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Posts posted by AbominableHoman

  1. Super8 close to Coachella had some rooms.

    Out now. Everything else is ~$250+ and about 15+ miles away.

    I don't really give a shit how much I spend on the experience, but I'm not sure if I should go ahead and buy now or check cragslists/forums/airbnb/etc.

    Are you interested in buying my hotel room? It is 2 miles from the hotel and includes the wrist band. Let me know. The Super 8 Indio.

    Fuck, dude. I wish I had just a little patience. I paid $500 for 2 nights 20 miles away, or else I absolutely would have. I'll hit ya up if anything changes.

    See if you can cancel it.



    I'll probably still buy them, but I'll have to wait a few paychecks. Leave the room far away for whoever my brother wants to bone down with.

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  2. Super8 close to Coachella had some rooms.

    Out now. Everything else is ~$250+ and about 15+ miles away.

    I don't really give a shit how much I spend on the experience, but I'm not sure if I should go ahead and buy now or check cragslists/forums/airbnb/etc.

    Are you interested in buying my hotel room? It is 2 miles from the hotel and includes the wrist band. Let me know. The Super 8 Indio.

    Fuck, dude. I wish I had just a little patience. I paid $500 for 2 nights 20 miles away, or else I absolutely would have. I'll hit ya up if anything changes.

  3. If you want to ''pull chicks'' at this festival, please don't wear your Guns top, or say you are a particular fan of the band Guns N' Roses. Just don't...

    Spoken by a true person who doesn't know how to "pull chicks" :awesomeface:

    Did you get Coachella camping spots?

    Even the car camping was sold out when I got my tickets. I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing for the second weekend.

    Yeah, I got my stuff through Nightrain so we were able to buy car camping passes separately.

    I hit opening time at coachella.com immediately for the second week (after first week presale was out) and couldn't find camping/car camping. Delayed looking for lodging up until now, but I'm sure (uh, sorta) ill figure something out.

  4. If you want to ''pull chicks'' at this festival, please don't wear your Guns top, or say you are a particular fan of the band Guns N' Roses. Just don't...

    Spoken by a true person who doesn't know how to "pull chicks" :awesomeface:

    Did you get Coachella camping spots?

    Even the car camping was sold out when I got my tickets. I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing for the second weekend.

    If you want to ''pull chicks'' at this festival, please don't wear your Guns top, or say you are a particular fan of the band Guns N' Roses. Just don't...

    I'm picturing the "Foxey Lady" scene from Wayne's World using Axl's snake dance.

  5. What annoys me about marihuana is how drug-using adolescents makes making it illegal into the biggest political question of their time. No, the most important issue of all. Youngsters painting "Free marihuana" murals on the walls. Fuck off. What about free bread? What about the homeless? What about inequality? Get over yourselves and your petty problems you self-absorbed hippies.

    Has anyone actually said that though or are you saying that? I dont think I've ever heard anyone say it was the most important issue or the biggest issue on earth, this is the first time I'm hearing that anywhere.

    On the west coast of the States there's not a lot they've rallied around like marijuana. I don't think SoulMonster took their entire cause into consideration, though. A lot of the drive was reducing non-violent offenders and severely reducing the black market associated with it.

    ... and then it gets taxed 25%.

  6. Does everyone get a kinda emotional lobotomy when they die and pass through the supposed pearly gates? How would dying cause a radical transition and streamlining of the complex and collected soul from this realm, would we solve the various issues that are present in society now and prior by blunting the human to a docile and agreeable degree thus rendering the afterlife harmonious and simple, can we ever be divided so simply as utopia and inferno? If one is a fairly decent chap but their opinions on what may or ought to succeed earthly existence, differs from the good book, are they automatically carted off in flaming shackles to the furious fire? What is the holiday pay and hourly wage of the seething lake, surely they have staff manning the lashings and torturous caverns? No creature would slave away for free, there also must have been escapees, since no location is bulletproof for an eternity, there must be lapses in the schematics from time to time and humans are surprisingly resourceful especially when they got an eternity to fritter away, many also would've spent their lives committing devious schemes to foil carefully considered rules if they are condemned to hell, so I got a question of wondering how secure your lodgings are...


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