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Posts posted by HADOKEN

  1. and on the down low talkin shit

    Best move cause I refuse to lose

    no matter which damn road I choose

    So lay low cause you might be bruised

    Top story on the evening news

    I ain't for games, so if you wanna play 'em lay low

    Lay down on the floor

    I'm in a rage, so if we gotta do this let me know

    That's what I came fo'

  2. i don't like emo GNR. I like the jams with high energy that hypes you up and that you can listen to at the gym or while running. You Could Be Mine, AFD ,and most of TSI are like this. Whenever I'm at the gym and 'sorry' or "The Blues" comes on, I gotta skip it to find something with a little more sac

  3. whos version is better? MJ or R Kelly? I like R Kelly, and he can sing well, but it takes somebody else to cover this song to realize how much of a hoss MJ was. I recommend listening to both versions.

  4. all the songs are already good to begin with, GNRs covers were good covers of good songs....consider they jammed on a bunch of songs together and thought that these songs would make a good album. It was made while on tour and got overlooked by the tour itself in a way. It's a good album!

  5. list the current GNR lineup. Include all on-stage performers and their role/what instruments they play. include all dancers, backup, and other people who make the music (not including stage hands, etc.). I'm just curious to know who knows who is in the band at the given moment. I'm a bit confused myself.

  6. There's always been an element of bisexuality to Rock anyway. Elton John, David Bowie, Mick Jagger, Steven Adler, etc.

    you do realize that you can hang out with gay people and even go to gay bars without catching their gay, right?

    ever noticed how a gay person can go into a straight bar without suddenly becoming straight? it works exactly the same way.

    How do you know? Are you gay? Do you frequent gay bars? What are you doing in gay bars anyway? Eating "toast and cheese?". Let's keep it real....

  7. I have every lil jon CD and guest appearance. I love Lil JOn. Something about his music just gets me hyped and wanting to drink whatever I can get my hands on. It gets the girls moving, people socializing, drinks flowing....Lil Jon is good stuff!

    As far as being a "rapper", on his new album he said "I'm not a rapper, I'm just a krunk n.igga" He's straight up...no lyrical flow, just party music. A+ to lil jon

  8. I do see this thread has brought out a lot of the Axl haters and shown them for how rabidly hateful they really are.

    When Scott Weiland was crowing about having gay sex in his dressing room to an audience member, that was cool to the Slashites.....

    Once again, Led Zep used to make trips to gay bars themselves because it was more fun.

    WTF? Scott Weiland is gay?

  9. want to see something freaky?

    google MICHAEL JACKSONS CRYPT. there are two engravings on it. on the right hand side, there is MJ. In his crotch, there is a kid. In his will, he specifically wanted a kid's head all up in his junk. i shit you not.

    MJ was talented, but there is no doubt that this guy was a freak. The crypt pic is just weird IMO

  10. This kind of thing is going to start happening really frequently really soon. All our favorite musicians are going to start dying off.

    It's unfortunate, but true. He was 67. They rocked in the 80s, and its been 30 years...I'm pushing 30 now, but was a young buck when their music came out. Considering the dozens of members who have circulated in and out of GNR, it's amazing one of them hasn't gone yet. It will happen sooner than later, I fear

  11. I've been singing GNR in Kareoke bars for awhile now, and hitting Axl's notes with falsetto. It works sometimes, but there is more depth to Axl's voice than just falsetto. I sing DONT CRY mostly, and I try to hit the deep notes like he hit at the end of the 2nd verse of Dont Cry in Buenos Aires (before he starts singing over the guitar solo and fucks it up). How do I hit the real notes? Your thoughts or techniques? I hear a lot of his notes are hit with a diaphragm , but I don't even know what that is. Help me!! I have a kareoke party this Friday and I want to rip this shit for the people that are hosting me!

  12. I was a hater at first, but ended up getting copies of both her CDs. There are a few songs I could pass on, but I stand by my assertion that Gaga is the best thing to happen to music in a generation. Her style is original, her lyrics are smart, her producers are on point, and overall, she produces quality stuff. When I first heard about her (not her music, just the name) I thought it would be another britney/Christina/disney soundtrack. WHenever you go out in the clubs, and POKERFACE comes on, the party really starts!

    And, just to let you know how HUGE she has become, there are two foreign artists in China that EVERYBODY knows about

    1) Michael Jackson

    2) Lady Gaga

    At least overseas, she made it to that level. In Philippines, where I spent a few weeks, they play not only her 'hits', but all the other songs too. She is a phenom over here! I'm a harsh judge of music and dont listen to much, but Gaga gets an "A" in my book. It's the soundtrack for 2009, spilling over into 2010 easy.

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