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Posts posted by echoshizzle

  1. Maybe Axl should release Chinese Democracy in cassette format only to discourage downloading it illegally. He could also make a fortune by manufacturing and selling cassette players, since not many of them exist anymore. A box set of (1) Chinese Democracy cassette and (1) GNR Cassette player.


    You actually have a really great idea there. Not so much in cassette format, but vinyl. I'd love to buy vinyl albums but players are like $50. Imagine a company selling a basic record player for like $20 and the vinyl release for like $5 or $10. Marketed right that idea could make millions.

    Really great idea. haha

  2. huge news for me as i love guitar hero 1.

    I saw a video advertisement for it on gamespot with SCOM, the problem is this game is all covers. This is one song the band can't do the vocals right on. They could have done a much better job IMHO.

    it's okay though, still get to play some SCOM.

  3. Start it off with Nightrain, NOT WTTJ.

    Then play all the greats they usually have played this tour..

    Encore of Coma, Locomotive, Estranged.

    That's really what id love.

  4. the way axl sings he needs to drink a lot of water. His raspy sound comes from his throat, only way to keep it is to keep drinking as much as he can, he never really sang with his lungs, it was his rasp that made him awesome. And he's older now, so it's a bit different than 15 years ago.

    And yeah if you thought he meant alcohol you are a jackass.. And axl isnt "almost 40" hes like 44. quite a difference.

  5. yeah... I think they had it all along and just waited a while to give us all of it.


    Management saw how well IRS did.. being in the charts and stuff and thought "You know what.. we did that with IRS... Just imagine what we could do with Better"

    IRS only did well because its a new song. It's not a really great song for the radio.

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