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Posts posted by DexterMorganFan

  1. Old GN'R released the UYIs, went on tour for two years and suddenly came to an abrupt halt, released a cover album in 1993, then released a cover single in 1994, then imploded. Then in 1996 Slash's departure was announced. The band--the original band--slowly died over the next couple of years, but no formal announcement of the old band's death was made. It just kind of crawled to a slow demise after 1993...

    Compare to other bands:

    -Nirvana ended with In Utero, an artistic high note, and arguably one of their best songs was recorded just before Kurt's death

    -The Doors ended with LA Woman, which some consider to be their second best album, before Jim's untimely death.

    -Led Zeppelin ended with In Through the Out Door. While it's considered a subpar album compared to previous releases, it still had two big hits.

    GN'R's end just seems like it was very anticlimactic and almost embarassing. They started as a band ass rock band, released four classic albums...And then released a bunch of cover songs and imploded. They, for all intents and purposes, ended their career as a cover band. It just seems like it ended far too soon, like there could've been so much more...I mean legacy wise, it's sucky because it's like their last release was a cover album. Even if their last release had been a subpar album of original material, it just seems like there would've been more closure.

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