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Posts posted by JOSHSKORN

  1. Myles isn't my favorite singer He could never fill Axl's shoes but in this case I appreciate his efforts in filling in at the last minute.

    Agreed and I like your signature.

  2. I saw it live on YouTube. Absolutely horrendous performance. Welcome to the Jungle was botched by the guitarist trying to wear that STUPID mask, repeatedly. For God Sakes, you're not in Slipknot! The old guns would have NEVER had screwed up THAT bad...well, not to my knowledge. Well, they wouldn't now because I think most of them are clean (although Steven Adler is still questionable). When he (Axl) tried to "sing" the high parts sounded horrible. When he screamed the highs, he was on, and his lows were on. Everyone is raving on how good Estranged sounded. I thought it was horrible towards the end.

    Really, it looked like a half-assed performance on the part of the entire band.

    What was up with all of the lame unoriginal jams? Baba 'O Riley? The Pink Panther? U2? Then Axl says "I tawt I taw a puddy tat". I might expect that from a 15 year old in his high school no named band trying to look cool and impress his friends, but not Axl. That was just lame.

    I joined this forum because I wanted to take part in the discussion of this concert. I was hoping at least Axl would have sounded good because I was NEVER a supporter, and still am not of the new band or Chinese Democracy, but I still enjoy hearing Axl sing the classics. I don't know what happened. I wish I had answers. Maybe it was the weather, causing technical difficulties and well, I don't know how I'd perform in that kind of weather, either. Maybe it was his age, because he IS 49, nearly 50. Maybe it was lack of preparation. I heard he botched lyrics. From the start, it looked like Axl was totally on board with wanting to give a great show. I was actually shocked to hear him say such caring words of "I don't want anyone getting hurt" and whatever else he said because of the rainy conditions. I wouldn't expect that from someone like him.

    I'll give Axl another shot before I totally write him off, but meanwhile I'm looking to see what happens in 2012. If you didn't know, Guns n' Roses was put on the ballot for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 2012. If GnR is inducted, I'm curious to see what happens as a result.

    Oh, and who caught the misspelling of "Chinese Democracy" on YouTube when displaying the song title? I think it was something like "Chinese Demoracy" or something like that. Not the band's fault, obviously but just kinda embarrassing.

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