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Posts posted by GNR12/17/11

  1. Actually I have a somewhat funny story for you guys.

    A year ago when I was 15, me and my family were in San Francisco on vacation. My headphones had broke during the trip so I asked if I could pop into Best Buy quickly (while we were on the road) so I could buy a new pair.

    I ended up seeing a CD vinyl while walking through the store. I thought it was the coolest thing, but it didn't have a price tag. I only had about 10 dollars on me, so I asked an employee if he could scan it and tell me the price.

    $1.99 apparently. I was astounded, I bought it and walked out of the store estastic, I even forgot about the headphones.

    I got in the car and my brother, sister, Mom, and Dad all had a wtf expression on my face when I had a vinyl record shaped bag in my hand instead of headphones.

    I told them it was Chinese Democracy for under 2 bucks, and this was a completely unbelievable moment. My Dad ended up getting super pissed, mainly because he hates Guns and thinks they're garbage (specifically their mannerisms I'm assuming).

    My Dad was super pissed at me for the rest of the day for buying a Guns N' Roses vinyl deeming it as useless and stupid and that I was into one of the worst bands in existence. To this day he still deems Slash specifically as an "idiot", and Axl as well.

    Oddly enough my Dad likes bands like Audioslave, he likes AC/DC and Pearl Jam and all the Stones-era bands. Guns is one band he CANNOT stand myself listening to.

    Anyway, I loved that day. I mean, 2 bucks! It's a double vinyl too.

    (And if anyone wants a 16 year olds opinion on CD, it's great, one of my favourite albums. Especially the title track and There Was A Time. Shacklers is FANTASTIC live.)

  2. I'm 16 (is that allowed? to be 16 on this forum?)

    Guns is easily my favorite band, hence the reason I made an account to browse these forums.

    I'm just a regular 16 year old, kind of weird that unlike every other kid in my grade who's into rap and top 40 it's basically only me and my best friend who are into rock.

    The thing for me about Guns, even though they are WAY behind my time, is they just have this raw energy and "persona" about them that I think no other band has in today's music.

    All their songs are my favorites, that's the bottom line. Not that there's anything wrong with the guys in my grade liking Jay-Z and Kanye West, I just find I much prefer listening to stuff like the outro in November Rain compared to Watch the Throne.

    I even got to see Guns, on my birthday, last December in Vancouver with my friend. We've also got tickets to see Slash in July too.

    I'm also a big fan of the Foo Fighters, same with Arctic Monkeys, A7X, Nirvana, Rolling Stones etc. But there's just something about Guns that makes them my favorite.

    I mean after all, it was Slash that inspired me to trade my iPod touch for a guitar in Grade 10.

  3. Hey! If anyone has a extra North American 2011 tour shirt or one they're willing to sell I'm definitely looking for one.

    Don't care what design (well, as long as it's not the one with the naked chick). Would LOVE it if it has Vancouver/Seatlle/LA on the back but I know those shirts are in the minority.

    Post pics and we'll go from there, thanks!

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