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Posts posted by thomlarke

  1. 8 hours ago, El Guapo said:

    Maybe reviews like this are a good thing and make Slash realize he got a bit to comfortable and lazy with Myles.

    I mean, everybody loves Slash and he surely deserves his nice, safe little band.

    Myles is a great person, I'm sure.

    But man, Slash is really wasting his time and talent at this point.

    Hopefully all of this leads to new Guns music. You got Axl fucking Rose there, Slash. :)

    Axl Rose isn't Axl Fucking Rose anymore. To be fair to him, no one is really.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, D.Z.I. said:

    I think a throwback would be re-releasing the bad apples t-shirt (which is pretty cool).

    This pumpkin one is a rip-off of themselves, the only things they changed are the writing on the banner, added the pumpking pieces to the existing apple, and painted it orange. It’s so badly done and it sucks so much that the pumpkin they added to doesn’t even match the lines of the existing apple (specially noticeable at the top right where they painted the red apple peel orange).

    Last time Fernando was here, all he wanted to talk about was his involvment in this kind of stuff, proud of his work, patting himself on the back...

    I better shut up now or i’ll get in shit –again– for not choking on Fernando’s cock.

    How the hell can you rip off or plagiarize yourself? A person is free to use whatever they made before. What they did is a definition of a throwback.. This is because it consists of majority of the elements of what they did before, while inserting some new things in order to fit the Halloween occasion. I don't understand when you said that "they added to doesn’t even match the lines of the existing apple". From what I understand, You're also contradicting yourself a lot. You mentioned that you don't agree with the face that they are using an old product, and you disagreeing that you don't like that they changed it up? Or, are you referring to the fact it isn't done technically well? I don't see any problems with it - other than it is done in the same hand-drawn style as the previous shirt (which wasn't technically done well as well). Therefore, I think it was intentional, and hence, a throwback. My only gripe about the shirt is the fact that GnR is releasing Halloween products...


    Anyway, I would love if I can find this shirt or if GnR re-releases in its original form! Why don't they make merch like this anymore? D:




  3. 14 hours ago, D.Z.I. said:

    Reminds me too much of the Bad Apples one from the 90s. It was original and way cooler.




    EDIT: Holy crap, it is EXACTLY THE SAME SKULL. They don’t even put a minimum effort in their artwork. Recycled merch... what a shame of a band. Is there anything these guys get right? I blame Fernando on this one, isn’t he the merch/marketing genius behind this band?

    I actually think it's kind of cool that it is a bit of a throwback considering that the old merch was much more rad anyway.

    • Like 3
  4. I read somewhere that the reason why Axl attacked this guy was because the dude was being irritable throughout the entire night, being an asshole to the audience, and heckling Axl (when you watch the videos of the concert, you can tell there was some dude bothering Axl at the end of Dust N' Bones). Throughout the concert, Axl had a pretty hostile attitude about him as well. The posted article's screenshots might be biased but no where did it mention in those articles nor Axl himself indicate that there was any other reason but the camera. :facepalm: This particular article makes me think that I should be on Stump's side now. <_<


    According to this article, Axl goes on to say "And they think I did it just because I wanted to stop somebody from taking my picture. The camera was the last straw, the final thing. I was sick of, at that point, with the security in the front. There was a weird space in my mind the entire night. I was thinking, "Something isn't right up here. Why is there this weird attitude, this passiveness, in the security?" There was no feeling that they were on the same team as us. Their feelings towards the crowd wasn't right. A young boy and a girl were getting shoved over here while rowdy bikers are being allowed to do whatever they want. What is going on? I was very confused.  During "Jungle," I don't stand during "Jungle," I just stood there and watched a security guy shove a young kid and walk about four feet out into the aisle just to act tough and show the crowd that he was a man. Then he turned around to me with a smile of pride on his face. I looked at this slob while he was looking at me with this pride on his face and going, "See what I do to your fans?" It took me a couple of days to understand the look on his face… I was very confused. I was like, "What is going on with these guys?" 



