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Posts posted by Tamatt27

  1. Its so tough to say:

    There are two main problems that face Tapers.

    1) Security at the front are starting to massive patdown. its ridiculous. So getting it in is actually a hard thing to do. Just have to be crafty

    2) Will there be video screens. If their are video screen then a smart thing to do would be film those. You will get great video pro shot.

    If there are no video screens present then we would have to devise a method of panning and scanning the stage while video taping in order to get a great booty. There are however many ushers in the mezz seats and thats the worst part. You have to be so slick not to get caught. Its a science and when its done well. . .it looks amazing!

    All of this doesnt mean shit if you have floor GA. You will never be able to get a good recording from the ground. Doesnt mean it cant be done. My knowledge of bootlegging only consists of getting it done from the elevated seats in venues.

    So its up to us people in the mezz to hold it down. Im going to all the shows I will not tape the first or last because i would rather watch.

    So I possible might tape the 14th and/or 15th. I dont know. Dont im/mail/email just dont contact me. I will let people know if I do after the concert is shot and edited.


    Way to take one for the team mayn! rock3 BTW, I'll be at the 14th and 15th shows, so if ya need a drink or anything, I can supply so ya don't have to take your eyes off the screen. :shades:

  2. If a large number of people wanted to stay at the same hotel, there's a chance a cheaper rate could be negotiated with the hotel. Often times, a hotel will offer special discount rates for "groups" and "conferences" that book a block of rooms.

    If there are enough people interested in this, I could check with a few major hotels. But we would likely need 100 or 200 rooms booked to get a special rate - just a guess.

    That sound likes a great idea. I'm down for 2 people the 14th and 15th.

  3. i'm 18 and from canada

    somebody buy me booze , i'll pay

    Dude, when hundreds of people are there they aren't going to mind :P

    Dress up like Slash and maybe they wont card you. :lol:

    i look young , thats the fucking problem

    and i was slash for halloween , that wont work again

    fuck , I'M NOT going to a gnr concert sober

    Pot will suffice too :krider: :fuckyou:


  4. Shit! So I'll be going to the third show and not the first. They must be pleased with how quick the tickets sold to have added 2 more dates on the same day.

    No Shit! They couldn't have added shows after the current ones? That way those of us who spent assloads on money on tickets solely because they're for the FIRST GNR show are screwed? I'm thrilled to see that they've added more dates, just think it's shitty pr!

  5. Ill be there both nights. You can pick me out because I'll be wearing the ONLY Guns n Roses Live at the Hammerstein Ballroom T shirt.

    See you all there,


    Wait what? You're getting merch before it's on sale? How? I'll prob be wearing my Charlie Don't Surf shirt, or some other GNR type shirt.

    Brobot, that looks like a kewl place.

  6. The people here that got tickets should post their myspace accounts or a photo of themselves so we can identify each other at the show without wearing a silly sticker or something. I'm going to research the bars within walking distance and post them later.

    I'm on Myspace with the same screen name. Matt Sager..I'll be there the 15th!

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