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Posts posted by axlrosejr

  1. Thats awesome that they are goin on another american tour. I went to the one in philly and it was awesome, everyone was into it, and VR sounded great. Me and my friends were on the floor and it was great. Though i noticed that during the gnr songs, not a lot of people knew the lyrcis. Not even on the VR songs. They seemed to be more STP fans, based on there shirts, and they did know the lyrics to the STP songs played. My friend especially loved it since he touched Duff's hand. lol. But they arent coming back to philly, which makes me pissed. NEW GNR better tour in philly, cuz they owe us. (flashback: quasi-riot in philly cuz gnr didnt go on). I can only hope

    ROCK ON!!!!!!!!

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