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Posts posted by Houdini8585

  1. 3 hours ago, JimiRose said:

    No. Absurd was written 9 years after UYI was released by a completely different version of the band. More likely just continuity in fonts that they use. Hardschool has also been sound checked several times and is on the setlist. Who knows why they chose absurd or whether it's linked to a new album or a stand alone release or what. But it definitely has zero to do with UYI. 

    Yeah, I understand it was written later. Was just throwing out random scenarios. Since the style of the single art work is a lot like UYI era art work. So wondered if there is a clue of what’s coming up? 

    Also, UYI had some pretty whacked songs, so making part 3 with Absurd featured feels like it could fit well. Just a thought….

  2. If this has been mentioned before or not in the correct place remove/delete.

    The 1st thing I thought when seeing the cover for the single Absurd was the style/font that was similar to the UYI era. Also the G’N’FN’R logo from the UYI era on the single cover.

    Since this year is the 30th Anniversary of the double LP, do you all think there is a chance that their will be an anniversary edition and is Absurd linked to this. Or possible a UYI 3 & 4 along with re-release remastered  of UYU I & II…?

    Since there is no promotion of any kind of release before the September 17th 2021 date (maybe dude to the pandemic) this is probably not be the case. But who knows….https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Guns+N+Roses+Absurd&client=safari&hl=en&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6hIvtyrPyAhXihv0HHWWcDHwQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=326&bih=481&dpr=2#imgrc=9PxMaPd0f30xnM


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