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Posts posted by Philipm787

  1. 2 hours ago, Juliette said:

    What are you talking about?:facepalm:

    Slash comes back for his own benefit, he realized that only in GNR -along with Axl -gonna be RELEVANT in world´s music, again. Come on, do you think he was successful at 2 -5 K shows attendance with Myles? haha . well. And for the percentage , don´t forget Axl has to pay all the structure, employees,etc because he had/has the control of the brand. They (Slash-Duff) sued him years ago (for licensee,etc) and lost in Court.


    Stop with the cancer thing. Slsh said shitty things on Axl too, now they are in peace..that´s what matters.


    It should be totally unfair if Slash -after quit the band more than twenty years ago- makes the same as Axl.

    I think the percentage that the guy said pages back is accurate. 50% Axl , 50% between Duff and Slash. If you ask me, is too much what obtain the guys because Axl is the co-founder (along with Izzy), the frontman, stellar songwriter (contribuited in almost all the songs) lead singer, the boss of the other musicians (employees) owns Guns N Roses name and kept the band´s name alive ...while the other guys leave so many years ago. He is the soul of the band.

    He (with GNR) sold-out stadiums few years ago with the other musicians (before the reunion) in south america for example, believe it or not.


    Wow !  Don´t love him that much :wacko::facepalm:

    " we all accept" ??¿- you should talk for yourself !!!!! And if this is a cash grab tour it is for the other guys involved too: Slash , Duff..

    Look, it's the ultimate Axl nutswinger.

    • Like 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Towelie said:

    People just rag on it cuz it's NuGuns.

    I like the way everyone pretends that Axl has completely transformed as a singer since 2011-14 just because he's playing with Slash again. He sounds identical now to how he did back then. No different. This I Love is not a completely different song just because Slash improvs some bluesy licks where Ashba used to be. I literally lol my ass off everytime I see some douche say about how they suddenly like the Chinese Democracy songs in the set now that Slash has improved them. Facepalm everytime.

    And I miss Ron Thal in Guns N Roses. The man is a fucking beast. The only reason he isn't there instead of Fortus is because Ron, unlike Richard, could run rings around Slash any given day. I'm not saying that as a slight against Slash, GNR is HIS band and he belongs there. But lets call a spade a spade and there is a reason why Richard was chosen to stay over Ron.

    The DVD itself isn't too bad. November Rain sounds horrid and Estranged and This I Love are patchy at best. Axl can't pull off the big ballads like he used to. But he nails Civil War and Nightrain and I quite like the performance of Catcher In The Rye.


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  3. On 17 August 2016 at 2:00 AM, JustanUrchin said:

    As of at least 2009, Gn’R was registered as a General Partnership with the California DoS.  Slash and Duff were the sole partners.  Beyond that perhaps a forum member has retained PDF copies of legal filings prior to settlement, but based upon my cursory research of filed Superior Court docs, this outline, digressions aside, is indisputable:

    After Izzy was bought out subsequent to Adler’s firing, Axl maneuvered inside the PA by adding terms to a MOU that granted him the brand name if he withdrew or was otherwise removed from the p’ship.  Laertes would have approved of said tactics.

    To the Axl apologists that suffered through a quarter century of 15 original Axl songs and who maintain that the Axl Rose Touring Band was Gn’R, Axl admitted in a 1995 legal notice that he was forming a new band, which left Duff and Slash as the only remaining Gn’R partners.  Taken a step further, these same apologists push a myth that Slash, Duff, and Adler are not original members of Gn’R despite those three (along with Izzy and Axl) signing the Geffen recording contract, forming and registering the first Gn’R partnership, and recording the first album.

    Slash and Duff had sole control of p’ship assets after Axl withdrew from the p’ship in 1996 and proceeded with a solo career using the Gn’R brand name.  The Axl apologists continue, as ever, to make baseless assertions that it was Axl’s band.  In the mod'd MOU, Slash and Axl had equal decision-making authority.  Axl apologists are revisionists:  they push the myth that Slash and Duff quit.  As legal filings show, when Axl didn’t get his way on more and more Liberace piano pieces and appointing himself dictator, he quit, and with the brand name in tow, undertook a solo career that resulted in 15 songs, the compilation of 14 of which are listed on Wikipedia’s all-time worst albums.

