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Posts posted by BarbiStolatVonG

  1. That depends if you are talkin' bout a guy, let's just call him Jim, who created a character called William Bailey who created a rockstar character called Axl Rose...?

    (Similar way that David Robert Haywood Jones created a character called David Bowie who created a rockstar called Ziggy Stardust and Aladdin Sane,

    similar to the way Vincent Damon Furnier created a persona called Alice Cooper who created a character called Steven and Dr Frankenstein...)

    And if you are talkin' bout Slash or Saul Hudson


  2. Manson was known as a mind controller - to this day he is locked up for life for his involvement in influencing a group of young misfits to do some Helter Skelter - although they can't pin him for 1st degree.

    Axl wore that T-shirt alongside his 'I am not a Matyr' and 'Kill Your idols' ones... It's just social commentary....


    It was his way of commenting on/coping with all the hero worship from the fans - when Gn'R was at their peak, he was inevitably raised to those 'bigger than Jesus levels' - Cult Like Status - with the inevitable 'so crucify me' when he could never live up to the God Like standards some fans and media put him at.

    Basically, he was saying - I'm just a guy in a band playing some music that you all happen to dig at the moment, that's all it is! tomorrow, well, that may be a different story....

    It was at a stage when people stopped listening to Axl, the musician - and some reflected their own image onto Axl - so Axl, by wearing the Manson T-shirt - reflected an image -in the form of Charlie- back onto them.... :hahafyou:

    The Beatles (John Lennon coined the phrase 'Bigger Than Jesus' and got flamed for it) were in a similar situation.... http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/manson/mansonbeatles.html



  3. For those of you who weren't paying attention....

    it's b/c earlier, Steven posted this little random injoke on his Twitter:

    Him playing a guitar with a winged Barbi Doll on his shoulder...

    SHHHHHHH... #LETROCKRULE http://on.fb.me/1jqvSqP

    In Tyler Talk, I think he was sayin' something like throw a leg over your shoulder or something like that... whatever that means...

    Always remember to arm and cross check the doors (Twitter) people!



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