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Posts posted by fifthOfWhiskey

  1. I think he avoids the UYI material because that material is associated with a time that he no longer wants the GNR name, (which he owns), to reflect. He wants to forget the garish, over produced GNR and come back reinvented as an incredible rock band with incredible talent that is reminiscent of the band that made Appettite.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if there were some legal issues involved as well.

    The UYI era was entirely of Axl's own making. We waited years for it to come out, (these were teen years for me so they seemed longer then four years does now!), and what came out was very different to the band we all loved, (Metallica fans know what I mean...). I think it's sad that he peaked so early and I hope he can come back again.

    The last time I saw him was in Albany NY in 2002. Other than the constant trips back stage, ( see: pure oxygen ), he was incredible. The set list for this tour looks awful similar to the set list for that tour though. How many times do you shell out the better part of $100 to see and hear 1/5 of something you loved?

    They should do ALOT more new stuff. I am tired of paying for "Oldies but goodies". The set list has like three new songs on it, (are the Blues and CD still new if you are already tired of them? ), "Better" being the only truly new song. I want new music. NOW. JMO.

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