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Posts posted by king23james06

  1. hank williams III is the best thing in country now. he is the grandson of hank williams and son of hank junior. he is fucking badass and has brought country back to its roots and back to the way his grandpa would be proud of. pick up either sraight to hell or lovesick, broke, and drifting either one is great.

  2. mick taylor has great tone. the only person that comes close to duane allman on slide guitar even though i like taylor better.

    very underrated guitar player even though slash has said he was one of his influences

  3. one of my fav bands of all time. pepper keenan is a great guitar player and one of my favorite frontman. also love him in down which is great that they started up again love pepper and phil. if you don't know this band go listen to the sonf albatross and you will be a fan from the guitar riff.

  4. phil was off of herion man he was just drunk off his ass but he seemed sorry and i believe that he is truely sorry. i liked the last part where phil said that he needed vinnie in his life cause they do need each other. it sucks that vinnie said phils day is coming cause you are blasting him for saying he thought dime needed to be beaten but now you are saying phil should be killed and yes i know its the pain of losing a brother but still and it isn't phils fault he didn't kill dime and he didn't want dime dead. when he was fighting with them it was all the herion speaking. you look at the pantera home videos and you see the true phil so stop blasting him and making him to be the bad guy imagine how he feels now man. plus we all now that when down III comes out yall will listen and forgive him cause down kicks so much ass. Plus phil is the fucking kid.

  5. can't wait for it to come on i will be in front of that damn t.v watching the greatest heavy metal band. great to see phil again.


  6. what down song do you like the best for me there are so many since this is the best band out now. i can't wait for down III but i love the song stained glass cross off of down II but i also love stone the crow so which ones if you can pick are your favorites.

  7. down is a a god damn great band. them and coc are saving heavy metal. phil is one of the greatest frontman to ever walk the face of the earth and pepper one of my favorite guitarest is great and he is my favorite singer besides axl with phil right behind him.

  8. one of the greatest bands of all time and my favorite besides guns n roses.my fav songs are of course freebird which is my favorite song, gimmie three steps, tuesdays gone, call me the breeze, all i can do is write about it, you got that right and of course sweet home alabama

  9. to hear a great cover is lynyrd skynyrds tuesdays gone on metallicas album garage inc. james and pepper keenan are singing and gary rossington of lynyrd skynyrd is playing on it. it is a great cover its really amazing to hear go check it out.

  10. i would lve to hear old guns n roses do any led zeppelin cover or i want to hear c.o.c do like tuesdays gone by lynyrd sjynyrd. i think pepper can pull that song off with his southern voice.

  11. buckcherry by far. i love vr but i mean buckcherry is a harder rocking band and now with the new album blowing contraband out of the water it makes my choice easy. I love slash and duff but they were stupied for not picking josh todd and keith nelson. just imagine how badass that band would sound right now. they would be the biggest thing in the world. so which do yall like

  12. white zombie for me by far. they are one of my favorite bands of all time. astro-creep is one of the best metal albums of all time and one of the best albums. rob zombie kicks ass on both cds. i do like all of the other bands on here but white zombie just has something about them and no i didn't put pantera on here even though they were the biggest band in the 90's cause i knew they would win. so who do yall like.

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