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Status Updates posted by Bobbo

  1. How about loser leaves the forum for good? And in terms of how long after release we wait for, you good with three months? Let me know guy.

  2. "I'm turning this over to my attorney". You honestly can't even make this shit up :lol: :lol:

  3. Coming here and giving you anything less than 5 stars is just too cruely unfair. Cheers brother.

  4. Liking your posts man. Although I might not agree with every point you make, we need more level headed posters like you to keep this place even remotely sane.

  5. Hope everybody has a great holiday season. Here's hoping for a great 2014!

  6. I feel more sorry for those still believing in another nu album than I do for those facing famine.

  7. What the fuck? You were one of the best posters around here. Unregistered? You fat fuckin' kidding me?

  8. 5 stars. It's great to see the real GNR embraced like it should be. Not too many people like that around here. Glad to see they're not totally extinct though.

  9. Yo man you need to start posting again on a regular basis!

  10. I'll think about maybe doing that counter argument for four months, but six months is too big of a window, and I think three months for a worldwide number of a million is pretty giving. And remember, it has to be absolutely confirmed one way or the other for anybody to get paid. Absolutely no hearsay.

  11. I feel like 3 months for an outfit as big as GNR to achieve one million copies WORLDWIDE is more than fair. Just sayin.

  12. Alright, take you time buddy, no rush :P

  13. If you want money though, name your price.

  14. 5 stars. Absolutely hysterical and accurate at the same time

  15. Well can't seem to find a worldwide number, so it's hard to just place bets on estimates. And besides 222,000 is not a far walk from what the most anticipated album of all time sold here in the US ;). If I had to guess, I'd say CD II won't sell over a million. There's no demand for more of the same.

  16. What did Libertad sell worldwide? We know it sold 222,000 in the US before it fell off the billboard 200. Find me a number and you got yourself a deal.

  17. I hereby accept the bet. If the next album of original studio material sells a million worldwide in three months time, ill pay you a hundred dollars. If it doesn't, you'll pay me a hundred dollars. And it has to be ABSOLUTELY confirmed either way for either one of us to get paid. Absolutely no hearsay. Deal.

  18. Agreed man, agreed. Glad to see you've lightened up a lot from the old days! haha, some users around here are just straight up crazy

  19. Ha good to be back man.

  20. On gunsnfnroses.com, mister saint laurent is making many unfounded claims (implying they're facts) in the thread "why doesn't gnr go independent"? If you get a chance...check it out and lemme know what you think...

  21. I know we might not always see eye to eye on issues surrounding the band and such, but it's good to see you back around here again.

  22. Like your post man. I like those who aren't thickheaded drones. Welcome aboard!

  23. Montrealer wasn't aware of the full story UCudbMine. Ever wonder how I came back a week before I was suppose to? ;)

  24. Best poster in this forum. Keep on keepin on brother.

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