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Posts posted by Rock_On

  1. I love my piano, its my 2nd intrument to guitar.

    I play it like everday, love playing beatles :D And its so much easier figuring out music on piano than on guitar :D


    cool!! yeah the Beatles are quite easy to play on piano, but so much fun every time! lol I dont know much about figuring song on guitar, since i know like 5 chords and thats all, but on piano , it depends what the song is. if you go with a basic 3-chords melody, than yes it is easy, but some more complex songs are way harder, even after 10 years of musical formation lol

  2. What I actually really like about piano is that you can play any kinda music style. It's really versatile, there's no limit , you can really do everything with that instrument


    You can with guitars too.


    why does everything evolve around guitar?? cant piano have his hour of glory too?


    Silly Rock On, Piano isn't worthy enought to even be compared to Guitar. Piano is just for "homosexuals", around where I live.


    Yeayh, really, I dont know why would people pay such attention to an instrument like that :rolleyes: here too, people usually thinks piano is *gay* but I thought maybe since we have many musicians here they would have thought piano is cool

  3. What I actually really like about piano is that you can play any kinda music style. It's really versatile, there's no limit , you can really do everything with that instrument


    You can with guitars too.


    why does everything evolve around guitar?? cant piano have his hour of glory too?

  4. What I actually really like about piano is that you can play any kinda music style. It's really versatile, there's no limit , you can really do everything with that instrument


    Yes, me and my friends have just started a band (NO new pop shit), and I want to incorporate piano into some of our songs. It's a kickass instrument, and it isn't used anymore.


    Well I think you're right, piano is so underrated these days and not used anymore. I'm glad to here that finally someone have some sense and wants to incorporate piano in a new band!! cool

  5. Haha. "Rock ass"

    That gave me a laugh. I'm not saying piano sucks, just the fact that someone said "rock ass."

    Anyway, piano does kick, dude. UYI albums wouldn't be the same, and piano is a common instrument in many other great rock n' roll songs, albums, and bands.


    lol I just love making those non-sense and werido expression like that, on the spur of the moment lol

    piano can be really annoying when not used correctly, like all those synths during the 80's like those one hit wonder bands usually did, but can be the most perfect instrument when they're put at the right place, the right time, and played by a good player. Once, at a show, we played some Iron Maiden,and I was on piano, and it was relaly great. Journeyman, Number of The Best and Run to the hills sounded really great with piano. You can add it in any type of song and it can add something really cool

  6. I can play ALL of November Rain on Piano. (except when Axl goes crazy during the first Guitar Solo. I can only do an "arrangement" of it). I play November Rain everday, and it was the first rock song i learnt to play. It was also the reason I started playing the piano.

    Does anyone know how to play the "Crazy Piano" part in November Rain. I would love to finaly play it the way Axl does.


    I do :P Its not that hard really. Axl's main quality in piano is not his technique, but more the soul he puts into it. Yes he's good and can do some hard stuff, but it all sounds better because he plays music, he does not hammer on a piano.

  7. So, anybody around here plays piano besides me?? Alot of you plays guitar, i do to, but i know like 6 chords lol. But is there anybody that plays piano?? Everybody seems to think piano is boring and shitty, but thats so totally untrue. Alot of members said they didnt liked the fact that there was keyboards and stuff like that in the UYI's. Do you all hate piano that much or are there some cool peeps that thinks piano rocks ass like I do?


    Piano is ok...but it doesn't "Rock ass"


    thats because you dont know alot bout it , probably.


    What would make you say that? Actually, my dad is a piano player, and I have tried it out...more than just hitting keys...I took a few lessons from my dad. I would say I do know a lot about it.


    maybe you just dont feel it then. (im actually trying to figure out who could somebody dont think piano is kick ass......being a pisnit for so long i cant figure it out, i just love it so much). I just dont know why everybody thinks its shit most of the time. Does anyone likes piano?? or am I weird? lol

    (to all those who are gonna answer that I am indeed weird, I know, thank you. lol)

  8. So, anybody around here plays piano besides me?? Alot of you plays guitar, i do to, but i know like 6 chords lol. But is there anybody that plays piano?? Everybody seems to think piano is boring and shitty, but thats so totally untrue. Alot of members said they didnt liked the fact that there was keyboards and stuff like that in the UYI's. Do you all hate piano that much or are there some cool peeps that thinks piano rocks ass like I do?


    Piano is ok...but it doesn't "Rock ass"


    thats because you dont know alot bout it , probably.

  9. So, anybody around here plays piano besides me?? Alot of you plays guitar, i do to, but i know like 6 chords lol. But is there anybody that plays piano?? Everybody seems to think piano is boring and shitty, but thats so totally untrue. Alot of members said they didnt liked the fact that there was keyboards and stuff like that in the UYI's. Do you all hate piano that much or are there some cool peeps that thinks piano rocks ass like I do?

  10. Theory does not hinder creativity at all. It just helps you to understand why that killer riff sounds so good so that you can reproduce other killer riffs like it if you want to. Knowing theory doesn't mean you have to "obey the rules".

    I think about it like a language. Does knowing and understanding english stop you from expressing yourself properly? No. It allows you to express yourself better by giving you the right tools (words). Theory us just the same. Instead of hitting the guitar, hoping that it will make that sound that you feel like making right now, you can PLAY it knowing that you're making the exact tones that you want.

