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Posts posted by JennandSlash4eva

  1. 24 minutes ago, Avillart said:


    The pictures tell a different story. And especially Beta's look and the way she ushers him away from the scene.

    Ah, so your friend didn't film out of respect but she didn't cut the Live stream and she put the phone down so he wouldn't see she was still streaming LOL Yeah, lots of respect. Again, immature stalkerish behaviour. Why does she have to be so secretive when they're such good buddies. Again, full of sh**.



    I never insinuate, I deliberately use the words I use and I did not call you weird because - again - you are not weird 
    (weird people are my favorite ones). I said you are not healthy. Insane. Because that's what you are. And I'm not the only one who sees you for what you are.

    I also never mentioned anything about cloning. I don't know where you got that from. You and your little friends did. 

    And you're barely a crazy fan? LOL You are the epitome of crazy fan. I've been working in the industry for many years and have seen a lot. You're harmless, despite your histrionic personality but it's nuances, and you and your friends don't even seem to be able to reflect and see that what you do there is wrong.

    And of course you do care. That's why you've come here. That histrionic personality makes you see people being all over you. While they're not. It's also what made you pose as Axl in that little outfit on stage (that was you, wasn't it). You so badly want a piece of the action. You so badly want attention that you project your stalking on me.  
    Unlike you, I have a life of my own and am hardly on FB or around here. I simply don't have the time. You guys are all over FB with your nonsense and it ends up on my feed. And I call out BS when I see it. That's my hobby ;)

    Yup, that’s me. You should know, you took screen shots from my post and posted them here.
    You’re arguing with someone that dresses up like Axl, I’m not exactly a serious person when I’m out having concert fun. 
    😂 They told me to pose like Axl, if I knew or was planning to pose, I’d have had better poses ready. I also have a nice picture sitting. 
    I’m actually dressed up for fun, and because I wanted to get more pics on GnR’s social media, so yeah for attention, for me, for fun. And it worked, and worked extra good because I made it into the Hardskool music video. An unattainable childhood dream of mine, watching Paradise City as a kid and wishing I could be in that crowd and be in the video. 
    Dressing up is part of fandoms, AC/DC, Kiss, I didn’t invent it. Football facepaint, Starwars, cosplays etc. 

    Oh, I’m hardly a crazy a fan, maybe to a regular fan or big fan, but in the gnr crazy fandom world, I’m just a fun friend that gets to tag along with the biggest fans and biggest collectors in the world. 

    I brought up cloning because you said I was bragging about having blood on a bandaid.. yeah because ha ha to to clone him. It’s a joke. 

    Maybe my childhood fantasy and dreams are different from yours, but I’ve got to live mine out. 

      And your the one on this forum, I only stopped by because I was told by multiple people someone was taking screen shots of my posts and posting them, which whatever, didn’t really care. But after a few times of being told you’re posting my picture and my passport I figured I’d see who was so interested in me. 

    And at the end of the day, you’re the one wasting your time trying to argue sense with someone that dresses like Axl’s and collects his bandaids… so what’s that say about you?  
    If you have a life of your own as you say, why do you keep responding? Go live your sane person life lol 

  2. 1 hour ago, Avillart said:


    Yeah you and a few hundred other fans LOL 

    15 year olds believe a showman only looks at them. I think in this day and age everyone should be in on the "secret" behind this phenomenon. It's part of the craft.

    It's funny how - if he really knows you guys so well - you have to stalk his house, acting like teenagers ("We didn't wanna be obvious and I was nervous") instead of just walking up to him (something I did, as any GROWN UP person would) and funny he doesn't show the slightest sign of recognizing you guys LOL 

    Really, you guys are so full of it. Again, at least own it. You bragged with having his blood and now you try and backtrack and even compare it to collecting guitar picks. Deflection.

    It's also funny how you keep calling yourself weird. I never used that word for you, and I wouldn't. Just like one person on your friend's post tried to explain to her as well - what you guys do is not weird or silly. I love me a weirdo. They make life more interesting. But that's not what you are. You guys are unhealthy. Insane. That's a clinical thing. Some called you creepy but that guy said that's not what you are either. He explained to your friend that she is psycho crazy. 

