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Status Updates posted by blarkins

  1. How have I not caught on to this Duck Dynasty thing before now?

  2. I am so tired of getting bullshit political emails forwarded to my inbox all the time. If you insist on sending me political spam, at least fact check it first.

  3. I apologize for the long post, but I felt compelled to weigh in with my thoughts on today’s horrible events in Connecticut. Today’s events represent a new low-a room full of kindergarten students were killed by a sick individual, an individual who seems to have had issues with his parents and decided to turn a gun not only on them, but on his mother’s students as well. In the next few days we are going to be bombarded with arguments for and against gun control in this co...

  4. I can't believe how many people out there don't know how the government works. I see all these complaints about the shutdown and whose fault it is, and people are making it very clear just how stupid they are with some of their comments.

    1. darknightfan


      stupid is as stupid does.

  5. I must have missed angry redneck day on my calender, but it looks like that would be today.

  6. I want to play gta v so bad.

  7. I would really like to find a job.

  8. I'd like to thank all the Baby Boomers out there for running this country into the ground and completely screwing my generation over in the process. That is all.

    1. Vincent Vega

      Vincent Vega

      *Clap* *Clap* Completely agree

  9. If someone can say "Your rape guy lost" and you have to ask which one, your party might have a problem.

  10. Intentional grounding much?

  11. It was ugly on d, but I'll take it. 5-0.

  12. Joe Scarborough knocked it out of the park today.

  13. Julie Larkins is making her famously amazing (or is it amazingly famous?) Christmas cookies! Yum!

  14. Let's Go Broncos!


  16. M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D

  17. Manning with a rushing TD. Absurd.

  18. Maryland knocked these new helmets out of the park.

  19. No Ray Lewis tomorrow.

  20. Normally I'd be pretty happy the election is almost over, but I know that if your guy wins you will be insufferable and if your guys loses you will rant about the country's imminent demise. This applies to both candidates and their supporters.

  21. One more hour come onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

  22. Only halfway through Monday and I'm already done. #canttakethestupid

  23. Penn State can't get out of playing us anymore.

  24. People are sheep. And Dumb. Dumb, stupid, sheep.

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