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Posts posted by Debt

  1. 1 hour ago, allwaystired said:

    Looks like there's a whole discussion going on about here without me, but nice to be missed. I haven't seen the clip, nor am I interested in watching, nor have I seen any clips of Axl performing for a long time, so have no idea what his voice sounds like, unless I read people on here discussing it. 

    Given I abandoned pointing out to you though that yes, his voice IS something people are interested in, I guess you had no choice to pursue the issue into another thread. 

    Good to see the latest addition to a  long line of posters with very few posts who seem to gravitate towards mentioning me often too. 

    Almost like, you know, it might be the same person or something. That would surely be madness though. Nothing like that EVER happens in the bizarre world of GNR fandom. 

    Don't worry though, I'll pop you on the block list too though, just in case.

    Might be wise to move on to someone else now. Perhaps someone that actually does have a view on Axl's voice (seems to be quite a few on this thread for you to get your teeth into).

    You can continue quoting me and mentioning me if you like- I won't see it or read it. Whatever gets you through the day. 

    Apologies to everyone else for clogging up a thread about quite a  sensitive and sad issue with this sort of nonsense. 


    Thank you for permission. 

  2. 16 hours ago, allwaystired said:

    "Nobody gives a fuck about Axl's voice"? 

    Well, that simply isn't true is it? 

    I absolutely guarantee you every single review of GNR live in about 20 years has mentioned his voice in some way. 

    If you can find me a review, anywhere in the 'media' that doesn't say "anything about Axl's voice" I'll stand corrected. 

    It's absolutely bonkers to say no-one cares and people won't mention it. 


    I said give a fuck. Nobody cares. People might mentioned it, but nobody is invested in the state of his voice.

  3. On 1/15/2023 at 3:30 AM, allwaystired said:

    Yeah, don't take it too seriously as ultimately it's a band playing a festival and doesn't really matter......but in a discussion about said band playing said festival I think it's understandable that people are pointing out that the band aren't really going to come across too well when vast amounts of people sitting at home get to see and hear what they sound like now. Glastonbury is a huge deal in the UK- not just as a festival but as a TV show. It gets a huge audience on the biggest TV channel in the country and is a big talking point that has had a really big impact on bands- hence why they agree to play it for a fraction of the amount they get paid at other festivals. 

    Denying that people are going to tear it shreds is just wrong, as the standard of headline acts is really judged and acts always do something special new, fresh, unique as they treat it as a big deal. If GNR don't, people won't be kind. I assure you of that! But ultimately, yeah, who cares. If the band turn up sloppy, unrehearsed and sounding like they have been doing, then it's on them. 

    You covered all your bases in this post. GNR will be fine. Nobody gives a fuck about Axl’s voice. The concert will come and pass without the media saying anything about Axl’s voice. Most people understand he is 60. 

  4. 5 hours ago, allwaystired said:

    Where would you have seen them if you're not actively seeking it out? 

    This will be the first time TV audiences in the UK have seen them for many, many years. That's not an opinion- just a fact. 

    Haha! Sure. 

    Thats my take. I dont take it that seriously. Its cool GNR are playing Glastonbury. There is no negative about it.

    • Like 1
  5. 23 hours ago, allwaystired said:

    Glastonbury could be terrible for them. 

    If they don't REALLY perform well they'll get torn to shreds by people as it goes out live on TV here and Brits are notoriously brutal with this sort of thing! 

    For many people this will be the first time they've seen proper footage of the band in years and years, and I can't see them being kind. 




    Why? Axl’s voice is not atrocious. Musically the band is a beast. GNR are fine.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 3 hours ago, K00b4 said:

    Waiting for all those announcements and tour dates so long made me wonder about one thing.

    Maybe we've already crossed the time when the train called The Never F'n Ending Tour started to get slower and slower?

    In 2022, the band did many great n' awesome performances, and though i once had much fun being there personally, i had an everlasting feeling of something getting worn out, diminishing in scale and possibly ending soon, at least in the form that we know it now.

    I won't say that the Hyde Park is the only show of 2023, but who knows, huh? Maybe the constant touring is getting harder to organise etc. or there are other major reasons behind it, many of which have already been mentioned here - we never know.

    I think i just have a thought in mind that 2023 will finally bring some changes to the GNR touring reality, that's why we're waiting. 

    I might as well be wrong, and if so, see you in some of the 2023 Europe shows!




    It does feel stale. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

    I agree that Doug doesn't have a good recollection and insight, especially regarding the creative aspect of the band, which he wasn't involved with at all in all periods. He also confuses events and timings, has repeatedly contradicted himself about certain incidents (e.g. about Slash and Duff signing over the band name to Axl) and, of course, tells the story in a way that makes him look like the "good guy" and takes credit for achievements that were not his.

    However, that doesn't mean that each and every thing he says is made up or embellished. I find the story about Axl's attempted suicide believable - according to Doug, Axl's depressive state at the time was a combination of what happened with Stephanie and what was happening with the band.

    His recollection of events is abysmal. Especially for a guy who purports to be sober for the entire experience with GNR. I was always surprised he knew very little about the making of Chinese Democracy. That post about Christ was a perfect example of how delusional and out of touch about shit Doug can be with reality. One of my points is He had to be corrected by Brando multiple times about the timeline of the band and events. If fans know more than him then how could he write a credible book. I think he is the cancer of GNR. 

    • Like 2
  8. 52 minutes ago, Gambit83 said:

    Everything seemed fine, just that agency guy fucked the whole thing up. Tells me that you're not supposed to write the whole book first, just send in chapters to be approved. Gtfo, I write how I write. 

    You made an excellent point in your podcast that any author trying to organize Doug’s thoughts would be a task in itself. After hearing many of his stories I feel Doug doesnt have good insight into his past with GNR. The story about Beta calling him to get a gun out if Axl’s mouth because he drove everyone out of the band sounded embellished. He also had little to do with Chinese Democracy musically. I think that editor did you a favor.

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