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Posts posted by Stryder

  1. I was more impressed with GH1 for the vocals though. It prob took me a few months to notice it wasnt the original singers. On both GH's there is like a bonus video you can buy with game credits thingyes, but anyway, it shows the people singing the songs. and it is the same people from the first one. This only makes me mad becuase the are just employees of Wavegroup, that is who made GH. I mean they really fucked up on this one bad. Even if they didn't get the origianl artist, couldnt they have at least searched for an actual singer that was a little bit closer that Phil the sound guy. My only vote for best song vocals and playing together, would have to be Woman by Wolfmother.

    :anger: STRYDER :anger:

  2. SO I just got GH2 today and got to Sweet Child O' Mine. Playing it is absolutely amazinr ang quite possibly one of the funniest things ever, but. The person who is singing is horrifying!!!!!!!It sucks. there is only one note that sounds even close to Axl, im actually kinda pissed about it. Cuz it actually ruins the song. yes it is that bad

    :anger: STRYDER :anger:

  3. Holy Shit everybody, I'm not sure if it has been posted yet because I couldn't find it. Sweet Child O' Mine is on Guitar Hero 2. Go to www.guitarherogame.com and on the bottom there is a track player of the newest trackes from the game. And GNR is #9.

    I cant fuckin wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    :anger: STRYDER :anger:

  4. All i know is that since they have broke up they sold 30 Million. Hell thats more than some bands sell why they are together and still playing with one another. I say this on a Vh1 special about VR

    :anger: STRYDER :anger:

    also that number might be larger becuase I dont know if the Greatest Hits Album was out yet.

  5. I F'in love the beginnin og CITR, I mean Axl's voice just barely coming in and out, it is soo fucking cool. I recently found a website that lets you listen to it whenever, so i have been listen to it everyday, the keyboard, electrnoic bart is kinda weird though, but the beginning is the best intro i have heard since sweet child o Mine, im being seious, and if you dont like that Suck On Guns N' Fucking Roses,,, Peace Out

    :anger: STRYDER :anger:

  6. Of course we are all GNR fans, but I'm a Zeppelin fan as well. And I think Zeppelin is better. I know everyone is gonna hate me, but Plant is better than Axl, Page is better than Slash. I just like em more.

    :anger: STRYDER :anger:

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