    To the handful of Axl apologists who push myths about Axl’s artistic purity as a decades-long excuse for Axl’s repeated lies about releasing new music and his rerecording of AFD songs with guys wearing fast food containers on their heads and hometown sycophants, the rerecording of those iconic songs was strictly for financial gain that largely never came to fruition.  Because Slash and Duff were the sole remaining partners, Axl rerecorded AFD to receive all profit from licensing minus whatever the pittance he paid the goth and chicken bucket container guys to mangle the music the original members wrote.  It is apparent that the movie studios and television ad companies wanted the original, not the Axl knock-off/cover music.

    This is a roundabout way of stating what should be obvious and should be the forum’s overwhelming response to Axl apologists pushing myths:  Slash and Duff legally prevented Axl from hijacking the band and its music, even while they were winning Grammies with VR and Axl was the punchline of late-night talk show jokes.  The masses, of course, rejected Axl’s solo band and its music and Axl, though he legally attempted to erase Gn’R’s legacy and make it his own, failed.  Slash and Duff are the reason that 3/5 of the band is touring and 4/5 rocked Cincy and Nashville.

    Izzy’s exclusion makes sense even though I and others—the masses based on the endless comments on GnR FB posts—resent it.  Why hasn’t the Slash/Duff/Axl p’ship made him an acceptable offer as they did Adler?  Or did they?  Given Izzy’s Twitter lyrics and F.P. Money, an offer was made but rejected.  Or S/D/A rejected Izzy’s counteroffer.  The partners are killing it on merchandising alone.  Look at clips of the 2016 shows—the new t-shirts say it all.  What was Izzy asking—a slice of the merchandising, a percentage of net ticket sales, or something greater like an equity share?  The partners are raking it in touring all songs that Izzy had a hand in, except 3 Axl solo songs each gig that kill the mood and have the fans collectively sitting, so why would Izzy not want a quarter share?  The band was over in ’91.  Axl had run off untold numbers of loyal fans beginning the summer of ’91 forward.  By the time TSI dropped, it hadn’t been GnR for at least two years (three for those who didn’t accept Sorum) and it reflected in TSI sales, but was masked by concert attendance in third world and European countries.  2016 is a AFD-UYI tour, yet Izzy was offered something significantly less than equal profit, hence the Twitter snippets.

    The new or modified PA holds the answers to the future.  But it’s unlikely that the terms will be disclosed, and a biz entity need not disclose those incidental terms to the state DoS.

    What is the percentage split of touring?  Of future publishing?  Is decision-making weighted?  If so, on biz matters alone or on creative matters as well?  Or is this just a p’ship for a specific venture?  It’s a virtual guarantee that terms require Axl to adhere to punctual start times, fulfill each date unless due to a force of nature/physical illness, specific division of loss due to any Axl hissy fits (no-shows/walk-offs/late starts), and Axl rehearsing/sound-checking.   LiveNation likely demanded similar terms regarding Axl on loss, punctuality, and hissy fit no-shows/walk-offs.  Some attribute piano gremlins to “maturity,” the throne to “toughness” and punctual start times to a “changed” man.  Really?  The first time since ’90 that Axl respects paying fans by performing each show on time is not because he had an epiphany about respect.  It is a direct result of coercive PA and promoter terms, including division of loss.


    • Like 3
  4. 6 hours ago, Juliette said:

    6.5 million of copies for Chinese Democracy CD is a good number if you consider the terrible crisis in the music industry. Not to mention all the sold out concerts in Latin America and other places.

    (Much better than the 300 k copies sold by Slash in all this years).

    Slash said that (Axl wrote all the songs, is not my statement) and he is an authorized opinion, or not?

    Of course many of the songs were co-written but the most successful and great songs were written by Axl (completely): November rain, estranged, my michelle, welcome to the jungle, sweet child of mine, this i love ,etc..

