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Posts posted by RocketQueen1985

  1. About Duff's "angry" tweet, I think he just got fed up. This isn't the first time a person has talked to him like that, people tell him to shut up on every political tweet he makes and I can't blame him for being annoyed by it. He's entitled to his opinion and to voice it just like the rest of us are. 

    I love Duff but no way in hell am I ever buying one of those t-shirts. I'm also struggling to finish his second book which is surprising as I loved the first one so much. I just don't like the "tone" the second one is written in if that makes sense? 

    • Like 4
  2. 6 hours ago, triad said:

    He's so sweaty.  You didn't see that when you were up front?  :shock:  :lol:

    Yeah, my first thought was that he's wringing sweat out of his shirt. He sweat so much but they all do. Duff changed his shirt three times at the show here because he soaked through them. 

    That said, his stomach doesn't look big at all. In fact I'm very pleasently surprised.

    • Like 1
  3. It's really cool that there's a show that focuses on women.

    Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, Gilmore Girls, Cougartown, Will & Grace (sort of), Weeds (female protagonist). Granted, a lot of those are absolutely shit. But still, I don't see why this has to be about gender. Like it solves a problem that isn't there.

    It's being cancelled though, no?

    It's not.

    Ontopic: Great show, the Mrs and I worked our way through the first two seasons in a week or two. Can't wait for season 3!

    I was talking about a show on women in jail. But by all means, feel free to get all defensive about it.

  4. Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe Scott is also sick of being in big bands/super groups? Duff is doing WP on a small scale and Slash has his band where he is more or less boss so he doesn't have to deal with drama anymore. Maybe that's why he wants to focus on his solo bands where he won't be fired or once again ridiculed by former band members. He seems to have soured on the big band idea just as much as Duff and Slash has, he's content with doing things on a smaller scale which is probably a good thing for him right now.

    As for everything else, I agree with Dazey.

  5. You were the one who went off topic in the first place to do your tone policing :facepalm:

    Oh the irony.

    But that's OK. You can get the last little insult in. Yay!!!!

    Now back on topic.

    Insult? When you say something to me it's not an insult, but when I say something to you it is? Yes, that makes perfect sense.

    I'm beyond sick of your holier than thou attitude. I constantly see you tone policing others on here, but as soon as someone tells you off for doing it you scream insults and retort to your back on topic backpeddling so hard.

    Have you ever noticed how I never quote or adress you? It's always you who have to adress me with either a dig about me being an Axl fan and now this tone policing. I never start an interaction with you because I have no interest. I have heard all the nutter and policing posts before, I don't need to hear them again.

    So there's a very easy way to end this - stop fucking adressing me. That way you won't have to take anymore threads off topic either which is obviously of great concern to you.


  6. Back Off Bitch is a masterpiece.

    It's a great song. I love the woooh-ooooh-ohhh-ohhh parts.


    Yeah, because the glam bands you listen to has so much better lyrics :rolleyes:

    You're one of the biggest idiots I've ever come across on GN'R forums and that says a lot, so congratulations.

    Wow. So instead of attacking the guy's posts/ideas, you attack the poster with personal insults?

    He made fun of lyrics from a band you liked. So your response is to do the same thing, make fun of the bands he likes........IE: you did the exact same thing that he did. And then you start calling him names?


    You are always personally insulting people, you certainly have with me in the past on several occassions, but I guess you've forgotten all about that.

    I didn't react this way simply because of this post, but because he has been insufferable not only on here but on another forum as well.

    So instead you constantly trying to tone police others and trying to tell them how YOU think they should act, maybe you should just mind your own business because you have no idea what is going on here or what lays to ground for it.

    And don't bother with replying with a wall of text because I don't care.

    LOL, look out, she's mad now!!!!

    And no, I don't insult people all the time. It's just that people like you get highly offended if somebody disagrees with them and takes it as a persona affront against them. It's OK for people to disagree. You are way too sensitive. You think somebody is attacking you personally if they disagree with one of your posts.

    And if this guy does it ALL THE TIME on multiple forums, then why do you keep responding to him? Why don't you put him on ignore?

    Funny how you can dish it out in full plates..........but you sure can't take it if somebody gives it back to you. Pretty funny to watch. Also had to laugh at your line about me trying to tell people how to post. Seem to remember you bashing somebody a couple days ago in a DJ topic and you dictating to them what they could/couldn't post. I suppose it's OK for you to do that - but not other people?

    Wall of Text. Sure. Like that's an insult? I try and give people well thought out and thorough answers to their questions instead of just quick 2-3 sentence insults. LOL, I'm deeply insulted you don't like it when people take the time to give actual responses to people.


  7. Back Off Bitch is a masterpiece.

    It's a great song. I love the woooh-ooooh-ohhh-ohhh parts.


    Yeah, because the glam bands you listen to has so much better lyrics :rolleyes:

    You're one of the biggest idiots I've ever come across on GN'R forums and that says a lot, so congratulations.

    Wow. So instead of attacking the guy's posts/ideas, you attack the poster with personal insults?

    He made fun of lyrics from a band you liked. So your response is to do the same thing, make fun of the bands he likes........IE: you did the exact same thing that he did. And then you start calling him names?


    You are always personally insulting people, you certainly have with me in the past on several occassions, but I guess you've forgotten all about that.

    I didn't react this way simply because of this post, but because he has been insufferable not only on here but on another forum as well.

    So instead you constantly trying to tone police others and trying to tell them how YOU think they should act, maybe you should just mind your own business because you have no idea what is going on here or what lays to ground for it.

    And don't bother with replying with a wall of text because I don't care.

  8. Well, Steven still makes these comments. He did before the HOF when he called Axl and the band hacks and then the day after changed it to scabs after he'd apologized to Bumblefoot for it. Maybe he doesn't mean anything bad about it, but I can understand why it bothers Axl that he often says these kinds of anti Axl things in the press.

  9. Well, many (if not most) fanbases have that mindset. You like to see your favorites do well and you love their work and so you vote for them so they get recognized for that work. I see it all the time online. Not saying whether it's right or wrong, just that it's happening constantly. It's why I vote anyways.

    I don't know anything about the last thing you bring up about the cheating, so I can't comment on that. I only just started posting on here again some months ago after a two year break, so I'm guessing that must've happened while I was gone.

    I also don't see these polls as something serious, but more just something fun for both the fans and the artists. If GN'R wins that's great, if they don't, oh well. It's just an online poll.

  10. Because they're our favorite band.

    But doesn't that negate or cloud the real meaning of the voting?

    No album and they barely toured - why would they be the band of the year?

    GnR is my favorite band of all time - and there isn't a close second.

    But I think a band has to at least release an album to be considered the band of the year.

    The poll isn't "who is your favorite band".........it's "Band of the year." Big difference.

    You don't think other people vote for their favorite band simply because they're their favorites in these kinda polls? They do.

    Besides no where is it stated that a band has to fulfill a certain amount of criterias in order to be voted for. People are free to vote for whoever they want for whatever reason they want.

    That said, I voted for GN'R because they're the only band in the category that I like. They did release a dvd/blu ray this year, so while it's not an album it's still a release. That's reason enough for me to vote for them instead of for instance Metallica who I've always thought to be a horrible band.

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