    I'm pretty sure Slash has a fair grasp on at least some theory. In essence, if you know to play the Am pentatonic scale over an Am chord progression then you're applying theory. I don't think Slash would know theory like Joe Satch knows theory, but every guitarist whether they admit it or not uses theory to some extent.

    Also, don't take guitarists too literally when they say they were "self-taught". Not going to lessons doesn't mean that you're self-taught. Most guitarists who are "self--taught" didn't go to lessons...but instead jammed with people who did and asked all of the questions (which by the way I advocate as possibly the best way to learn things for you guitar newbies) that they would ask if they took lessons.

    Now I'm just babbling.


    Dude, I agree with everything yo usaid in there, great post

  11. Knowing music theory ruins it for you, anyway. If you do, then you start following the rules and just playing music as is. If you don't, then it starts just coming naturally and you make music. YKWIM?

    Technically, we wanna watch how he plays, not what he plays. NR and Estranged had awesome solos, some of everyone's favourites, but both those songs were written by Axl entirely. It's not who puts the music on the paper, but who puts the music into your goddamn head.


    Music theory ruins it for you?? really??? dont think so buddy. I've been playing piano since im 6 years old, and I know alot, and I say alot, bout music theory, and it never ruined anything, I've always been told that I stand out of other pianist because I acutally play, not only pressing ivory notes on a keyboard. It can really help you in some music styles, or some music figures, when you're learning songs that were written by somebody else, not yourself. You can write stuff by yourself and play it magically, but if you read a sheet music or something like that, music theory can help you understand what the player thought and stuff like that. In Blues/Jazz and in Classical, music theory can actually help you alot, inconsciously. I admit its not always usefull and yo ucan be good without it, but saying it ruins you is being completely clueless about what your talking about

    by the way, theory is not playing by the rules. There's no rules. Its only a guideline to help yo usee things you might have not seen on your own. There is never never never ever something you ABSOLUTELY have to follow, in music. Its always suggestive stuff. Yo udecide what you take and what you leave. there's no such things as rules, theory or not.

  12. Like it was mentionned above, Slash doest know music theory. He probably know a little, from all these years of working with other musicians, but other than that, he doesnt know alot. He plays alot with the blues scale, since alot of his songs have this bluesy roots and also because he likes to think of himself as a blues guitarist in the first place (he mentionned that in an interview if I remember well) but he also fools around with the pentatonic scales aswell as the melodic minor scale (or minor melodic....dont know how to say it in english lol) but yeah, thats basically it

  13. What I always liked about Bon Jovi was the fact they they are all very talented musicians. David Bryan, the keyboardist, is really really good, he can play anything! Sambo is just great too, he plays with his heart and knows how to entertain a crowd. Tico Torres, on drums, is great too, never cared much about the two bassists though, werent really amazing, except for the intro to Keep The Faith, that was great! and Jon himself sang with his heart and soul and had a great voice, back in the day. They really had a great stage presence, and surely knew how to put up a great live show. They maybe played a little too much with their image lately though, with Crush, Bounce, This Left Feels Right.....I do hope the next album (coming out this fall) will rock more than those three last ones. Keep the Faith and These Days were simply amazing, in my opinions, lyrically and musically. songs like Keep The Faith, Something To Believe In, My guitar lies bleeding in my arms, These Days, If I was Your Mother, and many more just gets right to me. I just wish they could go back to their roots and rock much more. Lately they have been a deception to me. But I cant help living in the past, because they used to be great talented band.

    and to all those who thinks Bon Jovi is only about Jon, get your facts straight, they are a BAND. jon couldnt make it on his own. yes his solo albums were quite good, but nothing compared to what the other guys help him doing

  14. Something relevant??? something that changes??? How could a band change if they are not doing anything?? You say Led Zeppelin doesnt evolved and stay with the same style. tell me how thye could evolved with the fact that they are not a band anymore??dickhead! You say you think Elton John is shitty. Well Elton is an exemple of evolution, so you should be complaining! He started with some more mellow guitar oriented songs to go up with bigger piano ballads and ended up in the 90's with more electric guitars in his songs. so shut it up dude, you have no clue. Alot of the bands that were mentionned in that thread and that you said never evolved and stayed the same (wich is the fact they suck, according to you!) had, indeed, evolved. Its not because they dont evolved according to the so-called standards , according to what other bands did, that they didnt evolved in their own style, going further in what they were already doing, experiencing some new stuff in their own fucking style! The Stones. you like to bash them alot dont ya??? Listen to their first album, and listen to their last. Its the same style, yes, I agree. But there is a change. they have digged more into the style, perfectionning the style. You dont know shit what your talking about, and everybody can tell this. You can have your opinion, but dont start to jump on everybody claiming that you know things and that all of our fave bands are shit, next time, put it nicely, and BE OBJECTIVE for fuck sake, your dissing everything everybody said, never, never, you said : yeah you'Re right. Next time you want a debate, at least do it properly, and dont go thinking you're a musical god. Go tell Page , Plant and Jagger how to play music, just for fun.

  15. Yeah like alot of you said, Keep The Faith and These Days are really their best albums. Keep The Faith is musically the best, and These Days lyrically the best in my opinion. and yeah, later crap like all of bounce and crush is really at the top of the shit and way too cheesy for me too. but live they are still an amazing band and their old songs are still incredibly good!

  16. another thing i forgot to mention, I think they should get recognition as a band, and not only Jon getting all the credits. alot of poeple know Bon Jovi for Jon and think he's the only man in there. but Sambo, Bryan ,Torres and MacDonald are great musicians too and deserve some merit!!!

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