    Slash is not a songwriter at all, only create music (not lyrics, exept some like rocket queen).

    I respect your opinion too, but I think you are in the minority in thinking "this I love" is shit. See several vids on youtube of the song : people absolutely love the song and a lot of users thought TIL a part of a trilogy. (NR-E-TIL).






    Listen as Slash Says Nice Things About Axl Rose
    By Nick DeRiso October 6, 2014 6:36 PM
    Subscribe to Ultimate Classic Rock on 
    After nearly two decades of backbiting and recriminations, it’s easy to forget that Slash and Axl Rose shared a bond that went beyond sparking Guns N’ Roses to greatness.
    It was a relationship built on mutual admiration, as Slash makes clear in an exclusive video from Loudwire. “Aside from the fact that he’s obviously one of the greatest singer/frontman guys to come along ever and a brilliant lyricist,” Slash says, “he’s also a super, super intelligent — a very astute individual.”
    Find out what else Slash has to say about Rose in the clip, attached above.
    This new talk follows a hilarious run through his official Wikipedia page, which ultimately led Slash to a series of fond recollections about his time with both Guns N’ Roses and Velvet Revolver. Check it out at Loudwire, and then listen to the five songs you must hear from Slash’s new album, ‘World on Fire.’

    Read More: Listen as Slash Says Nice Things About Axl Rose | http://ultimateclassicrock.com/slash-axl-rose/?trackback=tsmclip






    MusicRadar users voted Axl Rose as the best vocalist to join Velvet Revolver. And perhaps Slash is in agreement - the guitarist has surprisingly kind words for Chinese Democracy, the Guns N' Roses album Axl has labored over for well over a decade. Maybe he wouldn't mind playing the songs live.

    "I already listened to it," Slash revealed during a recent interview. "At first I thought that I would never listen to it until it's released, but someone handed it to me and I was in my car and I was like 'Okay, let's give it a try.'

    "So I listened to it: It's a really good record. It's very different from what the original Guns N' Roses sounded like, but it's a great statement by Axl. Now you understand where he was heading all this time. It's a record that the original Guns N' Roses could never possibly make. And at the same time it just shows you how brilliant Axl is. So it was a relief for me to actually hear it."

    Nine tracks off the album have already been leaked onto the Internet, and Slash had harsh words for the perpetrator. "When somebody takes somebody's work and releases it prematurely just to become famous, it's an incredibly selfish and criminal thing to do. A record is a piece of art. And it shouldn't be released until the creator decides to release it - and I don't care how long it took to make it."



    6.5 million copies of CD? HAHAHAHA what are you on. More than Slash? Think you're forgetting VR's number one album, Contraband, which has sold over 5 million copies I believe. Yes, more than CD.

    Slash did not say Axl wrote all the songs, no way. And the majority of those songs you mentioned are all co-written anyway, apart from the ones Axl greedily kept for himself. So what is your point? Axl was just a piece of a 5 piece puzzle, something which you loonies cannot seem to accept. 

    Saying Slash is not a songwriter is a crime. "He just creates music". Well how the fuck can you have a song without music? 

    This I Love is universally bashed as pure bollocks. 

    You're a joke.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Juliette said:

    I disagree with you. He doesn´t need Slah or Izzy to create songs. I think many of you here underestimate Axl.

    Even Slash said several times that Axl is a brillant lyricist. and that wrote the mayority of the gnr songs.

    Chinese Democracy has a lot of great songs like "This I Love". In my opinion this song is one of the best of all the band´s history.

    Ah yes, because the success of the CD era proves Axl doesn't need Slash or Izzy or any of the original members to create good songs. Lol. 

    Axl is a good lyricist and wrote the majority of the lyrics to GNR songs. He was a co-writer in the majority of GNR songs, just like Slash, just like Izzy. You cannot say he wrote the majority of GNR songs like he wrote them all by himself. He was a co-writer on the majority.

