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Posts posted by GNRED

  1. I have had voice lessons and am not tone-deaf, I can read music as well, Axl has strengthened his voice if anything, what is wrong with this person gnrdave?

    I don't think he likes the band at all, and is being bitter because Beta called him out on the rumors he was spreading. He must be embarassed and trying to strike back but he is not changing anyone's mind and sounds crazy. :no:

  2. was on txt msg talking with friends, just came back, Ashba did "Beautiful Creatues" and contributed greatly to Sixx AM, He does Slash's solos better than slash !!! heard it live :) He is a very good musician.

    Why would you post that?

    I mean why do it if not to try and provoke an argument?

    Im glad your friends enjoyed themselves but if they were having such a great time why even think about Slash?

    No, have heard both and it's the truth, saw original lineup and prefer Ashba to Slash better musician imo, Why put the old members in this portion at all? Don't care what slash does, I'm a GNR fan! :)

    It defies logic to say you're a GnR fan and not like Slash. No Slash: No GnR. Or, if you like, no Slash: no tunes for Hired Guns to play.

    You have already shown your lack of knowledge saying that Axl knew about

    Slash's mom when he made cancer comment. I liked GNRs music when slash was in the band, but I have seen the new lineup recently and Ashba is better than Slash imo. Slash did not even want to play songs like Estranged or NR,

    he plays one type of music and limits himself, I don't care for snakepit, or VR or what I've heard on his new Album. This is my opinion and nobody else need agree, just how I feel about it. :)

  3. was on txt msg talking with friends, just came back, Ashba did "Beautiful Creatues" and contributed greatly to Sixx AM, He does Slash's solos better than slash !!! heard it live :) He is a very good musician.

    Why would you post that?

    I mean why do it if not to try and provoke an argument?

    Im glad your friends enjoyed themselves but if they were having such a great time why even think about Slash?

    No, have heard both and it's the truth, saw original lineup and prefer Ashba to Slash better musician imo, Why put the old members in this portion at all? Don't care what slash does, I'm a GNR fan! :)

  4. If you guys really think gnr-dave is a cupcake, you should read his review of the 2006 Worcester show.


    Dave is old-school and he's a good guy.

    Oh I know, I love Dave. He is just a bit bi-polar.

    How am I bipolar? Axl is 4 years older since the 2006 shows, of course his voice is not going to be as strong.

    I don't see how that makes me a hater. Michael Jordan is my favorate basketball player of all time but am I a Jordan hater because when played for the wizards I didnt think he was the best player in the league anymore and that he lost a step? The logic of a lot of people on here is warped.

    You say Axl's voice wasn't shot 4 years ago........and you say Axl lost his voice on the newer songs.

    2006: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUGZC_T9lKQ






    And just for good measure



    If you really think axls voice is not gone in 2010 you are tone deaf.

    I mean seriously, how can anyone think Axl sounds good, that is why he uses a backing track now because his voice is SHOT.

    Go listen to the WHOLE japan ear monitor show and come back and tell me Axl sound does not sound terrible on that esp on the new songs.

    He is using backing tracks for a reason, because his voice cannot handle it anymore

    You want to honestly claim Axls voice isnt shot after listening to this ?

    Yeah Axl sounds just like he did in his prime as you claim *sarcasm*

    Yawn :sleeper: you are repetitve, boring, and crazy if you think Axl's lost his voice,you ought to at least attend a concert before passing judgement.

    Nobody cares what you think, and you aren't changing anybodys mind. I feel sorry for you :no:

  5. Slash isn't on the latest GNR album.

    Neither is Ca$hba. Your point?

    Currently touring as a member of the band "Guns N' Roses". Go home.

    and is doing wonderful job, surpassing $la$h in talent, and he does not have man-boobs when he takes his shirt off. Ashba>slash. :nod:

  6. Good points dave, you're right about everything (Axl's voice, the setlist, etc.). You're also right about this :

    The its not guns n roses crowd is the majority, the majority just does not post on message boards. You are the loud minority who thinks this band is still guns n roses.

