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Posts posted by fade

  1. Enter the Chicken is an awesome album but it doesn't compare to his other ones. I hope Bucket remains on the album. He was an integral part of the sound, it really hurt GN'R when he left. Oh and in reference to Del's comment. He was talking about the show, Frank and BBF played on tracks at the shows that will appear on CD. I HIGHLY doubt that Frank and BBF re-recorded parts for the album, if thats true I doubt we will get it this year. But hell, I can't see the album ever being released to be honest...

    Most of Buckethead's albums are different to each other. Some are more popular than others. While i really like some of his albums there are others i donotlike so much. Enter the Chicken didn't grab me at first, as i prefer the Buckethead albums without lyrics, but now i have grown to really like Enter the Chicken. Tracks 2 and 3 contain some really extreme vocals, Axl would have fitted well onto both tracks. Enter the Chick aka Buckethead and Friends, i wonder if Axl was approached? (maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. Maybe Axl and Bucket are not friends anymore, maybe they are, maybe they never really were, who knows?)

    I highly doubt Axl was even thought about for Enter the Chicken. It's pretty much a Buckethead/Serj album with other guests.

  2. Enter the Chicken is an awesome album but it doesn't compare to his other ones. I hope Bucket remains on the album. He was an integral part of the sound, it really hurt GN'R when he left. Oh and in reference to Del's comment. He was talking about the show, Frank and BBF played on tracks at the shows that will appear on CD. I HIGHLY doubt that Frank and BBF re-recorded parts for the album, if thats true I doubt we will get it this year. But hell, I can't see the album ever being released to be honest...

  3. Honestly, why do you all care? Fuck Del James, he is no one. What he says or does means nothing. Why can't you all just move on and enjoy the band and the music. Why give a shit what some fat balding guy thinks? Because he's Axl's friend? It's obvious his little article wasn't his own total opinion. Just let it be.

  4. for fucks sake... another day, another bullshit thread from Kaneda....

    Please someone tell me why this is allowed?

    Because it's true. The only thing that keeps you and everyone else from seeing that is blind loyalty. I'm not saying that's bad but sometimes you need to open your eyes and see the negative aspects of things. Especially when the negative is the most abundant aspect.

  5. I really want them to keep bucket's chunks in there. He is an amazing guitarist and his parts on better are the most rockin parts of the song. I don't think its such a huge deal that he was there to do what he does and not be a full fledged member of the band. His whole career he's played with numerous musicians and bands. BTW, I saw him live twice and was blown away. Saw him here in ny twice but missed him last week. My friend in philly said he played a 3 hour show with a guy (that one guy and his magic pipe) who is now playing with him all the time. I know not everyone is into bucket or his music, but he has a tremendously wide range in terms of what kind of music he can play. I say keep him on the record.

    I saw Buckethead and That 1 Guy in Chicago. Fucking amazing show. I pray that Bucket is still on the album.

  6. cool

    also buckethead still rocks the pants off most people

    Yep, aside from what most of the retards here will have us believe about Buckethead, he is easily one of the best, if not the best, guitarists performing and releasing music today.

  7. Does anyone else see troubled waters ahead for this band, especially for a rift between Axl and Ron over Axl's behavior? I think it's pretty obvious Axl doesn't care for the fans nearly as much as Ron does, if at all. And they seem to have a much different standard for their self-conduct and behavior. I see Ron getting disgusted with Axl's behavior as the months go on and this possibly causing a divide in the band between them.

  8. The only thing I can agree with is that these new songs are not AFD or UYI quality. That does not mean they suck. Please tell me what is better? What's out there right now that is better??? Tell me because I want to know. Because I can't finding anything better. Maybe you think Brinteny Spears or Maroon 50 is better? Or are you still mesmerized by the last Motley Crew album?

    What a sad excuse. Of course there is better music out there, don't be lazy, search for it. One of my personal favorites is The Mars Volta.

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