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Posts posted by ericisbacchus

  1. I'll have three copies. One to open, one for my Dad n' one to keep sealed.

    Keep one sealed???

    Lord, some of you all need help.

    what so its kept in mint condition. i think its a good idea

    What? Like it's going to be a collector's item someday? :rofl-lol:

    I'm not saying whether I think it will be a good cd or not. I just think keeping one sealed so it's in mint condition, or buying multiple copies so you can have one in your car and one in your house, is going overboard - WAY overboard, and laughable. I mean, you might as well buy 5 or 10 copies while you're at it, just to be safe. Also, you probably ought to put one in an air-tight, vacuum-sealed container...so it will keep its value. Better put one more in a fire proof safe, just in case of emergency.

    Or, here's an idea: if you ever lose/damage the first one you buy, go and buy another one. Nah, that makes too much sense.

  2. I started a thread a while back entitled "How long until Bumblefoot leaves the band?" and it got deleted. I didn't even say anything inflamatory. All I said was I just had a feeling that he wasn't going to be in the band long...

  3. i dont want the band to change i Love the band! all im sayin is...if Pitman was gone i wouldn't miss him.

    Personally, I think they need to add more members.

    They need at least two more guitarists, two more drummers, and another bass player to really get a good "live sound."

  4. The braids make him look like a joke to every music fan in the world that isn't a diehard Axlite.

    They look absolutely ridiculous and is so obviously a weave.

    I'm there with you, man. I don't see how anyone can look at those things on his head and say "Man, those look great!"

    They look freaking stupid (at best)

    Seriously, why does he do that? Is he bald or something?

  5. Hi.

    I'm looking for a show or two of GNR when Buckethead was with them, and showcases his talent.

    I've got some stuff I can trade. PM me if interested. I'm interested in both audio and video.


    Have you got full shows?

    Not of GNR. I've got some Buckethead shows, though. Also a bunch of hardcore bands that I've done myself. I also have a bunch of rare DVDs I'd be willing to trade copies of. I've got the original Star Wars (unaltered) on DVDs but they won't be worth much soon since they're going to be available commercially.

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