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Posts posted by cherry_bomb

  1. I've been a long time Death fan. I was reading their wiki page the other day and and was kind of disgusted to see that although the band hasn't existed in over 10 years now that Death is considered a metal "Brand". I work at a music store and we sell Death t-shirts, but I would never consider them to be a "brand". I'm talking stuff like this is what I see come through our doors: death t shirts But this is like classic albums and shit, you know? What exactly are they talking about when they say brand? That it's become cool for kids to say OMG I LOVE DEATH BESTBANDEVER! for some sort of scene points? I'm confused. Someone clarify.

  2. i agree with the sentiments here.

    I really liked inception. i also liked it the second time i watched it. original story, amazing visuals, entertaining, the whole she-bang.

    i just dont see how a remake should get it over an original piece of art... :shrugs:

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