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Posts posted by NoSoup4U

  1. Are you trying to say that the threat of the end of the world in Dec of 2012 will make $la$h realize his LYING ways?

    Remember, these important facts:

    1. Axl didn't reject all of the $nakepit stuff from $la$h. As Marc Cantor stated: Axl liked 3-4 songs but $la$h was being a bonehead about it (and then quit).

    2. Axl invited $la$h to contribute to 3 songs on CD.

    3. Marc Cantor stated: Axl was right ... $la$h is a LIAR. $la$h lies to make himself look "cool".

    4. Axl says that all $la$h has to do is apologize and tell the TRUTH.

  2. Reunion sort-of has already happened ... we've had Izzy with GnR ... we've had Duff with GnR ... we've even had Adler backstage and partying with GnR too!

    Who seems to be missing from this list? Hmmm .... all right!

    An Axl and $la$h reunion could happen ... all that needs to happen is for $la$h to apologize and tell the truth for once!

    Remember, $la$h rejected Axl's offer to contribute to 3 songs on CD.

    Like Marc Cantor said: Axl was right about $la$h being a LIAR ... $la$h lies to make himself look "cool".

  3. Bucket was the key to CD. Great fn player! Just because he didn't respond to the questions doesn't mean anything negative towards Axl and Guns.

    It's what some would call PROFESSIONALISM and RESPECT.

    Or just someone who doesn't give a shit and couldn't care less to get into the typical GNR drama.

    Or ... Don't bite the hand that feeds you ... the guy will forever be getting royalties from CD.

    Axl could have easily replaced all of Buckethead's part and not include photos of him in the CD booklet, hence depriving Buckethead of any CD-related royalties.

    Axl kept all of Buckethead's work on CD intact.

    That shows a lot of RESPECT and perhaps even love from Axl towards Buckethead for his work.

    You would have to be a douche and an idiot to not reciprocate the PROFESSIONAL RESPECT back. You don't have to like someone to RESPECT them.

  4. http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/uponsun/2012/08/buckethead_interview.php?page=2

    Being that you obviously enjoy being a mysterious, anonymous figure in the music community and appear to be fairly reclusive, was it difficult working with Axl Rose, someone who seems to be fairly over the top and in love with the spotlight (at least in some twisted way)?

    No answer.

    Did you get frustrated with the fact that you were a member of Guns 'n' Roses for four years and nothing really ever came of it besides a few concerts?

    Again, no answer.

    Just imagine ... if $la$h would have given the same responses as Buckethead did to every Axl question, that bridge would not have been burned down.

    A lesson to be learned by not just $la$h but anybody in a group of any sort:

    Whatever *creative* differences and personality clashes you may have had with any of your *friends* in the group ... it is never worth it to air your grievances publicly to hurt them and win sympathy from the fans. You should never speak badly about anyone you have ever worked with.

    Just imagine if $la$h had indeed heed this basic simple lesson ... we might have had 3+ $la$h solos on CD, $la$h guess spotting at live shows like Izzy and Duff, and possible more future collaborations with Axl.

    But that is all down the drain because $la$h can't control his tongue.

    Power to the deep fried chicken!

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