    If you really don't think that then you are delusional.

    Nobody outside these little Axl forums still thinks this band deserves to be called Guns N'Roses.

    Apparantly anybody with Legal knowledge does or Guns N' Roses would not be on a world tour right now :nod:

  7. The cancer remark show how classless that Axl really is. Slash's mom had just died of cancer and Axl uses that term to describe Slash. Definitely a low blow even for someone of Axl's ilk.

    Axl's Cancer comment was in February 2009. Ola Hudson died (suddenly) 4 months later.

    GNR-Fact Checker TM

    someone just doesn't die from cancer within a few weeks of being diagnosed, it's a long suffering drawn out period.

    then again, Axl probably didn't know about it. But still when you use grotesque destructive words like that, nothing good is going to come from them.

    I thought the Slash interview was cool, the way he's humourously looking at matters is something to pick up on.

    No axl is straightforward and may be outspoken but slash is an opportunistic Liar, and a spotlight lover,I have no respect for him anymore or his music.

  8. - The production & technical Lead Of GN'R cancelled the show

    - GN'R was paid (100%) and didn't play

    - Juan Carlos Campos & 28 Productions are suing GN'R

    - All Tickets will be returned

    Juan Carlos Campos & 28 productions are known to be a bad company,not trustworthy,sneaky. :no:

  9. Jungle, Sweet Child, Paradise City, Patience, You Could Be Mine, November Rain, Knockin' On Heaven's Door (though I could do without it), and Live And Let Die. He could even exchange those 2 covers for Nightrain or It's So Easy + 10 songs off the new album. Just because it is the standard to only play 4 songs off your new album on tour doesn't mean that is how it HAS to be done. The most dangerous band in the world sure is playing it safe these days!

    Right, well, no one is saying anything HAS to be done...

    I pointed out those other bands' sets to illustrate that the original poster may not have realized - there isn't anything abnormal about the number of songs being played from the album on this tour. In fact, it's pretty status quo compared to bands in general. Maybe even MORE "new album" heavy than most bands' shows.

    So, the assertion that Axl and co. don't give a shit about their fans or don't stand behind their material is just retarded.

    This is, of course, my own opinion... don't let Dave convince you that I'm just trying to suck Axl's dick.

    Axl does not care about his fans, we have seen tons of examples of this.

    If you really think Axl cares about his fans then I feel sorry for you.

    Axl no shows events all the time, he walks off stage mid set, he jumps into the crowd to punch his fans, he bitches at his fans during rants or on his tweets now. Not to mention 90% on the time he makes his fans wait HOURS before coming on stage.

    Yeah he sooo great to his fans.

    How can you be serious when you think Axl gives a shit about his fans.

    You are seriously damaged to harbor such hate over someone you don't know, and to throw fits over setlists when you don't go to shows. :no:

  10. Yeah,I'll knock off a phrase that isn't an insult while blatant "fuck you's" and things that are actually against Forum rules stay :thumbsup: Please show me where that phrase is considered an insult or against forum rules?

    Yeah,it's really trolling, ya got me there :rolleyes: I offer constructive opinions not smiley faced posts.I don't post in threads to shit on them. My opinion may differ with popular sentiment in threads but that isn't trolling, Bro.

    There are perfectly logical refutations to all of those things. PM me or another mod if you have concerns with this, because it doesn't belong in this topic, "bro."

    Anyway, I agree that it's a good interview and it's cool that he liked Axl's album.

    You mean GNR's album.

    Yes!!! I second this :D

  11. so her pointing out the truth makes you pissed? so you have to attack her personally?

    truth is the truth hurts dont you agree?

    She herself said it wasn't universal truth.

    There are several things that make me believe slash is a liar. he denied having gone to Axl's house which finally turned out to be true, people made objections to what he said in his book (basically saying slash has lied in some parts), and I find really weird that he can keep talking about someone who called him a cancer and be cool with it, that makes me think of a commercial purpose... again it's my opinion, only the parties involved know the truth.. we can only speculate

    I guess people that say stuff like that just think they're protecting and defending Axl against Slash and his 'motives', but they're not really doing that at all.

