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Posts posted by Coffy69

  1. Quentin Tarantino's NBK script is nothing to write home about. People that think he was more qualified to direct that movie ought to actually read his draft. It's boring.

    Tons of additional stuff on Wayne Gale (Quentin always fancied he would play the role) and way more pseudo-documentary exposition. It's stagnant and unpromising.

    Oliver Stone saved that movie by bringing Mickey & Mallory to the forefront and giving them some dimension. As a piece of storytelling, it was much more solid in Stone's hands.

    Having read QT's script, I agree entirely (although most of what gives Mallory dimension as a character I suspect owed more to Juliette Lewis's then ferocious talent than Stone's writing - he's never had any use for multi-dimensional female charcters). The movie is a tract on violence, and Stone was more qualified to tackle that (Vietnam vet) than Tarantino (violent movie fan).

    Abs - all Stone's work is obvious and in your face. Sometimes it works, sometimes (especially in the last fifteen years) it doesn't. In NBK, it's an entirely intentional obviousness which was genuinely subversive.

    Hey! You forgot Rodney Dangerfield's cameo. :tongue2:

  2. Love this time of year, gotta get into the October feeling....

    So, at the moment, im downloading:

    Rosemary's Baby (1968)

    Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

    And, because I wanna see the sequal: FUBAR :lol:

    Anyone got any good 'Halloweentime' movies to recommend? Of course I've seen the staples (Halloween, The Excorcist, The Omen, The Shining, Nightmare On Elm Street, etc.)


    Trick R Treat(2008)

    Halloween 3

  3. And my tradition of watching a Horror movie every day till Halloween begins with Rawhead Rex.

    Ha. I saw Rex as a kid. Actually my grandma rented it for me (what the hell was she thinking? :unsure: )

    Anyway, it scared me sooo much. Now I just saw it again 15 years later, after my childhood, and now it seems pretty ridiculous. I remember laughing at one scene like crazy. I could hardly breathe. It was so badly made.

    I definitely know what you mean, I remeber when I saw IKWYDLS when I was really young and then watched it again like a year or two ago. It was fucking awful.

    and Now I shall go onto watching Wes Craven's Shocker

  4. And my tradition of watching a Horror movie every day till Halloween begins with Rawhead Rex.

    That actually sounds pretty cool. I'm going to try that now!

    It's awesome. Tree House Of Horror, Tales From The Crypt, etc also count.

    I couldn't get into Rawhead Rex so I went with Bubba Ho-Tep.

    My Name Is Bruce is next.

    And my tradition of watching a Horror movie every day till Halloween begins with Rawhead Rex.

    that is some crazy dedication!

    I know it's getting in the way of my drinking problem.

  5. I don't play games as much anymore but I have wanted the Scott Pilgrim game for a while now and I still haven't got it! Has anybody played it? What was it like?

    I'll probably buy the latest Guitar Hero around Christmas time. That new Spiderman game looks interesting.

    I'm looking forward to FIFA 11!

    Rent the Spiderman game.

    The camera is wonky and the game get's a bit repetive.

    It's not Marvel's answer to AA.

  6. Does anyone else think this year has been one of the best years for films in a long time?

    IMO, it's been the worst since at least 2002. :rofl-lol::shrugs: I have high hopes for The Social Network, The Black Swan, Somewhere, etc redeeming it somewhat, but it's been pretty horrible.

    I'm looking forward to The Black Swan, but something tells me that The Social Network could potentially bomb. The trailer looks great, but I have the feeling they crammed all the best bits into it....

    Bomb in the sense of not making $...almost certainly, people are stupid. But the post-Toronto critical buzz was raptuours, and Fincher's been pretty steady with his one masterpiece, one interesting failure model since Se7en and The Curious Case of Benjaminzzzzzzzz was most certainly not a masterpiece so everything's very much on track. Plus Aaron Sorkin screenplay! :heart: No doubts here.

    It can't do worse than Pluto Nash or The Secret Life of Dentists..

  7. the other guys

    there were a lot of things i didnt like but for some reason i still kind of liked it. im a peacock, you gotta let me fly! was a pleasant surprise.

    my favorite part, hands down, when the 2 competing cops are at the crime scene:

    "at the crime scene, LOL"

    "good tweet!"

    i lolololed.

    "Gator's bitches better be using Jimmy's"

  8. yeah cigarettes are off limits now because slash smoked them first.

    Top hats, cigarettes, flannels, Les Paul guitar's, etc

    Clearly he patented all these things and were never done before..

    That's not my point and you know it. My point is that when you replace such an icon as Slash, it's just silly to copy his style so much. And as I said, only the DJ Ashba fanboys will argue with me on this.

    At least Robin had his own identity (even though he was mr. sloppy).

    Slash's style isn't entirely his own.. is what you're not understanding.

    -He wasn't the first one to wear a top-hat or on stage

    -He wasn't the first to smoke a cigarette on stage

    -He sure as hell wasn't the first to use a Les Paul either.

    I'm not a fanboy. You're obviously a deluded fan-girl who's got a obsession with Axl's biker shorts though.

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