    This I love is shit.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, P1g Vomit said:

    Produce the box scores than. I doubt you will :)

    And poor Axl? It wasn't Axl that was taken to the cleaners by his ex and had to put his house on the block to climb out of the financial hold. Poor Slash, rejected by Brett Michaels and than his wife.



    I'm not going to bother with you, you're an absolute tit. 

    I want to know why the mods have yet to do anything about this imbecile.

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  7. 1 minute ago, P1g Vomit said:

    World of fire? You mean the dud he released that sold 42,000 copies, thats 42,000 over priced drink coasters. When Slash Has a Russian billionaire paying him a million dollars for one show than you can talk. Slash was playing lounges and Jiffy lube live a year before Axl let him back in the fold. Hes lucky Axl didn't reject him like Brett Michael's and Poison did when Slash tried out for them.

    Still sold out arenas supporting that album, whereas poor old Axl's gnr couldn't do that circa '14. 

    I'm not going to bother arguing with you. You're an idiot.

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  8. 5 minutes ago, P1g Vomit said:

    Than you would think he would have been doing stadiums before this tour, why was he playing lounges and Jiffy lube live?

    Thanks to Axl hes now able to climb out that financial hole hes ex left him him.

    Im mean lets be honest Slash was rejected by Poison and Axl let him join GNR in the first place and saved his music career. He has a lot to thank Axl for.

    Lol can somebody ban him already?

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  9. 3 minutes ago, GoBucky said:

    Where was this? His last show here in Chicago was at a 1400 seater and it didn't sell out until the day before the show...

    It's not all about America you know. Slash has been a huge draw in just about every continent outside America, selling out arena after arena worldwide. The Americans must have been waiting got him to return to Guns to splash the cash on him in their droves, something they also weren't doing for Axl's gnr in America.

  10. Just now, P1g Vomit said:

    Thats insinuating Slash is responsible for playing stadiums, thats false. Slash was Playing Jiffy Lube live a year ago. Remember theres a reason Axl is boss.

    Look! We've got a leftover CD era Slash hater! 

    Slash is 100% responsible for the success of this tour selling wise, as the return of his name to Guns N' Roses is what sold the tickets. Deal with it.

    Guns N' Roses played the 02 in Ireland (where I'm from) in 2012 and did not sell it out, in support of Chinese Democracy. Slash played the very same venue in 2014, in support of his third solo album, World on Fire, and successfully sold out the arena. Facts don't lie, even you poor Slash haters/Axl worshippers can't hide from the truth.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Jordan Rose said:

    You might end up being right but it comes down to what Axl wants and whether he now has the drive to follow through on the vision he had 10-15 years ago. I know they're closer to the end than the beginning of their careers now but if the blimmin drummer from Nirvana can build one of the biggest rock bands in the world from scratch without relying on a single Nirvana song then I don't see why Axl, Slash and Duff can't be in a position in 5 years where they're playing a bunch new songs at Donnington Monsters of Rock to a load of fans who are just as keen to hear the new stuff as they are Easy, Brownstone and Jungle. I mean, look at what Maiden have achieved time and time again since Brave New World. 

    I really hope he does still have that drive, and it would be a hell of lot easier to achieve it with Slash and Duff on board. But, unfortunately, I think they have left it too late to rebuild Guns in the manner you are speaking. I think we will get this tour, perhaps a best of GNR cd with perhaps a couple of new tracks and that'll be that. I hope not, I want new music and for it to be played live, but I can't see it happening.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Jordan Rose said:

    That's exactly what's going to happen because that's exactly what Axl has said is happening. Sure, Slash Duff and maybe even Steven, Izzy and Melissa will add parts to Chinese Part 2 and there'll probably be at least a couple brand new songs. But there will be CD era songs on at least the next two albums and once the Lifetime tour is over the set will increasingly be taken up by new material. Hope you hate it. 

    Axl has said a lot of things, but I still think it will be quite some tune before we hear anything new from guns. I actually happen to enjoy the majority of CD tunes so I will not hate it. I just think Guns shows will be forever dominated by the hits, and its subjective whether that's a good or bad thing.

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