    It's only a debate and no, I don't think Axl needs people to defend him (and if someone thinks he does, take a look @ my avatar)

    I am sure that Slash has been called a lot worse than cancer over the course of his life. As I said earlier, I think Slash is making a run at getting GnR back together. To do this he will have to eat a certain amount of shit from Axl, i.e. the Cancer remark.

    The cancer remark show how classless that Axl really is. Slash's mom had just died of cancer and Axl uses that term to describe Slash. Definitely a low blow even for someone of Axl's ilk.

    No, the cancer remark was made before slash's mom died,and she told nobody what she had. Axl's mom died of cancer in 1996, so let's stop the

    wrong facts. I want to steal gunns remark at the end of his posts,I do not think Album is very good. :no:

  12. I give my endorsment to bacardi and rocketking.

    Me Too- Dave is not bipolar he is still butthurt from Beta calling him on his B.S.

    He has been negative since then,that is when the hatred started. :no:

  13. You gotta love how Nut$wingers are so open to discussion.......

    Nah, you're trolling, go back to the $ta$h section.

    Like I was saying....a nut$winger ordering me out of this discussion when all I did was ask a question. It's sad.

    Aww.. why so sad?

    Look at how open to discussion are the the nut$wingers: http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?showtopic=162098

    Haha, you just linked a thread where YOU are instigating discussion of plagiarism. What a loser.

    Why do

    es slash plaiigarize songs? he must not be a very good composer.I'm not a fan of his post-guns stuff,and he has ruined his reputation for me. :no:

  14. There is nothing wrong with the setlist, critisise after you attend a concert

    Obviously the people who criticize the setlists are the ones who go to the most concerts. That's why they'd like to see some surprises.

    No, is not true the ones who complain the most do not go to many if any concerts and they judge from Utube videos, If they would actually go to a concert they would not be disappointed and find fault, saw GNR in 91 several times and in concurrent years as the lineup changed, this is a great lineup and they put on an awesome show. That is a fact. :nod:

  15. gnr-dave,

    Check out the El Salvadorian setlist. Then talk.

    K thx bye.

    They played 19 songs with 6 new ones. That kind of reinforces Daves point as they were playing 5-6 new ones every night 4 years ago. What is that supposed to prove?

    Yeah and 3 of those songs are CD, SOD, and madagascar three songs they were playing back in 2000-02, and the other is better which they have been playing since 2006. So 4 of the 6 so called new songs they were playing before CD even came out. Its the 2002 and 2006 set all over again with two additions. Now if they were playing 5-6 real new songs that did not include CD, SOD or madagascar then that would be a different story.

    But if you have seen Gnr in 2000-2007 you have pretty much seen the same set list save a couple of songs.

    I really think he has to do with his voice not being able to handle the songs. Just listen to that in ear mix from Japan, you can really hear him struggle on the new songs they stopped playing.

    Even something like TIL he sounds really bad.

    No, TIL sounds very good live, as does Sorry, I think they play what suits them that particular night, Axl's voice is strong. If you buy a ticket that does not give you the right to dictate a setlist for the gig, and certainly you can't

    on a show you don't even attend. I think you are bitter and Jaded, and should find a band you really like. Why stay just to complain? This all stems back to your words from Beta because you were spreading lies, so it is your own fault. :no:

    Axls voice is gone, its the sad truth, that is why he uses backing tracks to help out his voice. Just listen to his in ear mix, you can hear how his voice is shot. And YES fans have the right to dictate the set list.

    It does not mean the band has to listen but we have every right to talk about what we like or do not like about the set list, that is why its called a discussion forum.

    Why are you going to understand this simple concept. And again I am a much bigger gnr fan than you will ever be.

    And I already shot down the beta bullshit, so that is getting really old. I already backed up I was right and she was full of shit.