  5. I think I read somewhere (a long time ago)...that Axl ended up seeing the guy in court and gave Stump an autograph after he asked him for it. Not sure if I am mixing up stories...

    Edit: I was right, :Phttps://www.questia.com/newspaper/1P2-32834812/axl-rose-settles-suit-on-an-upbeat-note

    "Jurors deliberated for about three hours Thursday before Judge Anna C. Forder announced the case was settled. Afterward, several jurors crowded around Rose for autographs.

    Stephenson got one, too.

    Inside the back cover of Stephenson's rock concert scrapbook, Rose scrawled, "Stump Axl G n' R 93."

    As he left the Civil Courts Building, Rose, 31, said he "didn't know what to think" of Stephenson's request for an autograph.

    "It was pretty wild to me," Rose said"


  6. 3 hours ago, Oldest Goat said:

    I agree it is bad taste.

    The way I interpret the original AFD cover is basically "there's always a bigger fish" and the rapist robot is about to get destroyed by the monster jumping the fence. Meaning it isn't glorifying the deed, like this stupid fan poster.

    Isn't the Saviour Robot creeping behind Rapist Robot though? Rapist Robot seems to have the expression of all the #MeToo guys that got caught. Hence, I don't think the poster is glorifying rape.

  7. 28 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    They were still an artistic entity though. Now they are all brand, to pasted upon products to sell tat. 

    Considering that you think they are just a brand only, are you even interested in any music that they might put out (since it seems very possible)? Or, would you already cast it away as cheap hogwash that was only made in order  to keep the cash rolling and to hide behind the guise of being a band? 

  8. 1 hour ago, Padme said:

    Three years ago Fernando would've loved to go to a Slash show. But Axl would've fired him :P

    Really? Remember Fernando grew up around Axl (he probably sees Axl as a weird uncle/bigbrother/father-figure hybrid). I'm sure in the early days, Axl talked trash about Slash, and that would have turned Fernando off.

  9. 3 minutes ago, MaskingApathy said:

    What's a dress up game?

    A girly virtual online game.  Basically, dressing up (putting on different outfits) on online dolls. Games like these are usually targeted toward pre-teen girls. There's no goal to it. It's just for stupid fun.

  10. Not sure if this is the place to post this...but during a late-night/insomnia-induced internet exploring of GN'R related things...I found an Axl Rose Dress-Up Game, LOL. It took me back to my childhood when I was 7-11 when I used to sometimes play dress-up games on the Internet (Stardoll was huge hit).  It features some notable outfits of his, and some precious cheeky items. :P Axl would surely want to murder (sue) whoever made that game, :lol:.


    Here's the link: https://www.deviantart.com/princeofredroses/art/Dress-Up-Axl-W-Rose-297623053  

    • Like 1
  11. On 9/28/2018 at 8:42 PM, dgnr said:

    Ok, I have to post this cause I am mad!! Like, really mad. And this is the women's thread so I think we all need to talk about this here. GNR posted this pic on their instagram. And I just can't believe in the mischievousness of those comments. People are just talking about the size of her boobs and the comments are really fuckin offensive!! What's wrong with this fan base? :fuckyou:

    This pic was taken at Download Madrid, the girl was near me in the crowd. In the middle of Patience she showed her boobs, Kat was at the rail, noticed it and took a pic. This girl was so happy when Kat noticed her and took the pic, she thanked her so much. Kat laughed and everyone cheered, it was a fun moment. After, the girl went back to enjoy the show. I think it was a meaningful moment for the girl, she even commented on this same pic. But then what do you see? People making jokes - some of them really evil - about the size of her boobs. WTF? I can only imagine this girl and her friends reading all these comments! Why can't people just appreciate a pic? What pre-conceived idea exists in people minds about women bodies? If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, right? It's a sad world this one. I'm mad :anger:


    I was so fucking mad when I saw those comments. SHE'S BEAUTIFUL.

    • Confused 1
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