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Scott Disick

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Posts posted by Scott Disick

  1. The fact that people really have to think hard what the latest bit of positive news was and argue about it says enough. It's sad.

    That's just because people aren't really paying attention. There's been lots of positive news lately in the form of Bumblefoot doing chats and interviews. But as usual any such topic is overshadowed by the negative and ignorant people who jump at the opportunity to bash on the band and situation.

    Sure. It's great that we have a guy, who had absolutely nothing to do with the success or legacy of the band, talk to fans about things having nothing to do with that band. Not gonna lie ... it might be fun if he were to accidentally slip up again and say "fuck GNR" again.

    I do find their lack of self-pride to be somewhat admirable. It works out that they put a bigger value on $$$ than they do on artistic integrity.

  2. It would be cool, if, for a certain amount of money, she'd be willing to do a 15 minute video chat with a fan where she vividly describes what she felt as Steven (or other) shot her with that lethal dose of heroin that night in the late 80s. Or how her friend giving her a shitload of klonopin made her wig the fuck out.

    Maybe even more interesting than Axl's love letters.

  3. So maybe there's a song called "In This Grave", that at some point goes "And they say the stars don't look the same

    I may have changed yet I have my soul to claim" hmmmm maybe that is what he was trying to say.

    Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if "The Watch" is a legit working title.

    Probably won't hear it until Axl's unfortunate demise, though.

  4. If I recall correctly, I was making the majority of my posts at cd.com while posting under the Robin F~ screen name. One day, while casually surfing htgth.com, I had noticed in an old, outdated thread that someone had posted the lyrics to Sorry well before the song ever leaking (a 2007 post, I believe)

    No one had really noticed because so much time had passed since that post, I decided to make a post elsewhere claiming to be him with the hope that it would entice the real poster to step forward. And he did. Not that long later, actually.

    Without question, I think "youthinkso" was the real author of that post.

  5. Do you want the truth? I was the guy who posted as Robin F~. I'm sure most of you probably won't believe me, but a mod's IP check would suggest otherwise.

    I was not the same person from HTGH that posted those lyrics prior to it leaking.

    Believe it or not, my true goal was not to mislead everyone. It was done with the hope that it would smoke out the real author.

    Like I said, most probably will not believe me, but mission fucking accomplished, nevertheless.

  6. Axl_morris - that's fine too. Facebook friends. Twitter followers. Whatever or wherever the "fans" are located. Think of the positive press it would bring to the band. 25 fans picked at random from all the socal media sites (facebook, fanclubs, gnr forums, etc).

    I was hoping this topic would show Beta/Del/Axl/Fernando that the world isn't just made up of haters, cupcakes and cancers. That there are millions of people who still love Axl and would kill to hear new music from this band. And I hope they could stop focusing on all the negative people, and really concentrate on Axl's millions of fans!!!!!!!

    No offense, but you sound as if you have a strange obsession with Axl. I don't believe that Axl has millions of fans these days. The classic lineup of GNR has millions of fans. It's highly unlikely that Axl, himself, has millions of fans in the year 2013. Just being real.

    As far as things we'd like to see, a classic lineup reunion for me, please. Then I'd be interested in an album by them, etc.

  7. He's married to a woman and obviously likes girls with some nice prominent boobage. I don't know if it's common among gays. :)

    I never said the guy was straight up gay, but there's no question that he's bi-, at minimum. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you believe he's straight up heterosexual, spend a little time talking to the guy in person. I assure you that you will leave the conversation with your head not buried quite as far in the sand.

  8. I've always wondered if Axl pays these guys extra to lie?

    Honestly, I'm completely fine with never getting another GNR album, especially if that GNR album means Axl's shot vocals on top of music that was created by a group of guys who have never found any real success on their own merit. I say keep it locked away in whatever imaginary vault that it supposedly lies in. Something tells me that the world isn't missing anything.

  9. So he must be a lesbian.

    Maybe. But there's no question in my mind that he's been on south Hershey Hwy at least a couple of times in his life. I thought his voice seemed really weird too. Almost as if he was forcing a deep sort of tone. My girl thought that it was cool because he was in to fashion, but even she admitted to thinking that he is a closet bro-mance type of guy. Kind of felt bad for the blonde who was with him and seemed to be laughing at everything he said (even when it wasn't the least bit funny). For her sake, hopefully she's just a whore looking for an easy pay day. If it's true love, I wouldn't be surprised if he has come up a little short a few times while laying on the satin sheets. But who knows? Maybe he has a picture of a young Christopher Reeves in his superman spandex taped to the ceiling above his bed.

  10. A friend of mine and makeup artist who lives with her fiancé in Laurel Canyon Valley happen to shop at the same markets as Axl. A month or so ago, they mentioned seeing him out with an older Puerto Rican lady. Supposedly he has short, blonde hair now (maybe this is wildly known amongst the fanatics)? I asked her how in the hell Axl looks with short blonde hair? She said nothing like Axl Rose used to look and that is probably fine with him.

  11. Some of you people here are in real denial. I'm concerned that many of you are unhealthy people that lead unhealthy lives. Rock in Rio 2011? I can't say that I know what happened there but this whole new GNR idea has been an absolute fucking fiasco shoulda-been-abortion from the moment that Axl unfortunately said "go". Axl has been so far gone from the benzos since the last 90s that I imagine every day of his life is nothing but a mere foggy drug induced haze.

    I moved on from GNR long ago, but recently came across this fansite while just perusing the web while bored one day. It's really comical how some of you don't see how much of a damn wreck the guy and his so called band is. I don't know any of them personally aside from the DJ guy because my girl works in fashion when she's not doing other things. That guy is a straight freak weirdo. My girl introduced me to him in Vegas about 6 months ago after learning that he was GNR's guitar player. Initially, I thought he was fucking with me when he said it. He was probably wondering why I laughed when he first started talking to me about a GNR tour that he was involved with at the time. Again, straight fucking WEIRDO.

    If that was the best Axl could have done in replacing Slash, you know shit must be pretty damn dire straights.

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