    That happened how many years ago? Its time to move on. You would not even around for the Beta incident, so you dont know what you are even talking about. Stop talking out of your ass.

    And Jarmos site is a joke. Do you know how many long time die hard fans have been banned from his site? Its in the hundreds. You would fit right in over there, you all kiss Axls ass not matter what.

    Gnr could play a 10 song set list and you would not have a problem with that. Learn to think for yourself and not just regurgitate what others say.

    No, you are wrong about several things, Axl's voice is strong,I have been to concerts this year. Beta is not full of shit; she is a very special person and you should not say such things. There is nothing wrong with the setlist, critisise after you attend a concert, and I have been a GNR fan since I was 17, the only joke here is you pretending to be a fan while venting your misplaced frustration, go find a band you like, you sound crazy. :no:

  16. gnr-dave,

    Check out the El Salvadorian setlist. Then talk.

    K thx bye.

    They played 19 songs with 6 new ones. That kind of reinforces Daves point as they were playing 5-6 new ones every night 4 years ago. What is that supposed to prove?

    Yeah and 3 of those songs are CD, SOD, and madagascar three songs they were playing back in 2000-02, and the other is better which they have been playing since 2006. So 4 of the 6 so called new songs they were playing before CD even came out. Its the 2002 and 2006 set all over again with two additions. Now if they were playing 5-6 real new songs that did not include CD, SOD or madagascar then that would be a different story.

    But if you have seen Gnr in 2000-2007 you have pretty much seen the same set list save a couple of songs.

    I really think he has to do with his voice not being able to handle the songs. Just listen to that in ear mix from Japan, you can really hear him struggle on the new songs they stopped playing.

    Even something like TIL he sounds really bad.

    No, TIL sounds very good live, as does Sorry, I think they play what suits them that particular night, Axl's voice is strong. If you buy a ticket that does not give you the right to dictate a setlist for the gig, and certainly you can't

    on a show you don't even attend. I think you are bitter and Jaded, and should find a band you really like. Why stay just to complain? This all stems back to your words from Beta because you were spreading lies, so it is your own fault. :no:

  17. It will be interesting to see which songs become staples of the live set over time. So far Better, SOD, Madagascar have been played a lot. Since the record came out ITW, CD, TIL have been mainstays.

    Yeah, it will definitely be interesting to see. I think it will be unique since most songs from other albums which have become keepers did so by being popular on the radio and videos... that can't be the case with anything on CD, so, other than Better and CD itself it's really just going to go by what the band enjoys playing and the reception from live crowds.

    I was agreeing but then I thought of Easy, Brownstone, Rocket Queen, Nightrain, Out ta get Me which didn't have videos (Easy had that banned bondage vid). The fans havent really been guided through what song is most important, maybe cos they're all great? But I know what you mean, hits seem more subliminal these days.

    I guess in this era a single or hit is more loosely defined. ChiDem was a hit on download charts? ITW was on Body of Lies. Shackler's was/is popular on Rockband. Better was going to be a video. To me SOD seems like a classic GNR video in the waiting. Maybe they are seeing what goes down well live? TIL seems to be getting good reaction. Sorry obviously wasn't picked out as a single but seems pretty popular.

    What if they did epic vids for TWAT and Cacther and then suddenly everybody would demand them live. In the meantime I guess we'll have to think for ourselves!

    They all have ear monitors and discuss what to play, depends on the crowd and the mood. I love the spontanaity, that defines GNR along with other habituals.

  18. The media is not known for reporting truth, and I do not believe Beta is a liar. Your source is about as accurate as the security guard that reported supposedly that Axl was not allowing Slash shirts, and look how that ended. Were you in Portland or getting second-hand information? I think I can guess which. Beta called you out for slandering the band and spreading false rumors. I was in Portland, and the city gvt' was making unreasonable demands and threats, to arrest any fan that was seen with a beer, the pyros were also a problem.

    Please do not spread rumors about GNR.

    Thank you.