    You guys don't even see the difference here and that your behaviour goes far beyond weird - and now you even come with lies saying that you did not get one negative comment - please, have yourself checked. 

    I doubt that Axl is aware of how far you guys are taking this behaviour and in the video of him peeling off the bandaid it also doesn't look like he tosses it into the crowd but just drops it on the ground mid-show.

    Again, you see what you want to see and deep down you guys know it, otherwise you wouldn't need to stalk his street and hide in the car all nervous. Walk up to him like a grown person. He's a grown man, he can handle a direct approach. What he surely doesn't like is some bunch of "crazy psycho bitches" (as he used to call that type of woman) who stalk his house. Any grown person would prefer a direct approach, walk up to him and say what you have to say. You guys don't even care for him as a person. You care for trophy hunting. 

    Like someone said on FB, picture a man you don't know standing in the street outside your house shouting I love you. You'd call the police, at least feel unsafe in your own home. Same if he collected your used bandaids. 

    As someone in this thread said, what's next - his toilet paper? Again, that's not weird, that sick.


    I wasn’t in the car, and I have met Axl and walked up and talked to him. And so have the people in the car, they’ve  met Axl more times than me. Also they asked for permission to talk to Axl, they asked first, they didn’t just scream we love you out of the car. If Beta said no or they waved them away then they wouldn’t have. And Axl responded that he loved them too, she was live streaming, it’s on video, although she put the phone down and didn’t film asking out of respect but you can hear them and you can hear Axl. 

    I’m not back tracking, just trying to answer a question.

    And Axl and Beta do recognize/remember me and her. 
    Maybe you didn’t use the word weird but it was insinuated by many things you said. Including that I’m not owning it. 
    And you also don’t get humor or jokes. Do you really think I am going to clone him from his DNA? 
    You can think I’m creepy or crazy or insert whatever word it is, I don’t care. 
    And I did not get any negative comments, I just double checked. My friend did, but I didn’t on mine. If the band disliked me or wanted to keep me away, then why am I goofing around on stage in my post? Hmmm explain that. Or if they didn’t like my friend then why does Team Brazil help her? 
    I thought I was a crazy hardcore fan, until 2016 when I met the real hardcore fans, from all over the world, and compared to there level, I feel like I’m hardly a fan, only two gnr tattoos, what a rookie. I’ve only seen them in 2 countries, child’s play. 
    I’m barely a crazy fan, you’re just not part of that world. 
    Anywhoo, enjoy not stalking Axl but stalking me and my friends, I more of an Instagram person anyway, but you probably know that already.
    I wish you peace ✌️ maybe try mediation. 


  3. And why the bandaids, it’s fun and funny to me. Axl wears them to keep his jewelry on. So it’s kinda like why people collect picks? Just weirder. 
    I have stuff that belonged to Axl that he wore on stage and I’m weird and silly. Again, I don’t care what people think and I can take the heat, and I don’t hide behind a screen, people know me. 

    And it’s not even the strangest thing of Axl’s I have lol  Bet you would love to know right? I mean what else would you do with your time if you weren’t talking about how weird I am or my friends. 


  4. 9 minutes ago, Avillart said:


    There was no need to search posts as you guys plastered (pun intended) it everywhere and still keep posting about it today - and defending yourself after mutliple people questioned you about it (and I'm putting that nicely).

    You should honestly ask yourself WHY you wish to have the used bandaids (can you even type that out without cringing at yourself?) of a man you do not know. Really, I'd like to understand WHY? 

    Stalking someone's property is also not a "hobby" but illegal, and that woman who took that video deliberately went to L.A. to first go after Sebastian Bach and then Axl. Again, it's out there for everyone to read.

    Some of you have children, what message does it give them to see their mothers collect used bandaids. 

    I met Axl a few times in my life as well but it wouldn't even occur to me to only as much as hold a camera in his face like he's some zoo animal, not to mention asking him for his bandaids. I mean seriously?

    You talk of respect. You do not even respect yourself, otherwise you'd have some dignity and realize how immature and insane your behaviour is. Also of bragging with it on social media over and over, trying to defend it for yourself while people keep telling you it's not normal, even creepy.

