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Posts posted by Sociopsychotic

  1. Just got this new band called Graveyard BBQ CD and I think it is one of the best CD I have ever bought, It's their 2nd album and it's called the "Greatest Hit Volume 2" and it Rocks big time. (Wasn't big on Volume 1 with the old lead singer) I Ordered it from myspace and it came autographed best 10 bucks I've spent in a while These guys started in 2003 and I feel we will being hearing a lot more from them in the near future and hope to catch them on their "Meet Yer Enemy" tour...

    Check them out:

    Myspace - http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...riendid=7432521

    Website - http://www.graveyardbbq.com/

  2. This band is very over rated

    No way. One of the few bands left that are really rock n' roll. Homme has carved out his own distinctive sound, too.

    Rock...? Holy Crap and with that quote Rock dies again...

  3. Oh GROW UP and get a life. Do you really think axl cares if you think he is a piece of shit? Do you really think ANYTHING he does is for little ol me and you? If that is what you want. Someone to hold your hand and kiss your ass go to another band there are many out their who love and appreiate their fans and show it and if that is the MOST important thing to you you have picked the WRONG band and if you have not figured that out YET you are far from the sharpest tool in the shed. Would and could and should keep on talkin till you are BLUE it will come out when and only when Axl is ready for it to come out and when it does it will be good. If you want or need something more again I say look elsewhere.

    Oh thanks for setting me straight...whoa I don't know what came over me? I'm so glad you sared your wisdom with me.

    I can't believe I started ranting and venting over this whole GNR situation...Oh wait now I know, because I can. Piss Off.

    P.S. from your remarks above, I have something you can hold and kiss.

  4. This whole fucking time spand for this forthcoming album, the where's Axl? oh now he's back, then gone again and then back... shit, cancelled shows, shady tibits of info from Merck and Axl, This tour like the last was a quick cash fix for the money pit they call Chinese Democracy the albums not finish and will never be finish cause there is "not" one. We have the best of what the album is/was with the demo's. Buckethead did best by jetting this titantic...and if the truth be known Brain is gone too. These demo's are our 2nd "Lies" album but this time they have nothing to follow.

    Merry Christmas Axl you piece of shit!


  5. no mention of the new album at any concerts or referrences any new songs played from the new album, not even the song title Chinese Democracy, oh yeah none of the new merch that I saw said or showed anything of the mention of Chinese Democracy so yet another mirage...

    There were new songs played.. :huh: Chinese Democracy was played :blink: There is new merchandise :heart:

    Unless I misunderstood due to your English skills :)

    Nothing wrong with my english skills, check your *comprehension...

    *What is comprehension?


    Comprehension is the ability to grasp something mentally and the capacity to understand ideas and facts.

  6. OK it been forever on getting this album released and why?

    First Buckethead leaves the band, he has announced he is quitting Axl Roses' outfit to pursue solo work because he is fed up with "Guns' inability to complete an album or tour". This was in 2004.

    No album release...

    May 2006 we now have a replacement for Bucket and it is guitarist Ron 'Bumblefoot' Thal, prior to the European tour, auditions were held in Los Angeles but the band did not find the right guy to replace Buckethead. Truth be told, the band was hoping that Buckethead would come back and made very effort to make that happen. When it was apparent that Bucket would not be re-joining, the band had to move forward

    No album release even though told that Ron would not be on it...

    So now Brain takes a sit out to be with his kid(which is geat) so bring in Frank Ferrer. Frank filled in for Brain for a good portion of the European summer tour when Brain went home to be present for the birth of his daughter, Kei. Prior to the U.S. run, Brain asked if he could sit this one out so he could be with his newborn baby. Had it come down to not being able to do it without him, Brain would have done the tour but management and the band support his decision to be with his family. "Frank Ferrer is not a replacement drummer or some backup playing because of an injury. Like Brain, Frank is part of the GUNS N' ROSES family.

    So now we have 2 drummers in GNR and not sure "when" or "if" Brain will be back or is this a cover up and B.S. has it started all over again?

    So if this is the nature of things to come Dizzy or Chris will be gone next so the GNR camp can get a another 2 year reprieve...

    Either way no album yet 7 Tuesdays left (<- yeah right will get it for Christmas :xmasschef2:)and we are on the "Chinese Democracy Tour" even though no mention of the new album at any concerts or referrences any new songs played from the new album, not even the song title Chinese Democracy, oh yeah none of the new merch that I saw said or showed anything of the mention of Chinese Democracy so yet another mirage...

    Still a fan just trying to figure out the next move.

  7. It was a great concert Axl looked and sounded great There were no rants nor any mention of the upcoming Chi-Dem album or reference to it even on the merch?

    I did enjoy the set list but would have rather at least heard all the demos played. The band memebers deserve that.

    The low crowd attendance was sad.

    But all and all the best Appetite for Democracy or Chinese Destruction show yet. :book:

  8. Anyone buy their ticket's from GNR.com? I got this in my email today...I bought these as soon as the site had them available?

    Dear Guns N' Roses fan,

    Your tickets for the November 2, 2006 Guns N? Roses Concert in Greensboro, NC will be available for pick up at the venue box office the night of the show. You must bring a photo ID and ticket confirmation number. Tickets will be released ONLY to the person who purchased the tickets. No exceptions.

    They have had plenty of time to mail these out.....damn just like everything else!

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