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Posts posted by chi_dem_is_here

  1. Rio is special to Axl... GNR have been taking a "one-year vacation" (not the proper expression but you understand me), I doubt Axl has been sitting on his ass rehearsing the same songs for a year. Impossible.

    I'm betting good money that he's spent the last months getting back to his best shape for Rio, slimer, different haircut or longer hair (he's very careful about his hair haha), and I'm pretty sure they'll play Chinese in its entirety or so, at least TWAT and/or Prostitute, and maybe a new song, or a very old song like Estranged. And of course This I Love will be a highlight of this show, they haven't played it live in Rio yet, same for Sorry, seems to me that Axl particularly enjoys those two live.

    I'm really expecting a long show, 26-27 songs, and two or three songs rarely played live if not eve (The General or No love Remains and Estranged would be perfect imo). And an Axl madder than ever.

    It's Axl's last huge opportunity to prove the world he exists better than ever and that you can still kick everyone else's ass when you're considered "old" or "has been", kind of like Rocky Balboa. He'll be 50 next year. He's still "young", he can still do it, I'm highly doubtful he'll still have it in 10 years but he's different from everyone else so who knows...

    I'm sure this show will be wonderful whatever happens, having seen this line up last year live, they have no reason to fail Rio.

    that sir was one of the most epic posts i have ever read ...

  2. seeing axl in london for the fist time in 06

    going backstage and meeting the boys in 2010

    the leaks

    the vma 2002 show ( ya axl sucked i no but it was just seeing them on tv made me go bonkers )

    the axl eddie trunk interview stayed up all night for that

    rock in rio 01 the return of guns n roses

    seing duff re united with axl live on stage in 2010

  3. man, I just rewatched some of the videos from that show. the band seriously sucked back then. seriously. i'm so glad they've improved.

    Really? Rock In Rio 3 is, in my opinion, one of the best shows guns ever played. Axl's voice wasn't great, but the energy of the band and the audience was incredible.

    i agree

    anyone got a link to this rs article please??

  4. you are bitching at axl and the guys for doing a private show? wtf!

    seriously if you had a million to blow and u spent it on a pvt guns show and axl called u and said " i cant do the show cos some fuckheas on the internet are criyig about it" you would be pretty pissed off right?

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