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Posts posted by nproducing

  1. AXl sounded like this before AXLDC and then thunder struck and we were all like WTF!!!!! Why cant he sing like that for GNR?!?!?!?!?

    There is no question in my mind that he can still kill it with rasp when he wants to and his natural range/voice is as good as ever.

    I would pay more money to hear half the set with ACDC AXL than three hours of MICKEY.



    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 hours ago, KeyserSoze said:

    Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails released 2 albums, The Strokes, In This Moment, X, Testament, Nightwish, Airbourne Toxic Event, Trivium, The Used, Awolnation (personal favorite band) and everyones favorite band: Asking Alexandria. As well as countless popular rappers (Drake and now Future to name a few) and countless pop artists. The 1975 is dropping an album this friday

    Of the very few bands you listed that are in the same league as GNR, none of them released a long overdue reunion album. The label will want to cash in on this release and time it with a tour. 

  3. I think he is a talented songwriter and his piano ballads prove it. ignoring the terrible production of cd, the quality dropped a bit due to the fact that he doesnt play guitar and is dependent on guitar players if he wants to write hard rock music. in that scenario you have to spend time with the band in order to get it right. he did that in the past and he paved the way for appetite for destruction as a writer/cowriter. then he started becoming a hermit and writing with gnr through phone calls and emails. i think it takes him so long to produce snogs because of this fact. if he simplified his music to blues/jazz/fusion songs he'd produce some amazing songs on his own.

  4. People that know cd enough to recognize a song like TIL when its played live are people like us that will probably look forward to seeing slash's take on it.

    The rest are the majority of people that wouldnt recognize a song like TIL being played and wont know that its not a new song from original gnr and will t herefore give it a chance. People are gonna be in a complete trance. like someone else said, "i dont think they are gonna storm out if a cd song or two is thrown in there."

    Personally, id rather hear a cd song with slash or a VR song with axl than i would KOHD or LALD.

    BUT No, I dont think we will hear cd material.

  5. strange broue dont call me dumb. i have an iq of 150 and a degree in music. all you have is your opinion and an inability to debate or objectively overrule my points. the more info and big words you try to use the less sense you make.

    now i see you are backtracking in response to others as they validate my points.

  6. good work. make a point by not denying what i said directly but by putting down gnr on a gnr forum. so you are a fan of two overrated badnds. smart move.

    you said my post is all wrong but you only stated one thing to disagree with: you disagree that gnr paved the way for nirvana?

    grunge is a form of rock. calling nirvana rock music is no more off than calling gnr rock if the stones and even elvis are rock. rock is rock. it is a large spectrum. grunge or alternative is a form of rock. either way, outside of ozzy, there was noone listening to anything remotely similar to to nirvana or gnr when gnr hit the scene and gnr emobodied that rockn roll do what we want attitude that nirvana later did. do you know who was dominating the radio when gnr took over? look it up if you dont. it was a depressing time before gnr in the rock/ music world and please, when you figure that out, explain how we jump directly from that to nirvana without gnr. Thanks.

    p.s. use your illusions shit all over in utero. people are still listening to november rain on the radio and locomotive on their players because they are more than a few chords and a poppy hook disguised as grunge. i havent heard any nirvana on my alternative or rock radio stations in years. but im sure you have or will say so.

  7. Nirvana, one of the most overrated bands in history. Kurt Cobain, one of the most overrated frontmen/writers in history. Simple music, incoherent lyrics that were described as genius because they didn't make any sense and, therefore , must have been so. Nirvana was anti everything which is fine but play music for free then or be real. GNR revived rock music and paved the way for nirvana. nirvana had one good album. After that, themselves as a band and their next album showed decline and, had Cobain not shot himself, we would have seen that continue. Instead they received martyr status. Pearl Jam and GNR shit all over Nirvana and Cobain. Foo Fighters shit all over Nirvana and Cobain. Nirvana was was a one trick pony and their simple songs had no staying power.

    Your whole post is wrong

    Nirvana maybe over rated, i can give you that

    But GNR paved the way for them?

    are you fucking kidding me?

    The grunge scene got nothing to do with GNR...

    GNR also had ONE good album, after that they also showed decline with lots of fillers on the UYI's and later on you got CD...

    Foo Fighters is a pop rock band. They are good, though but Nirvana is better than the Foo's

    Their simple songs still got radio airplay after 25 years, man

    What a clueless post

  8. Nirvana, one of the most overrated bands in history. Kurt Cobain, one of the most overrated frontmen/writers in history. Simple music, incoherent lyrics that were described as genius because they didn't make any sense and, therefore , must have been so. Nirvana was anti everything which is fine but play music for free then or be real. GNR revived rock music and paved the way for nirvana. nirvana had one good album. After that, themselves as a band and their next album showed decline and, had Cobain not shot himself, we would have seen that continue. Instead they received martyr status. Pearl Jam and GNR shit all over Nirvana and Cobain. Foo Fighters shit all over Nirvana and Cobain. Nirvana was was a one trick pony and their simple songs had no staying power.

  9. Slash and Axl have gotten over some of their problems and can talk to each other now. That is all there is. Some of you need to look at the bigger picture between them. They have been apart so long that they probably do not even know each other very well any longer. Axl has never had dealings with a totally clean Slash. Neither one of them needs the other to work at their craft. A couple of other things to consider- the minute Slash walks out onto the stage and plays under the name of GNR, he will be working for Axl. That means Axl has total control of what is done concerning the band on and off the stage. That includes merchandising and media. Slash works for himself and has gotten use to having things his way. Slash also likes to create new music and Axl does not. Any talk of a reunion is very premature at this point so many things would need to be worked out. Who would sit down and help them work these things out? Beta and Perla? Perla is still very involved with the business end of Slash's career? And I believe that I have seen several postings here stating that Beta hates Slash.

    they were bandmates, not buddies. their friendship was a result of the band and ended when slash left the band. a contract can be written concerning the tour.....money for shows by percentage of profit, rights and money for any dvd or audio release of tour, etc. slash doesn't have to seek ownership of name or live under axl's control to tour with him. my guess is he will have to put up with going on late and traveling separate and that is about it. if axl decides he wants to play cd songs i dont see why slash wouldnt improve the solos on them either and be fine with it. i dont see any issues they cant deal with. they will all be getting siginificantly more than what they are getting now for their work.

  10. Whoi is going to play cd2 songs,makes no sense if slash..

    they probably wouldnt play them if they dont play on album. my guess is , if im right and they try to boost cd2 sales using the reunion, they would possible release cd2 during tour and the tour would NOT be officially affiliated with it or called cd tour or anything. there would be no connection other than axl and the gnr name. you think they are gonna play cd1 songs? lol

  11. i agree with apollo.

    slash and axl were not really friends to begin with. they were bandmates. they dont need each other , personally. they were the two most important pieces of gnr from the beginning and they ceased as such when the shit hit the fan. obviously they cannot reconnect as quickly as they disconnected but, make no mistake, there is very little reason for the two of them to have anything to do with each other if they are not to share a stage again.

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