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Posts posted by onetimer

  1. 36 minutes ago, Babooshka said:

    Why wouldn't Izzy play CD stuff? He toured with nuGNR and wrote material with them. What objections would he have to playing CD songs?

     Maybe he isn't into that the newgnr stuff that much. Sure he played with them here and there but just for 2-3 old songs and an old cover which he's known how to play them for about 20 years by now :) Maybe he's having hard times learning someone else's material or to do it justice. According to Marc Canter (and he surely knows him better than fans) he sometimes also isn't the easiest person to work with (reckless road interviews).

    Is there any (officialy released or performed) CHD song co-written with Izzy? I don't know of any... 

    I'd personaly love to see those original 5 fuckers doin' their thing together for the entire tour (plus Dizzy on piano) but I just don't have high hopes. 


  2. 13 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    ...If you believed Axl and Slash's lies after Izzy quit.

    I do not.

    yeah sure, there's possibility of them lying about this givin' him shit after his departure :) I agree...

    I just really don't believe that Izzy's willing to learn & play chinese stuff when Axl is pretty happy w/ Slash and Duff playin' it so they're not dropping them.

  3. I think Izzy for what ever reasons doesn't want to learn / is maybe not capable to rehearse and play Chinese Democracy tunes in the first place. :) 

    Long ago I've read somewhere in interviews or a book Izzy was not reliable even to play songs he wrote/co-wrote back in the illusion tour days properly and they have to turn the knob on his amp a little down cause he tended to play different tune sometimes :)

    I love Izzy but there's no way the rest of the guys would allow anyone to fuck it up for them, "NITL" tour and big "GnFnR" comeback. There are shitloads of money on the table.

    If only AFD, Lies and UYI songs were planned to be played for this tour I'm sure they would give him a chance to do full set, but there's no chance Axl would completely give up chinese tunes. According to him (in china exchange interview) he enjoys performing chinese tunes the most these days.

    ...just my opinion :)

  4. 11 hours ago, Gordon Comstock said:

    I don't know if I'm just biased because I was there, but I think that was the best TIL solo Slash has done yet. It sounds fantastic.

    ... could be cause of your personal experience or your taste but I like Slash's solo in this one much better  :)  :drool: ->


  5. I really had to try hard to remember my password to log in (as I'd got used to visit this forum as guest on daily basis for last couple of months and completely forgot it) just to be able to write "THANK YOU" for putting this together and bringing this (mygnr podcast). Although I already knew like 99,95% of all info mentioned I must say I really really liked & enjoyed it so I hope you guys will stick with this for (at least) some time. :thumbsup:

    ...and I can't wait for the next episode.

    • Like 2
  6. I think this is because radio stations make money by playing songs that are popular and people want to hear

    2nd part of your sentence is half-true.

    Radio stations and all the media, popular magazines, especially music TVs make money by playing song that labels and giant concerns pay them to play and advertise young "moneymakers" so that the sales of albums, concert tickets etc will rise and make the "stars" iconic and popular and the cut of the producers & industry hangers-on will be bigger and bigger. They do it to earn more money.

    GN'R are yesterday's news, Axl pretty much do whatever he wants with his band, they can't control him and GN'R and the times have changed, people who like GN'R would hardly wait all day listening to the new mediocre shits for one song from GN'R to hear them.

    Just small, independent or genre-oriented radio stations could play what that kind of genre-oriented people want.

    That's why you hear all the same bullshit music 10 times a day on commercial stations. They are paid for it.

  7. ...sure I would buy it, ... (it should have been released for FREE download as a bonus disc on the occasion of AFD's 25th anniversary though)

    I'd love to hear anything from GN'R where Robin Finck was involved.

  8. I don't like his look and "style", ashbaswag looks horrible imo.

    I don't like his playing,... the guy doesn't really have significant or recognizable chops, but I have to wait for his work on new material before I'll definitely write him off... :)

    I've heard/seen him playing somebody else's solos (Slash, Finck) and I like the originals better because of the FEELING he lacks.

