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Posts posted by Estranged24

  1. Just read this on blabbermout.net.  He certainly has come along way from 'One In a Million.'

    'Immigrants and hooray for tolerance!ts, they make no sense to me...'

    GUNS N' ROSES Frontman Has Gay Workout - Dec. 13, 2002

    GUNS N' ROSES frontman Axl Rose unknowingly ended up in a mostly gay gym in Tacoma before the group kicked off their U.S. tour, Star magazine has reported. "The boys were frantic," a source at the gym revealed. "They didn't know if he was even going to stay. He looked pretty surprised. But he stayed, and they just started running up to him for autographs. He signed every one of them." Axl even waited patiently in line for many of the weightlifting contraptions without insulting anyone or acting up.  

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  2. I found this on blabbermouth.net, can anyone tell me if there is some truth to this story?

    Chicago Sun-Times: AXL ROSE Close To Checking Himself Into Psychiatric Clinic - Dec. 11, 2002

     The cancellation of the first GUNS 'N ROSES tour in nearly a decade is directly due to lead singer Axl Rose's increasingly bizarre behavior, according to Chicago Sun-Times columnist Bill Zwecker. "Always an eccentric in the admittedly wild world of rock music, Rose has close friends and associates extremely concerned over his mental state during the last couple of months," Bill writes in his column published today. "The singer himself has openly admitted he's battling inner demons. ''I managed to get enough of myself together to do this,' the New York Post quotes Rose as telling a Madison Square Garden concert crowd last week.

    "Sources say Rose is very close to checking himself into a psychiatric clinic to deal with 'exhaustion' and a number of other emotional problems. Famous for his outrageousness, the aging rocker lately 'has been even more whacked than usual,' a longtime pal tells this column.

    "For this tour, Rose even traveled with his own psychiatrist, whose major responsibility apparently was convincing him it was important for his mental health to get onstage nightly and perform.

    "Obviously that didn't work Friday, when Rose refused to appear for a Philadelphia gig — effectively ending the tour."  

  3. Hello fellow gunners...I am new here to the forum and I feel like this is a good place to talk about what happened to the GN'R tour.  I had floor seats for MCI Center in DC this Monday so you can imagine how dissapointed I was when I learned the news. Does anyone feel like I do?  At first angry and then questioning loyalty to Axl and GN'R etc?  I mean, based on everything I have read, it seems to me that Clear Channel is the one to blame.  Whether it is because of poor ticket sales or Axl's irratic behavior I am not sure. As a fan for 12 years of GN'R I do feel that it would only make sense that Axl or the GN'R camp should make some kind of a statement about what happened?  I am not even asking for an apology as much as a reason to clear up all the unanswered questions.  For once Axl, how about an answer to the top 10 Questions we as fans have.  Why did the tour end?  Will you tour again and if so with who? Is Chinese Democracy going to see the light of day this millenium?  Can't you and Slash/Duff/Izzy work things out? I guess I am just venting here but it seems as though we as fans have waited and waited and don't have much to show for it. Isn't about time Axl just come out and say, look here is what happened, here is what I am doing now, and the album is coming out on this day...Not spring of 2003 but an actual day.  Those of us who are true fans will still by tickets to see GN'R and will be first in line to buy the new album.  If the music is good, it will speak for itself and the rest of the world will follow. These are just my thoughts...

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