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Posts posted by foxmulder

  1. 2 hours ago, goneshootin said:

    At a minimum would be nice to know if there's an opener so that fans who don't care much about unknown openers (including myself) can time their arrival. As of now I'm assuming there is none and guns will begin shortly after the announced start time but who knows...

    Tbh, it says start time is 7:30. Their set lasts 3 hours 15 mins on average. So it would make sense that Guns hits the stage at 7 30 to end by 11. most shows ive been to end by 11. No opener it seems 

  2. 44 minutes ago, fallglimmer said:

    curfew at 11? who told you that?

    It's been that was for the longest time. Every concert I've attended in toronto ends at 11. Apparently it's a statute bylaw that concert venues have to follow promoting a peaceful environment and reduce noise disturbance for surrounding areas. Plus look at your ticket,  it says 8:30. The GNR set being 2.5 hours, fits right on time with the 11pm mark.

    I rmemeebr reading up somewhere that the Rush R40 concert went past the 11pm mark and they were fined some thousand dollars for every minute overtime, but they had to finish the set as it was being recorded for the DVD

  3. Just now, deadein said:

    Cool, Im in 113AL row 20, super excited to see GNR, my fav band. The show clips look amazing. Axl sounds great, Slash and Duff are on Fire ! Whole band sounds great. TORONTO is going to explode in two weeks, we been waiting for this for 20 or more years. I did see them a few years ago in Toronto, but nothing like its going to be on July 16th!

    Hell yeah dude. Never seen GNR or slash in my whole life . I rememebr when Slash played the Sound Academy last September or so and I could've gone but I stayed back waiting to see him with GNR. The way how it's supposed to be.

  4. Just now, Powerage5 said:

    I would bet money that absolutely no one in the band is thinking "Hey, let's rehearse a VR song to play once, only in the city where Scott played his last show". 

    They havent pulled out any songs from the "alternates" so far. If we are all talking about slither and it being played on the setlist ever, the best bet would be toronto. Out of the million covers that they rehearsed, why slither then? Couldnt they have gone for some black sabbath or anything else?

  5. 2 minutes ago, moreblack said:

    Calling in now, Slither will never happen on this tour.

    theyll play slither in toronto as a tribute to scott. Toronto was the last place he performed. No other reason for them to add slither to the setlist other than as a tribute to scott, and toronto is the only place i guess where it would make sense for it to be played

  6. 1 minute ago, emybdc said:

    I think now we've to a point where the band is doing so great live that we just know they're gonna put on an amazing show, so we have nothing else to bitch about but the setlist LOL

    I'd love to see some changes, hoping tonight is the night! #TeamSlither

    Im pretty sure theyre gonna play slither in toronto as a tribute to scott. Taking into consideration thats the last place he performed live

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