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Posts posted by >you

  1. I have perfect pitch - it's not a HUGE skill that people act like it is.

    Basically, it's like hearing a voice. I bet you all know at least 20 people who you can recognise just by the sound of their voice. Once you learn to recognise all of the voices (notes) A - G#, it's not hard.

    And replicating them with your voice is just a few vocal lessons + alot of practise away.

    I would be very surprised if all of the musicians (except possibly the drummer) DIDN'T have perfect pitch.

    And yeah, I'd agree that Buckethead is definatly virtuous. I personally don't like his playing, but he is still extremely talented. It's just that a whole bunch of bells and whistles don't really impress me as much as a well placed simple hammer-on or bend.

    not very many people have perfect pitch, it is infact very rare to have, only musician that comes to mind that has perfect pitch is Yngwie

    and i think your getting perfect pitch mixed up with relative pitch

    and Slash is a virtuoso, being a virtuoso is not just about being able to play fast its about knowing your instrument being comfortable with it and being able to get the sound out of it that you want to get, and slash does that very well

  2. like what binge said

    i like the riff and i like the solo but together they dont mix

    the solo kinda eats up the riff, something a ltitle less melodic (not quite the right word) as the rhythm would work better behind the solo, some hard power chords or even some strummed open chords would sound good

  3. satriani is not over rated, look at top 100 best guitar player lists that magazines publish, neither him or vai are ever in there

    the most underated is gary moore

    overated has got to either be jack white, or kurt cobain, how they make it into the top 20 of these lists i do not know

  4. metallica shits all over nirvana everyday, nirvana wrote some good music but they are responsible for fucking up the last decade and a bit of music, i dont understad it after nirvana everyone figured it was cool to not know how to play guitar, look at all t he nu metal bands that are finally dieing down, they all suck ass at guitar or choose to not play anything hard

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