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Posts posted by Comicbookguy

  1. Rob Taylor was a con man in the 90's. He pretended to be the keyboard player for Guns-n-Roses among others and also the lead singer of Great White. He was even engaged to some poor girl as the Great White front man. (He kinda looked like Jack Russell).

    Until he was arresed. It was Dearborn Heights, Michigan at a club called The Arena. Taylor arrived one Friday night with several limos and told the owner he was the touring keyboard player for Guns and Roses. The club was already slammed for a Mike Utley fundraising event (NFL Players) so the owner took Tayor for his word rather than snub a possible rocker and figured even better for the fundraiser. As the night went on suspensions arose but it was before the internet and the most info that could be found was G-n-R had two keyboard players that were hidden from the stage. The club decided to try and get Taylor to come back on Saturday.

    So Saturday morning a call went out to David Geffen. Geffen and his people were well aware of Taylor and asked for assistance in catching him. When Taylor arrived later that night he was videotaped autographing the club wall and introduced himself as Rob Taylor, Guns and Roses. A few minutes later he was arrested. He had walked out on his tab the night before and was charged with failure to pay a tavern keeper among other charges.

    It ended up being the top story on Channel 4 news for a week and landed the club on Current Affair for a piece called The Great Pretender. The actually videos will be on YouTube soon.

    Crazy little G-n-R footnote. Probably not a good idea to con a Club who's favorite distraction from working was a G-n-R pinball machine. I miss that machine......

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