    I'm not 14 years old confused emo teenage chick so I can't drown in his "charisma" :)

  9. ...in GNR 100% songwriting credits were devided :

    25% melody (vocals + chord progression)

    25 % music (instruments tracks)

    25 % lyrics

    25 % arrangement

    and then concrete % were calculated for each member of GNR according to how much a member participated in each of those processes.

    *In booklets (after Appetite) 1st mentioned as songwriter is the one who brought up the main melody/lyrics followed with 2 - 3 people who participated the most on creation of the song.

    f.e. do not think that only Axl gets the songwriting royalties from Estranged because he's the only one credited in booklet. That means , he has rights for further usage of the song, but other members who participated still get royalties, and their cut is calculated in contracts among band members and publishing company.

    Music copyright law recognizes a copyright in the song and a separate copyright in the sound recording

    So, f.e., when Slash says he wrote a song,... he doesn't mean he brought up the melody and lyrics, but the original guitar riffs mainly.

    Also depends if it's something that really made a song THAT song,.

    Once it's recorded, he gets another percentage from " 25% melody " section added to his percentage that he's got from 25% music (recorded instrument track) section.

    It works like that.

    It's not that simple as written in booklets.

    In CONTRACTS, there is exactly who and how much participated in each song and what cut they get.

    Slash can also play the most of GN'R old stuff, but he promotes his solo albums so choose to perform his new stuff more.

    Axl still is GNR, so can do whatever he wants with the songs for which he owns the major rights (%).

    I guess I've heard he wanted the new members redo every slash solo, but then realized the solos are very characteristic, so he fortunately changed his mind about that.

    I'm sure there are old songs, maybe even full albums with re-recorded solos in his safe though :)

  10. ...still don't get it ? ...

    These people are in their positions exactly n' only because Axl trust them the most, and feel comfortable with them the most for years,... ...you want some communication, you demand info, news,... yeah, I understand that, ... it's completely natural,...

    WHAT IF there really is no info, and even Axl himself's not sure about things ?

    What do you want the management to go public with ?

    Promising lies ? Hopes ? Half-truths ?

    ...many times there were specific dates we were told (even Axl maybe "knew" were valid), ...but something could just fuck up, with bandmates, producers, communication, circumstances, health, relations, rentals...(things easily fuck up in my life every day with my microscopic dis-functional band, in my work, ...) sort of things money COULDN'T fix ,...

    D'you want questionable announcements to keep your loyalty alive ?

    I understand all of what you're saying but there's a couple of things to point out.

    Personally, I'm not demanding anything from GN'R or their management. However, when they say things like "You don't know the whole story" or "If you knew what we're up against, you'd understand" it's frustrating. My response to that is "Then tell me so that I understand". Between silence and "You don't know...." I'd honestly prefer silence.

    My second part was brought up in this thread and the 3D Blu-Ray thread; why use the GN'R fb and twitter accounts to promote things that have nothing to do with GN'R? To me that says "We don't have time to update the fans, but we have time to try to sell things". I'm not talking about the Nightrain update as that's GN'R related. I'm not bothered when they tweet about a legends b-day (Lennon, Elvis, etc) and I'm certainly not bothered when they tweet about a GN'R anniversary of some sort (RIR, UYI release, etc). It's only when they tweet about things that are completely unrelated that I can't get my head around it.

    I don't know about you,...but I am not familiar with any legal issues, contracts, people around GN'R, never really met anyone of them,...

    I can imagine the die-hard fans want to know more, every (even bad) news or 'unwanted issues' about their most favorite band ever, but the majority of fans today or especially young people who may tend to become GN'R fans these days don't.

    When we got million different dates for CHD (and were let down when any of them didn't work out) before fuckin' Facebook and Twitter,...

    Now, with so many people grouped and the speed of communication & data transfers I'm afraid it would be more destructive than productive.

    I see what you're saying, but going radio silent between sporatic touring isn't (in my opinion) a very good way to deal with the fans in response technology in 2013.

    yeah, that's your opinion.