  19. Hi everybody, I don't usually post here, but I can tell you some facts why gnrdave is so bitter and spiteful, a couple of years ago Dave spread some rumors about GNR on HTGTH and Beta came online and proceeded to tear into him, He was banned and has now turned into a hater because of this incident, he brought on himself. That's all I'll add, but maybe that will shed some light on the situation :D

    have a nice day, and can someone tell me how to post an avatar here?

    Thank you :)

  20. http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/music/with_slash_lDtKV134RfV1vU908WBSlI

    Considering the train wreck Axl Rose has become, it’s hard to believe that Slash was in a band with him for even a minute. Slash’s mellow demeanor is nearly equal in degree to Axl’s level of personal turbulence. And yet Slash, who created some of the greatest guitar riffs and solos of the rock era (“November Rain,” “Sweet Child o’ Mine,” “Welcome to the Jungle,” etc.), struck lightning not once, but twice, in the wacked-out vocalist department by creating Velvet Revolver with singer Scott Weiland.

    The poster child for Ray Bans and top hats spoke to The Post.

    NY Post: Since your mother [OLA HUDSON] was a costume designer for musicians and your father [Anthony Hudson] created album art, Were you exposed to rock stars growing up?

    Slash: Yeah. A lot of pop-star eccentricity — a lot of wants and needs and delusions of grandeur. Joni Mitchell was probably my favorite. She was just a very deep, soulful individual. Then, on the flip side, there was Cher, who was obnoxious. She had a lot of attitude. My mom had a store, and she would come into the shop and be demanding and rude.

    NYP: When Axl finally released “Chinese Democracy” in 2008, What did you think?

    Slash: It was the perfect Axl record — exactly what I would have expected from the final years of us working together, and seeing where he was headed musically. It’s very heavy; sort of a dark, depressing record. He’s f- - - ing phenomenal.

    NYP: But the two of you haven’t spoken in years. would you be open to speaking again?

    Slash: I’m more standoffish because I know how vehemently he hates me. So that sort of makes me doubt it. But if we ran into each other and all that animosity were to pass for a second, then I’m sure we could have an interesting conversation.

    NYP: Axl Rose and Scott Weiland are great vocalists, but not so stable. Is that why you worked with so many guests on your new record?

    Slash: Now you’re getting into the deeper psychological aspect of it, which I hadn’t really taken into consideration. Maybe a couple of hours on the couch might pull that one out! I think the whole thing was just inspired by great singers that I wanted to work with. I didn’t think about other aspects of it. But the one cool thing that did come out of this was that it gave me a whole new respect for singers, and changed my attitude toward them given the last couple of guys that I’ve worked with. These people were all amazingly gracious and professional. I’ve done so much session work where I write or play with somebody, and it’s an empty feeling when you’re done because they take off with the material — it’s like being a surrogate. So this time, I had all these people play on my record.

    NYP: That song “Beautiful Dangerous” is pretty hard-rocking for Fergie!

    Slash: It is. But here’s the thing about Fergie: I met her at club Avalon in LA four years ago. We did a little rock medley, and she sang “Black Dog,” “Live and Let Die” and “Barracuda” like nobody’s business. I just don’t hear great female rock singers like that anymore. It was f- - - in’ amazing. She’s actually more of a rock ’n’ roll singer than a pop singer; I think even Will [will.i.am of the Black Eyed Peas] knows that.

    NYP: On Tuesday, Slash releases his first-ever solo album — simply titled “Slash” — featuring a range of guest vocalists that includes Ozzy Osbourne, Fergie, Adam Levine, Chris Cornell, Iggy Pop and more.

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/music/with_slash_lDtKV134RfV1vU908WBSlI#ixzz0kDQ0KyOF

    First ever solo album? They should really do some more research on that one ha

    slash never considered snakepit to be a solo album, because there was equal input from all the members


    No offense but you are being naive if you actually believe Snakepit was a "real band" where every member had equal input

    not only that but last night:

    slash & adler at the Roxy < tonight GNR live in CONCERT! :thumbsup:

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