    Someone here said Axl should give a restraining order to people like you and while I find that a little harsh (since he himself did carelessly throw away the bandaids) I think a little self-reflection would do you good. No wonder he isolates himself more and more and doesn't smile in fan pictures anymore. Cause he can never know what those people may use them for. He even just recently disabled people from tagging him in photos on Twitter. He wants his privacy and no matter how many times that woman who stalked him keeps repeating he was giggling and smiling in the video/pics, it's not what the pics show. Just like her claim she only filmed him from a moving vehicle - then how did they have the conversation she claims they had LOL and Beta also doesn't look like she wants to engage with the stalkers. 

    I believe you guys all see these things happening and that he agrees with them because you want to see them. Which, funnily enough, brings us back to the original topic of this thread - that Sheila Kennedy also has a version of him and what he supposedly did to her - in her mind. It is always one-sided. 

    I apologize for not blocking out your name in your passport. I simply did not find it necessary as it's an entirely different name than the one you post with on FB. You are the one who revealed "Jenn" now, in your user name around here. 

    I've been there too, by the way. People have taken my photos and shared them on groups and made up stories - and without asking me or blocking out my name. It is what it is, people are people. That's why I make sure not to share the truly personal stuff. 

    You, however, just like the other bandaid collectors/stalkers can't seem to wait to share your questionable behaviour everywhere and over and over. Which is ok. But stop the BS-ing and at least OWN your shit.



    Yes, insult. The last resort of someone who's been caught in their BS. You do not know me, or my personality, or anything about my life. Take a long hard look at yours and again, ask yourself WHY you want the used bandaids of a man you do not know. 

    I'm not stalking FB groups, the stalking is what you guys do. I'm a regular member of the one GNR group that y'all keep posting your stuff in. Again, just again today. These posts come up in my feed. It's how FB works. 

    And you seriously want to say collecting bandaids from 2017 is less questionable than from 2023, or what is your point here LOL Seriously, you are not healthy. Like the rest of your "trading" club. And deep down you know it. And that's why you've come here.

    Haha I knew you had too much free time. You take life way too seriously. It’s says Jenn on my passport. You are so obsessed with my friend and me. Look how much you care about a silly thing we do. And Axl loves us, he points to us and smiles and waves and has a special wave for my friend. We have video after video of it. 
    I know the bandaid thing is weird, I don’t care and I don’t try to change people’s opinions on it. It’s a silly thing, weird thing, kinda a game and Axl knows about it and plays along. 
    You won’t hurt my feelings, but my friend is sensitive and her feelings were hurt by all the negativity so of course I’ll try to stick up for her. I posted my pic at Axl’s gate and band aid pics recently to support her… and not one negative comment on mine. 
    And I take my kids to concerts so there will be no shock to them. 
    Oh and I was there when she gave her painting to Sebastian so not sure what’s wrong with that. 
    Still have no clue why things we do bother you so much or why you care so much. 
    I never claimed to be normal or not weird, I mean I’m probably one of the silliest gnr fans around. So why do you care if I’m weird? 

  5. 15 hours ago, Avillart said:

    What's also funny is that it looks a bit like a hostage situation. Especially in the last 3 pictures. You never see Beta's right hand and the way she seems to be pushing him back to the house, looking over her shoulder it's like she's holding a gun to his side and in the pic where he looks right into the camera his face seems to say "Help me, help me". 

    Sorry if that's silly, I just got back from Slash & Myles Kennedy tonight and found it somewhat disappointing. It's no party without Axl. 

    Also, since you have no problem posting my face on here, let’s see yours… oh wait I bet it matches your personality. 
    BTW the bandaids I’m holding are from 2017, handed to me at the rail by Alex Mendoza. Since you stalk the Facebook groups, you know who he is. Go ahead, call him a liar… I’ll wait … 

  6. On 4/14/2024 at 2:04 PM, Avillart said:

    Not to derail the thread any further but maybe this way everyone can judge for themselves if it's nonsense or not - I looked up some of those posts on FB I mentioned earlier on, so you guys can see for yourself. 







    You know what i think is weird and stalkerish, going to multiple different posts of mine, taking screen shots and then posting here. You didn’t block out my name in my passport so why draw the lines through to the name to pretend you are being respectful? 
    You need a life, we have a silly hobby, so what, why do you care? You know what’s weirder than collecting band aids, spending time talking about it and searching for multiple posts about it. 

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