    1. Since when GN'R do things like every other band ? ;)

    2. I dunno who runs the official social media of GN'R, what info they really got or what they are allowed to publish

    3. I think I'd want to get a real life for a while & take a breath after endless touring worldwide, take a rest, see friends I haven't seen, family maybe, ...etc...do things I was taken out from to see "my forever unsatisfied fans" :)... and then maybe rehearse new material, or do record... Mostly personal things I wouldn't want to share after seein' million different faces in hundred different cities around the world.

    Can't understand how people have so much empathy for Adler who was sacked out of the band when all was settled, paid and running , and he was fucked up and unusable and can't find a piece of empathy for a person who's been (still) keeping the band alive until today.

    • Like 1
  11. ...still don't get it ? ...

    These people are in their positions exactly n' only because Axl trust them the most, and feel comfortable with them the most for years,... ...you want some communication, you demand info, news,... yeah, I understand that, ... it's completely natural,...

    WHAT IF there really is no info, and even Axl himself's not sure about things ?

    What do you want the management to go public with ?

    Promising lies ? Hopes ? Half-truths ?

    ...many times there were specific dates we were told (even Axl maybe "knew" were valid), ...but something could just fuck up, with bandmates, producers, communication, circumstances, health, relations, rentals...(things easily fuck up in my life every day with my microscopic dis-functional band, in my work, ...) sort of things money COULDN'T fix ,...

    D'you want questionable announcements to keep your loyalty alive ?

    I understand all of what you're saying but there's a couple of things to point out.

    Personally, I'm not demanding anything from GN'R or their management. However, when they say things like "You don't know the whole story" or "If you knew what we're up against, you'd understand" it's frustrating. My response to that is "Then tell me so that I understand". Between silence and "You don't know...." I'd honestly prefer silence.

    My second part was brought up in this thread and the 3D Blu-Ray thread; why use the GN'R fb and twitter accounts to promote things that have nothing to do with GN'R? To me that says "We don't have time to update the fans, but we have time to try to sell things". I'm not talking about the Nightrain update as that's GN'R related. I'm not bothered when they tweet about a legends b-day (Lennon, Elvis, etc) and I'm certainly not bothered when they tweet about a GN'R anniversary of some sort (RIR, UYI release, etc). It's only when they tweet about things that are completely unrelated that I can't get my head around it.

    I don't know about you,...but I am not familiar with any legal issues, contracts, people around GN'R, never really met anyone of them,...

    I can imagine the die-hard fans want to know more, every (even bad) news or 'unwanted issues' about their most favorite band ever, but the majority of fans today or especially young people who may tend to become GN'R fans these days don't.

    When we got million different dates for CHD (and were let down when any of them didn't work out) before fuckin' Facebook and Twitter,...

    Now, with so many people grouped and the speed of communication & data transfers I'm afraid it would be more destructive than productive.

  12. ...still don't get it ? ...

    These people are in their positions exactly n' only because Axl trust them the most, and feel comfortable with them the most for years,... ...you want some communication, you demand info, news,... yeah, I understand that, ... it's completely natural,...

    WHAT IF there really is no info, and even Axl himself's not sure about things ?

    What do you want the management to go public with ?

    Promising lies ? Hopes ? Half-truths ?

    ...many times there were specific dates we were told (even Axl maybe "knew" were valid), ...but something could just fuck up, with bandmates, producers, communication, circumstances, health, relations, rentals...(things easily fuck up in my life every day with my microscopic dis-functional band, in my work, ...) sort of things money COULDN'T fix ,...

    D'you want questionable announcements to keep your loyalty alive ?

  13. It would be hell of a ride if Axl broke the endless silence about some specific subjects / hot topics and went direct publicly and just told things as they are, ...(or as he feels they are).

    I doubt it will ever happen, :axl: 's a businessman (who doesn't forget ) n' his experience was everything he'd said would be taken out of the context or get twisted.

