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Posts posted by Invisibelle

  1. My husband and I actually argued about this. He took me to the concert, and was a fan of GNR back in the day, actually saw them years and years ago. He absolutely hated the show Saturday night! He said that it was too many guitarists, too many keyboards, nothing sounded like it was supposed to. I argued that even in the original line up, they probably didn't play things exactly as they were recorded every night. He knows that I'm tone deaf (which is not a great endorsement for my musical opinion, I know) and said, 'Oh you couldn't hear, that hat guy played his solo one key lower than it was supposed to be!'

    I think people hold to the recordings they hear and expect the show to be a note for note repeat. That would not be fun, honestly. Save your money and sit at home and listen to your albums (oops, CDs). Yes, I am tone deaf, and so I tend to connect with the emotion of a song. If the lyrics and the music work together to convey an emotion, then I can get it. To me, GNR does that like no one else. Music journalists tend to be purists, and I've not met one who didn't have an encyclopedic, almost autistic obsession with music facts. Facts and notes and keys and precision do not make a good show I think, and to a certain type of person, the absolute note for note music is what matters, not the emotion behind it.

    And I don't think they could ever 'get' what GNR music is about.

  2. I was at the Vienna show and I'd like to add my thanks to those already listed. When I was young, eons ago, I used GNR songs (esp. Patience) to get myself through some horrible times. Even now, when things are upsetting me, I can listen to the music and it honestly feels like a hug or something. I know it is my own emotional attachment to the music, but it still feels good. And to be at that show and hear the songs that have become my old friends, live, after all of these years... it just felt wonderful. And to hear the new ones... (I'm old and out of the loop)... Wow! I know that Axl didn't have to keep it up and keep pushing to get new music out and get on the road, he probably never has to work again in his life. But I'm very glad he did, it sure made me feel wonderful.

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