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Posts posted by ace3494

  1. i hope to god they overdubbed Axl's vocals..

    No overdubs were done as per Rockfuel and Axl sounded phenomenal from what we heard on the trailer.

    i hope to god they overdubbed Axl's vocals..

    No overdubs were done as per Rockfuel and Axl sounded phenomenal from what we heard on the trailer

    just snippets, i'm worried it won't turn out that well, cause Paradise City and SCOM sounded very meh.. just mixed well.

  2. He doesn't exactly sound the most powerful, but its about 50/60 percent head and chest voice (rasp) while the whole last 2 years it was 20 percent head/chest voice. I hope to god that he got self conscious after reading some youtube comments after Beta turned off the child locks on his PC.

  3. Okay, so theres TWO ways to sing high if you are a bass/baritone like Axl. Head/chest voice, where the rasp is. He can make it clean (CITR, TIL) or Raspy (Street of Dreams, Nightrain). Head voice/chest voice is not from the diaphram, so it is harder to maintain breath-wise. It also hurts the throat if pushed too hard. Which is why he uses it sparingly live. Listen to the bootleg of the recent Zepp Tokyo show, He uses head/chest voice aka rasp throughout all of WTTJ, but literally just that song. The second, shitty way to sing high... is Falsetto. Unfortunately Axl cannot make this voice raspy, its not physically possible. Falsetto is 100x easier on the throat and lungs to support. It's also a bit harder to control pitch in higher notes.

    The reason he sounds so different show to show is just if his voice is up to it. Axl's voice has changed tremendously even without the obvious performances where he uses falsetto, Listen to Lies, then Spaghetti Incident. It's thinner and less rich, but more powerful in Spaghetti Incident. CD it's alot cleaner, powerful and refined than ever before. He can only use this voice in short bursts it seems. Such as in 2010, when he tore shit up, but recently, the long shows have taken their toll, and even Sebastian Bach said Axl doesn't warmup his voice. Which he could have gotten away with when he was younger and in better shape, but now it's taxing.

    Other users of head voice,

    Bach when he screams, Brian Johnson all the time (AC/DC tunes down now and he dodges high notes), Robert Plant (not because he couldn't hit the notes, but this made them sound meaner). Steven Tyler also used it quite a bit (Draw the Line), But sparingly. Surprisingly Steven uses falsetto for his high notes (Dream on) but can maintain his raspy tone.

  4. in grand rapids he came out after the show, signed everything for everybody (a good 150 people) that was lined up, and was pretty much all smiles. In thunder bay, ontario, I got to meet him before the show, he talked with me for a good 10 minutes, and told the security guy at the venue to wait a bit when he tried hurrying me off. His assistant gave me a VIP thingy and some picks, and I got my picture taken with Slash, and then during the show, he would hold his pose with his guitar way down low for me to take pictures.

    Myles is also a great guy, he hung around talking to fans before the show in grand rapids, I didn't have my camera, but during the show he came over and gave a thumbs up until I had my picture. When they were in thunder bay, I gave slashes guy the photo of myles, and myles signed it backstage and it was brought back to me. I treasure that shit. rock3

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