    I don't believe he hates Slash, ... and that's why he can't tell the reasons everybody wants to hear,...I think he loves the man, and he dreamed about reunion himself for some time, but no communication (I don't count drunk Slash showing up once at Axl's house late at night) barely helps the misunderstandings, so it all just faded away, the bonds, the chemistry, ... just like marriage after divorce,.... avoiding to see each other for years and meeting new fresh people heals everything,.... and then,.... it's too late, different lives, different persons, different values, ....

    ...it wouldn't work, Axl knows, and so does Slash, and everybody else (except Steven) , so talk about it after so many years ?

    What for ?

  14. The problem seems to be Axl himself felt he could improve every song on the album and look at what we got ....

    This is a great point. A lot of times when I hear extra clutter in the background I think "Damn it. That just was not needed" but I know that for whatever reason, Axl sure thought it was.

    ... but on the other hand,... from what I've read (even here) ...Axl delivered finished (according to Axl) album to some producer/sound engineer or who-the-hell-it-was (sorry can't remember his name) around 2002 and had dinner with this guy.

    This guy told Axl it's not finished and in his opinion Axl was capable of MORE, ...and that he liked only 2 songs.

    Axl responded "it's finished" and would never contact that guy anymore.

    So, there must be many other variations of the songs ( that should / could have made it out somehow for public ), but didn't.

    I'm sure Chinese Democracy would've had more fans, cause people would have a choice, somewhere between RAW and OVER-PRODUCED.

    But I remember Axl mentioned it was very difficult to deal with producers/label to get things done, because everybody seemed to boycott the new band, and tended to see more $ if they all operated to make re-union happen.

    Personally I'd like it more raw.

    I own a pretty good stereo and while sometimes it's breath-taking how it's all layered and shit, ...it's still a mess, and it's hard to concentrate on every aspect of the songs.

    I can't blame GN'R because I really don't know what was the deal/ problems/ circumstances with the label.

  15. I like the first 4 Van Halen Records, and i like all the Motley Crue albums except the one with Corabi. What's wrong with that? Any of those albums i've mentioned are way better than Chinese Democracy!

    Well, that is your opinion,... but they ARE NOT :P ... although you may consider them to be it doesn't mean they are.

    For you - maybe. For me - not a chance. For others - i don't care :)

    Eddie Van Halen could be officially promoted to (and be globally celebrated) as the world's best guitarist ever and I still wouldn't give a flyin' fuck about him, Van Halen band or Van Halen songs. :shrugs:

    It just doesn't hit / thrill / entertain me at all.

    Fortunately music is art, doesn't have any universal scheme.

    Art is freedom and reflects individual feelings.

    Arguing about which record is better is like arguing about which meal is the best. Peace :)

  16. Sorry, ....but how can anyone of you imagine (or even wish) Axl singin' Bon Jovi's empty cheap mediocre songs with lyrics of a 12 years old brat who's in love for the very first time and his vocabulary and expression is very limited by his age and experiences ?!

    If GNR wrote "songs" like Bon Jovi, I would never become a fan.

    • Like 1
  17. I don't think he ever bad mouthed him, not even in his book...

    I really think Slash and Axl both believe everything they say, however twisted in their heads and emotional in their hearts it might be.

    It's called point of view, a perspective.

    But even if an individual says something he really truly believes in, it doesn't make it automatically & universally true.

    Truth doesn't exist, everyone has his own (and would stick to it forever to save face).

    Yeah except Slash is not the only telling the same "truth" about Axl and what happened in Guns yet Axl is the only one pushing his version of the "truth".

    You figure it is a conspiracy between Slash, Duff, Izzy, Steven, Matt, Niven, Zutaut and others telling similar stories to make Axl look bad? Really?

    ...and this is your conclusion ? :lol:

    .... no.

  18. ...he should drop all the "tuning" bullshit : cane, hats, and the massive "CCCP 80's car door-ashtrays" that he likes to wear as rings these days.

    All that "armor" he's wearin' is makin' him even less flexible for performing and out of breath.

    (T)his current look is the worst he ever had, ... making him look even older than he really is.

    Oh, and finally get rid of that fu@?!n' Teutul's mustache.

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