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Posts posted by pierce

  1. I just came from a 3 day business trip and am extremely tired, so is it real what I see and read? Axl himself answering fan questions?!?

    I mean I cannot believe it, how has all this started, what is the timeline, did he just pop out of nowhere and started posting on all my favourite forums?!??!?

    Totally surreal, silence all this years and now such in depth, sincere, ''no problem I will tell and explain you all'' atitude, respect Axl.

    I was listening to CD a lot and and i cought myself asking why Axl doesn't comment on anything... boy I was wrong.. am really curious where all

    this is going...

    it is interesting, in a hey day I was brought into guns cause of media frenzy, but since late '99 (thanks Jarmo) I am a part of this CD saga.. and i realized

    it is almost only because of great live numbers, leaks and masterpiece new music... i even don't need any videos or promos, guns music can do just fine by itself

    to Axl: congrats man, i thought i would never see this day, with CD out and now all this, you really know how to make great music

    I wish you all the best, I consider you the best musician that has ever lived, long live Mr. Rose, regards from Slovenia, - Peter

  2. + first photo where he looks like old Axl again, if he would have a bandana and a full beard (hey this is the first picture after 98 where he has beard, even though I don't like the goatee, but full beard would fuckin rock) and if he would wear a normal outfit (I hate this jerseys and bling style) that would be the Axl I like and that would be the best comeback I could imagine, based on his looks of course...

    - Korn? Good Charlotte? Dear lord, at first I was WTF, that is not the company I would like to see Axl with, really bad, well after seeing who else was there I was like... well ok...

    Wanted: photo of Axl and Jessica Alba and all the gossip of what Axl was saying to people who attended this event and what did they think of his presence there

    I wonder what will follow...

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