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Posts posted by chorrada

  1. 9 hours ago, tboneman said:


    This is a non album single. They are recording new album right now and decided to release this with cover of The Cure's "Fire in Cairo" as a b-side. 


    ""We're in the middle of recording our new full-length album which has no date of release just yet. In the meantime, we're very excited about the release of our new single, 'Stay With You'. It was originally intended to be included on the upcoming LP but we decided to do a BEATLES and release it as standalone track with a B-side. 'Stay With You' is a straight-up minor key rocker and it's backed with our interpretation of THE CURE's 'Fire In Cairo'. We hope you dig."

    Ah, very nice. You like it?

  2. Saw them a few days ago. Didn't like the set list too much, and I felt it was a rather short show. The singer seemed a bit dumb, when someone from the crowd handed him a wallet that someone must've lost in the pit. He was like "Why do you want to give me money?" and just gave it back. :D It still was a good night though, I'll go see them again if they come back to my city. The opener, SNAYX, was fun too.

  3. On 3/16/2024 at 4:52 PM, username said:


    Out since yesterday! ^_^ Any thoughts? 

    I've listened to it only twice so far. Only really liked the singles and was a bit disappointed by the rest. Maybe it just needs some time. Still really looking forward to seeing them live next month though!

  4. I recently got into them as well. I've heard they are great live, and I'm going to see them on their upcoming tour. Really looking forward to it!

  5. When I first heard the leak, I was a bit disappointed. No wonder though, considering the exceptions I had. Just as the other NITL releases, the song suffers from repetitiveness. Especially The General and Perhaps would have greatly benefitted from more lyrics or a little change up in the structure. Perhaps could've been a 10/10 song for me, if it weren't for the copy and paste shit. The final version of The General also really doesn't sound good. I feel like the leak had more punch?! I don't know what clipping is and therefore don't hear it ( I think), and I'd rather not find out because that would probably ruin the song completely.

    That said, I still like the song. It really grew on me since the leak. I like the sinister vibe, the outro is great and overall the song is really catchy. Chinese Democracy is probably my favourite album of all time, and while TG doesn't compare to songs like TWAT, Prostitute or CITR, it still scratches an itch for me.  I'm a bit surprised that the reception on the forum is that horrible. I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but worse than My World? Well, each to their own.

    I'm glad I cancelled the Vinyl, though, especially after seeing what they did to the cover. God, this band. How I wish I didn't love GnR the way I do. Music life would be so much better if I was on a Metallica forum instead.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Sweersa said:

    Having children can change one’s perspective on a lot of things. Would you prefer Duff not have this outlook after having daughters? People grow and change and sometimes it takes life events to prompt positive changes and outlooks. This can include reform through prison or related programs, mentorship, finding Jesus, a partner, having children, etc. If anything, it shows he’s a dynamic person.

    I think nobody would say it's a bad thing to have a change in perspective due to having daughters. The point is why are some people such incredible scumbags before? Why do they only change for the better once that such behaviour from another man could affect your own life?

    I know a guy who used to say utterly disgusting things about women. Not aware of him abusing women, but with that attitude it wouldn't have surprised me. Now after having a daughter he became really protective and completely stopped talking the way he used to. Great, I guess. But it really shouldn't be so hard not to treat women like trash before having a daughter.

    • Like 4
  7. 1 minute ago, AtariLegend said:

    You're not alone, apparently only half of vinyl record owners actually own a vinyl player.

    Despite youtube, the reality is they're more targeted for hipsters and boomers who couldn't operate a walkman than audiophiles.

    I'm actually not joking.


    Well yeah. I was going to buy the vinyl (would've been my first one) to support the band, but I'll guess they'll have to do with the hundreds of euros I spend on their concert tickets.

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  8. 14 minutes ago, colonizedmind said:

    We could be just one month away from hearing finished Atlas and SOG....or at least a fuller EP with live tracks from the '23 tour....I'm mean they love a double dip, so surely they'll be something at the very least...Thanksgiving weekend....xmas shopping time...it's a no brainer...license to print $. It's all done ready to go!

    Or maybe just new GNFNR bed covers in the shop, guess we will see....

    Wouldn't it be announced and up for presale by now though? I don't know, a release at this point doesn't really make any sense to me.

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