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Posts posted by Marshall175

  1. ...when you look at the path other artists are taking, when you look at the promotion surrounding other major 2006 releases...

    it is then you realise that Axl is not one of these type of artists.

    If he was, you wouldn't like him. He does things however the fuck he wants. We know that there will be little notice, if any, before it comes out.

    If it comes, it comes, if not, at least we have some shows to go to, which is more than we had last year. So quit bitchin....

  2. the song is NOT about previous band members, has nothing to do with them.

    Axl released a statement that basically said what the song is about, so there is no need for any kind of speculation.

    The lyrics are about his family, the abuse that he suffered, and their attempts to keep it quiet and not talk about it, basically.

    Read the statement, I am sure you can find it at HTGTH.

  3. Download as much as possible.

    You may never see teh real thing, and if you don't download them, you are only cheating yourself.

    I have always said, there is one sure-fire way to stop the leaks....put out the album

    but that's not even on the radar yet, so download away.... :shades::shades:

  4. Congratulations, you just shared a beer with a guy who sucked Marilyn Manson's dick. :rofl-lol:

    It was the other way 'round ;) Although supposedly Finck did once make out with Dave Nevarro...

    I think that it was Twiggy Ramirez and Dave Navarro, not Finck.

    Anyways, Finck is married...

  5. some of you seriously have shit for brains.......

    Robin is awsome, he has proven himself,

    Slash is great, but either move on, or fuck off, u don't like Robin, go to Velvet Revolver.com, or whutever, it aint changing, so quit pissing the rest of us off

  6. Robin Finck has clearly stepped up as a leader in this band. His playing is way better than before, although it was good before, he exudes confidence, seems relaxed,(as did the whole band)

    he has been doing his homework. He was clearly having a good time, as was the entire band.

    this is not the same band I saw in 2002. Not even close.

    anyone hav e apic of one of the first couple songs where he was weearing the jacket and shades?

  7. anyone who thinks that Axl doesn't kow which songs leaked, and what versions they were, might want to stop smoking crack.

    Axl knows whats going on, he reads the internet.

    Seriously, this is his baby, I think he wants to know what was leaked, I mean it ain't hard tto find out.

  8. i think he has a dumb bell and is working out, killing time til he throws in a few more inaudible effects, that you can't hear until you get the recording...

    but oh, welll, i am sure he is an integral part of Silworms, I say keep him around

  9. yeah stinson isn't very loyal, is he?

    Let's see, idiots, since he joined he has never left, never talked bad about axl, and all he said about the old stuff was that he wasn't a fan, and I believe that Fortus has said the same thing.

    through rumors, cancelled tours, cancelled shows, hair extensions gone wrong, Tommy hasn't even seemed frustrated, he just did what he did, including putting out arguably one the best albums of 2004.

    i think whoever started this thread can kiss his ass, and balls, too.

  10. they toured without an album, but at least there was a single and video out.


    Axl Rose may as well be dead, except that he is preventing people from releasing his music now, so he must be alive.

    He lied in Rio when he said that he didn't want to deprive us of that which we enjoy.

    He is enjoying a decade long game of "Dangle the Carrot!"

  11. 1. Catcher in the Rye

    2. Madagascar

    3. The Blues

    4. Better

    5. There was a Time

    6. IRS

    7. Silk Worms

    8. Chinese Democracy

    9. Rhiad/Oh My God

    Thats how i rank them, as songs.

    I think there will be more rockers on the album, we just have heard a sampling of whats to come.

  12. that's an interesting idea... if for some reason they don't release before Rio, do they play the leaked songs?

    That would be strange as Merck wants them buried, but at the same time, a tour with the same setlist as last time would be very stupid, in my opinion

    I would be very disappointed, as I am sure many of you will be

    At this point, I will be surprised if they actually do these shows, except maybe Rio

    we have been here before....this is a great chance for Axl, but then so was 2001, right after Rio, and so was 2002, so Axl is good at missing huge oppurtunities, so we will see

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