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Posts posted by axlrose.101

  1. nah DJ is here to stay.. he's written Today is Criminal anyways lol ;) N' thanks so beautiful of him he went up to those ppl in wheelchairs, almost brings a tear to my eye xxxx

  2. goin down is on the cards and i really really hope nu OMG is played. Its like Devildriver type shit. In my opinion THE final word for Axl Rose

    This is THE BLACK MIDDLE FINGER to every cXnt who has opposed to Nu GNR. This is why it is 2013 lol :)

  3. Hurro gunns5 im tim and u gotta txt me LOL

    im gunna go to syd gig tmoz n i remember when u said u whre goin too ages ago LOL

    anyways my numbers *********

    GNR is mny fuckin life and i still cannot fatrhom im gunna see Axl n co tomoz nite lol

    Ayways txt me if u want a beer lol

    hope ur havin a great nite!!!!!!

  4. Still cant believe i missed the goddam instore LOL was meetin GF at hornsby at 3pm lol

    Either way im fuckin PUMPED for GNFR tomoz nite lol if any u guys wana have a beer my numbers: ********

    stll shittin i misseed the instore LOL


  5. Im a fairly new GNR fan, for the past few years... Chinese democracy is the album of my fucking life... and im guna see Axl Rose tomoz nite!!!! Anyone who wats to have a drink with me at the gig my numbers **********!!!!

    Axl means the fuckin world to me and i cannto believe im guna see him in like 20hrs time LOL

    i could go on and on but all you syd folks give a brother a hand LOL

    BTW my GF cant go.... but she loves Live n Let Die!!

    peace be with you :)

    tim x

  6. Hi my names Tim im a huge Die hard GNR fan

    Axl n co mean the world to me LOL

    Im gunna be seein Axl in syd tmoz nite n u guys r welcome to txt me n well have a beer or twenty LOL

    Ive been a HUGE fan of these bowards for ages...

    anyways my number is: ********

    txt me anytime! ill be up all nite LOL cant wait... feels like a dream really LOL

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