' know...

    I think it's cuz' it's a new decade..a new start, The only thing that is fucked up, is the Media..tbh the media has been fuckin' horrible to Axl..well most Media like Axl mentioned in a recent twitter post. See the thing is with the media is they like to twist things and make bizzare and sometimes 'complete utter bullcrap' remarks about people, and they feed from it. The trouble is unsuspecting media beleivin' people are taking on this infomation and thinking it's true which is why we end up with these haters and dissers'.

    In Regards to the change in Axl appearance i think it's pretty cool, but as i mentioned earlier it's a new decade, a new start. People compare Axl to his former self back in the 80s..but what we've got to remember is this is 20 something years ago PEOPLE change ffs..only the hollywood weirdo's who have constant plastic surgery and face removals are the ones who have the problem.

    Chinese Democracy was just a taster of what's to come i beleive..imma not sure, but maybe after this current tour is over a new album will be in the works or being worked on..cuz' it's about time maybe..but who knows!

    I'm just enjoying these GREAT shows that Axl has been givin' us over the past few months..this is something we have all been waiting on for a long time and now it's here..things can only get better!..

    But srsly fuck the media and there bullshit, they know nothin'


  9. The trouble here is, people are getting too paranoid and assuming things that are not actually true. Now obviously there are some idiots on these forums who have been made to look fools over these past few weeks, and THAT serves them right! But Axl is not refering to us as all '2nd grade', i find that statement absolutly wrong to assume he thinks of us in such a way. I am sure, that Axl sees all fans as equal..a Gn'R Fan is a Gn'R Fan lol..can't change that!!..

    Guys lets just stop all this paranoia that has formed over these past few weeks and enjoy the concerts and music that Gn'R is providing us!, The fans.

    And those idiots, who seem to keep spreading this whole 'Anti-Axl' movement should really stop cuz' it ain't cool it's just fucking with things that shouldn't be fucked with..Dave.


  10. I think this is a load of Bullshit, Axl looks at us as no different from other fans...he may use the term 'Internet fans' but that is only because he's speaking to people who have easy access to the internet..

    I mean Fuck, if this were true you'd only have 70 yr olds who have no access to computers and internet turning up 2 gigs lol..

    See it does not make sense Chill!


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