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Posts posted by jimihendrix69

  1. I'm not really sure why but I'm losing interest in playing guitar, I've gone from playing 3/4 hours a day last summer to not even playing every day this summer. I've been playing for about 3 years and I just seem to have hit a block. This ever happen to anyone? Any suggestions on what I should learn/do to keep up my interest. I've tried listening to my favorite bands and watching them, but even doing this, I still lose interest after playing for about 30 mins.

    P.S. this is not just a phase, I've been steadily losing interest for a few months now. Help, somebody, Please!!!

  2. I've been playing guitar for about 2 1/2 years now but hadn't really played in any band situations 'til a few weeks ago when I realised my rhythm is way off. It's fine with a metronome and okay if I'm playing with just one other guitarist, but with the drums I can't seem to keep the beat. I'm either lengthening or shortening each bar so when I play the song it lasts the right length, but some individual bars are out of tempo. I hadn't played with drums before and don't have the equipment to record myself properly, so I didn't notice this problem fully before. But now I realise it's completely ruining my playing. Any advice on how to fix this, besides just practicing over and over again?

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